Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New Pandemic of the Vaccinated is Upon Us

 by Scott Creighton


All those experimental mRNA jabs are sitting around in warehouses doing no billionaires any good so all of a sudden we have a summer of Covid facing us once more.

It's the new Pandemic of the Vaccinated, folks. Watch this sales pitch from some TV 'news' outlet down under as they get their own 'journalist' to play the part of the sick guy to push their audience to get out there and get more jabs. Get a booster jab. Get the antivirals. Get it all they say. That's 'news' folks.

Notice he mentions he has already had a total of 6 'vaccines' for Covid-19 and this is NOT his first bout with the Rona.

That's a hell of a good product there, right?

Pfizer's stock is dropping. Sales are next to zero. They have a lot of product waiting to be jabbed into unwitting arms so here we go again with yet another Plandemic fear mongering campaign.

Yeah, the Bird Flu is next on the program for us but that doesn't mean they are going to stop trying to move their existing product. Lots of tests to be run on the gullible during the Pandemic of the Vaccinated.

Good luck folks.

1 comment:

  1. Very opportune this up now, but maybe only for 1 day.
    NO link in the vid itself to utube like Part 1 had, so have to watch it here.
    44 minutes just as was Part 1.
    Can hit "transcript" button lower right video panel, and get a real-time rh side text playing/advancing as he speaks, with vid playing in the lh side.

    Gives exact doses and times/days of which compounds u need to get out the venom peptides bound to those cell exterior docking sites.
    Covers the turbo cancers, including those blastoma brain cancers.
    All kinds of very related research info going on since the 1980's on venom for use in rx drugs and cosmetics.
    Ozempics only the most recent glaring travesty, ongoing.
    Mentions the doc who identified 18 snake venom peptides in the clotshots, mainly from king cobra and krate, PLUS more from other species totaling about 30.

    Important especially going forward in time because EVERYONE will be accumulating these toxins thru the proprietary blend pesticides sprayed on food crops for ?? years now, perhaps even 1 generation to now, and even just air breathing or wind spray carrying onto organic fields.
    Not to mention from chemtrail spraying?
    Nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant,...) has very high among all edibles of nicotine and will provide constant cycling out of the body of the venom toxins taken in, but note it's actually a puny amount per serving compared to a 2mg or 4 mg nicotine gum dosage.
    England i remember the news when it came out they are now using a spider venom based pesticide openly there on crops (unsure if just vegetables, or grains too).

    Mentions 1 of the key symptoms of the "long covid" severely depleted energy/exhaustion/chronic fatigue caused in part by depletion of COPPER which is absolutely needed for ATP production by the mitochondria.

    In illness, body puts out its stored COPPER from the LIVER into circulation, to help boost energy production! As usual, medisin has it ass backwards claiming high copper levels detected are a nasty free radical generator.
    So, no liver reserves of copper from eating depleted foods will over perhaps years mean in onset of an emergency illness or insult injury, there's NO extra boost of energy for all that cell repair, running a juiced up immune system ,..

    Glyphosate, insidious enough becuz body mistakes it for plain glycine amino acid highly present in cartilage and muscle, is a metals chelator and strips out ALL metals, including from the very plants grown sprayed with it.

    Episode 8 Bonus Interview - Part 2 with Dr. Bryan Ardis
    (The Truth About Turbo Cancers and the COVID Vaxx)
