Friday, May 31, 2024

Netanyahu's Spoiled Brat Son Calling for Greater Kurdistan Project to Steal Still More Land in Middle East

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Here is a news report on this brat talking about Greater Kurdistan. Photo on this page shows him with a swollen coke-face.

Bibi Netanyahu's son is calling for the completion of the Greater Kurdistan project. Busting off large parts of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran to form one new nation, controlled entirely by US and Israeli business interests.

Birthpangs of the New Middle East if you will.

 'Yair Netanyahu took to Instagram to denounce the ‘occupation and repression of Kurdistan’ by its neighbors'


It's all kicking off now folks. Got to get more wars going to keep people from focusing on daddy's genocide in Gaza.

Biden seems to be a comatose puppet at the hands of the MIC, Zionists and financiers. He's just rubber stamping whatever crazy shit those neocons put in front of him.

1 comment:

  1. Biden: Israel has proposed a ‘comprehensive new proposal’
    Al Jazeera English
    23K views 1 hour ago
