Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Rights advocate condemns Israeli NYC consul's anti-Muslim call

from Daily Sabah

A U.S.-based rights advocacy group condemned anti-Muslim comments made by Israel's new consul-general in New York, who urged New Yorkers to "wake up" against what he called an alleged "radical Muslim occupation."

The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) condemned Ofir Akunis's statement made in an interview with the New York Post.

Akunis likened New York’s situation to cities like London, Malmo and Paris, which he described as being under the occupation of "radical Muslims," urging New Yorkers to act before it was too late.

In a statement, CAIR-NY Executive Director Afaf Nasher said: "This false ‘wake up’ call is in reality a call to hatred and violence targeting New York Muslims and Arabs, and those perceived to be Muslim and Arab-American."

Nasher emphasized that Akunis' "false and hate-filled remarks should be repudiated by all political and religious leaders."...

read more here


  1. june27

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    Absolutely intentional.
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