Friday, May 31, 2024

Biden move on Ukraine puts world into ‘new reality’ – NYT

(I wonder which foreign government put pressure on him to let Zelenski start WWIII? Yeah, you guessed it... Israel)

from RT

Ukrainian troops are likely to start firing US-donated weapons at targets in Russia's Belgorod Region this week, after Washington relaxed restrictions on where they can be used, reports in the Western press have confirmed.

US President Joe Biden previously maintained that to avoid “World War III,” American arms sent to Ukraine could not target what the US considers Russian territory. The policy change allows Kiev to attack exclusively military targets that pose a direct threat to Kharkov Region, which borders Russia’s Belgorod Region and has seen intense fighting this month. Russian troops made significant territorial gains in the area.

”This is a new reality,” a senior US official told The New York Times, “and perhaps a new era” in the Ukraine conflict. Biden appears to be the first American president to authorize attacks against a nuclear-armed nation on its soil, the newspaper noted on Thursday.

The NYT report provides a detailed account on how Biden’s opinion was moved by foreign pressure and members of his administration...

read more here

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