Thursday, May 23, 2024

Israeli opposition calls on Netanyahu to recognize Palestine

from Daily Sabah

Former Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid addresses a rally against the judicial overhaul plan outside the Knesset in Jerusalem, March 27, 2023. (EPA File Photo)

The leader of Israel's opposition party, Yair Lapid, called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to recognize Palestinian sovereignty under certain conditions, as three more European countries announced their recognition on Wednesday.

Lapid, a centrist Yesh Atid party leader, made his comments after Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced early Wednesday that they would recognize Palestine as a state effective on May 28.

Lapid, however, blamed National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for preventing Netanyahu from adopting such a position, the local Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported.

"Netanyahu should declare that under certain conditions and specific guarantees, he is willing to accept a future Palestinian state that joins in fighting terrorism,” he said. However, he did not go into detail during a press conference about these conditions and guarantees, or the nature of the cooperation from the proposed Palestinian state.

Criticizing extremist Ben-Gvir, the opposition leader said he "does not allow” Netanyahu to announce his readiness to recognize Palestine as a state, describing the current situation as "the madness we are living in.”

"This will not happen with this government. We need to send (Netanyahu government) it home and form an effective one,” Lapid asserted...

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