Sunday, May 26, 2024

No reason to recognize Palestinian state: Germany's Scholz

 (He ignores the June 1967 accord which set the Green Line borders of Israel and Palestine which the vast majority of the world recognize. He does this because, like the Americans, he suggests he is waiting for Israel and Palestine to 'negociate' new borders which will allow for Zionist Israel to keep much of the land they have stolen since 1967. Of course, important to that process is making Palestine's negotiation position as weak as possible. Scumbag)

from Daily Sabah

The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, said Berlin – which is accused of facilitating Israel's genocide against Palestinians in Gaza – has no plans to recognize Palestine as a state, contrary to the decision of three European countries to do so.

There is "no reason” to recognize the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a separate state, Scholz said Friday in response to a question by a journalist at a news conference with Portuguese Prime Minister Luis Montenegro.

"There is no clarity about the national territory or about all other questions that are related to it,” Scholz said while adding it’s "not that far yet.”

He reiterated the need for "a negotiated solution between Israel and the Palestinians that amounts to a two-state solution,” which he said also includes a Palestinian Authority that is responsible for the West Bank and Gaza.

"But we’re not there yet,” said Scholz, adding that now it is about "achieving a longer-term ceasefire" and "ensuring that everyone involved commits to the two-state solution"...

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