Thursday, May 23, 2024

Israel uses US weapons to kill Palestinian ‘children without restraint’, rights group says

from PressTV


A Geneva-based rights group says Israel is using American weapons to kill Palestinian "children without restraint" in the besieged Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, calling on the United States to stop shipping arms and military equipment to the occupying regime.

In a statement on Thursday, the Defense for Children International (DCI) strongly urged Washington to halt its flow of arms to the Tel Aviv regime after Israeli soldiers killed two teenage boys in the city of Jenin two days earlier.

“The United States must stop sending weapons to the Israeli military that are used to kill Palestinian children without restraint, whether in Gaza or Jenin,” the organization said.

Two 15-year-old Palestinian teenagers were shot dead by Israeli snipers in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday morning.

“Mahmoud Amjad Ismail Hamadneh & Osama Mohammad Naim Abdulatif Hujair, both 15, were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a military incursion into Jenin yesterday. Mahmoud was killed while riding his bike on his way home from school,” the rights group said in a post on X on Wednesday...

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