Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Israeli embassy in Mexico on fire as protesters express anger over Rafah massacre

from PressTV

Angry demonstrators have torched the Israeli embassy in Mexico City to denounce the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, after clashes erupted between law enforcement and protesters.

Pro-Palestinian protesters participated in the "Urgent action for Rafah" and voiced their outrage at the embassy of the Israeli occupation, which was set on fire by protesters with the use of Molotov cocktails.

Protesters concealed their identities and hurled stones at the riot police in retaliation to their crackdown against the protest by obstructing their way to the compound and tear-gassing them.

A clash with law enforcement ensued when a group of demonstrators attempted to dismantle the barriers obstructing their access to the diplomatic mission.

There were unverified reports of several people injured in the chaos.

Mexico, on Tuesday, filed an intervention declaration in South Africa's case accusing Israel of "genocide" at the International Court of Justice...

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