Monday, May 27, 2024

The WHO's Pandemic Preparedness agenda has FAILED. YES, NOW! I explain why. Don't be fooled.

from Meryl Nass

No, you don’t have to wait until the fat lady sings. Its OVER!!!

The entire pandemic preparedness project has been rolled out through lies and stealth. Globalists created legal documents that are replete with euphemisms and flowery language, always disguised to hide the documents’ true intentions. But we saw through them and didn’t let them get away with it!

And that is what they are doing today, attempting to make people think they can still pull it together. They don’t want you to savor this sweet victory.

But they are not stopping me from pulling out the corks and dancing. The treaty cannot be resurrected from the ashes. It is not a Phoenix, despite what some want you to think. This was the foundational agreement for the Treaty:

[A]s negotiators are fond of stressing: “nothing is decided until everything is decided.” I heard this over and over and over as I watched the proceedings and read about the negotiations. Yet the phrase is hard to find today wrt the WHO. I suspect the thought police have scrubbed it from the search engines.

So NOTHING in the treaty can rise from the ashes of the negotiations to be voted on this week. The treaty is done. People now understand what it was about, what was in it, and how it was the first step to a One World Government. They have said NO to all that.

What about the IHR amendments? While it is true that some articles in the amendments had the agreement of negotiators, and could be voted on, the agreed-upon items were not the dangerous ones. They tended to be the flowery language ones, not the meaningful ones. With a single exception: interestingly, the negotiators were fine telling nations to surveil their citizens and combat misinformation and disinformation, i.e., they were find with censorship and propaganda...

read more here


  1. Just one facet of realizing well ahead all the hyped-up horseshit lies & propaganda about not just this latest "killer" (0.007% fatal, by their own admission), but any/all poisons aka "viruses" from the get go.


    217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.

    "It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"

  2. "Won't get fooled again!"---where have I heard that b4??

    Looking like AT MOST they will offer up a token smirking turd, one Dr. Morens the underling at those running house hearings as the lone sacrificial goat in this Murderna-cide, and let all the others everywhere media, hackademia,...not just in all those alphabet "health" agencies merrily skate away, skip away, or in true turd metaphor fashion just quietly float away downstream, at some point making landfall, taking root and and spawning a new megascam to make more uncountable santa happy sacks of loot.

    But at least it is total one hearing and one 'poi" or suspect in the entire 5-eyes world countries. That's 1 more than all the investigations, hearings and suspects being conducted/grilled in russia and china combined!
