Saturday, May 11, 2024

Biden panders to pro-Israel Jews, who are as reactionary on Israel as evangelicals

(The poll numbers don't matter thanks to electronic voting machines. They don't have to answer to the will of the people. Of the people, by the people, for the people is meaningless now and that is why they defend the black box voting system to the death)

from Mondoweiss

Joe Biden took contradictory actions this week. He called campus protesters of Israeli genocide antisemites one day. Then a day later he said he wouldn’t give Israel more bombs to kill Palestinian civilians.

Biden is trying to reconcile two irreconcilable parts of the Democratic coalition– the progressive base and a special interest, the Israel lobby.

Biden’s speech on Holocaust memorial day was an extended attack on the progressives. He said campus protests represent the latest “surge” of the “ancient hatred of Jews,” the same hatred that fueled Nazism.

The smear got sympathetic coverage on broadcast media. “This is ultimately a continuation of why he ran in 2020, when he saw neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville chanting — quote — ‘Jews will not replace us,’” Laura Barron-Lopez said on the PBS News Hour. CNN reporter Jamie Gangel echoed the Charlottesville claim. While CNN anchor Dana Bash said that the protests “hearken back” to Nazi Germany.

Biden’s attack on the demonstrators carries great political risk. The Democratic base is overwhelmingly critical of Israel. By 56 to 22 Democrats say that Israel is committing a “genocide” in Gaza, according to a new poll...

read more here


  1. Unhinged Israeli MP Threatens US Over Arms Shipment
    Richard Medhurst
    MAY 11
    9 minutes

  2. the only reason these fokkers could this late be bringing out a few of the hideous stories about the goings on since last oct 7 is they are smokescreening the more gigantic ones, of which there are endless, like for example logging a day-by-day account of which of those 36 gaza hospitals got hit/destroyed on what day, to now.

    Now playing
    CNN exclusive: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in Sde Teiman prison
    Middle East Eye
    50K views 9 hours ago

  3. Before/after slideshow drone views of the various blasted hospitals in gaza.
    Article 3 weeks old, but to note only includes those to 3rd week march/2024.
    No mention therefore of the 36 claimed now destroyed, only this:

    Jazeera's Sanad verification agency analysed satellite images captured between October 22, 2023 and March 27, 2024.

    Sanad found that 24 hospitals were damaged, including:

    6 hospitals in northern Gaza
    10 hospitals in Gaza City
    1 hospital in Deir el-Balah
    7 hospitals in Khan Younis

  4. We'll see if the righteous Drumpfy in his incessant howlings about the stoleded 2020 NOV 'election' enquires of idear leader ran in getting the stateside voting machines replaced before november to get an honest count!
    Besides, they use the same ad hook jingo as the MIC here---Buy in quantity and save.

    1. And as usual, Genius Boy sees nothing amiss!
      He even misspelled 'shitizens'.

      Elon Musk says 2024 will be last election ‘actually decided by US citizens’

  5. I think this is meant a parody or paean to the blues bruthas .
    SNL skit.

  6. TRUE, or false?
    (In this case, REAL or a fortuitously timed owned/controlled front?)

    Hussein, Mohammed and Ahmad Hassoun, brothers of Palestinian descent and successful businessmen in Malmo, decided six months ago (1 month after october 7) to create an alternative to Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
