Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tracking Unvaxxed With Fingerprints/ Matt Staver, Liberty Counsel

from Meryl Nass

A new lawsuit states the FBI was tracking “unvaccinated” New York City schoolteachers and employees using their fingerprints. The city gathered a list of its employees who refused to get the COVID-19 shots, tagged them with a “problem code,” and flagged them to the FBI with a file that included their fingerprints.

Not only were some of these Americans fired for refusing this shot — many for religious reasons — now their fingerprints are on record at the FBI with a flag. This scarlet flag could make it significantly more difficult to land another job, teaching or otherwise.

The FBI is not the only federal department or agency tracking vaccine status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is rolling out four new codes, and you might be tagged with one of them.

These new codes track people regarding their COVID injection status and other vaccines. This even includes a code for tracking conversations about these shots and any “counseling” given “regarding the safety of a vaccine.”

This is chilling. And to think, the World Health Organization (WHO) hasn’t even taken over yet. All of this is happening without the WHO in control. Yet if we allow the WHO to gain authority over America, we will have very little recourse...

read more here


  1. With 18 domestic intel/surv./security agencies working tirelessly to keep u safe, any odds on only this one agency doing this or sharing the data??

  2. Israelis gather at the Nitzana border crossing in southern Israel on 18 February 2024, as they attempt to block humanitarian aid trucks from entering the Gaza Strip (AFP/Gil Cohen-Magen)
    By MEE staff
    Published date: 10 May 2024 14:25 BST | Last update: 1 day 2 hours ago

    Far-right Israeli groups have taken extreme measures in recent day to block the passage of aid trucks bound for the besieged Gaza Strip.

    On Thursday, demonstrators cut off a road near the town of Mitzpe Ramon by forming a sit-in and scattering large rocks and stones across the road to prevent aid trucks and other vehicles from passing.

    “Do you find it reasonable that the state of Israel will deliver medicine, food, and fuel to terrorists who are at this very moment torturing our daughters?” one of the demonstrators said.

  3. Simple parable, story again reminding what the un and their diktats is worth to the average schlub.

    Plastic, Plastic Everywhere — Even at the UN’s “Plastic Free” Conference
    At a conference meant to address the plastic crisis, pro-plastic messaging was inescapable. Meanwhile, industry insiders — some positioned as government delegates — were given access to vital negotiations.

  4. Hypocrite US Gov. Lectures Georgia while the Police use "chemical munitions" to disperse pro-pali crowd.
    Emil Cosman

  5. Fleeing Rafah: Al Jazeera journalist documents journey to Deir el-Balah amid Israeli offensive
    Al Jazeera English

  6. VERY BIG.
    Blood transfusion with spike protein - update #142
