Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Angry Bernie Birds. Want Revolution? Forget the House Parties… VOTE TRUMP! (archive)

(archived from )

by Scott Creighton

They stole the nomination from Bernie supporters, from the real progressives in the party and there were a lot of them. So now we are faced with only one choice… the nuclear option.

People say one of my big drawbacks is that I don’t offer enough solutions to the problems I expose in my work. Ok. Fair enough. Here’s a solution:

All you Bernie supporters out there who are mad as hell and can’t take it anymore should go out and start beating the bushes in support of… Donald Trump.

WHAT!?!? Are you KIDDING?!?!


Nope. Dead serious. Vote TRUMP. Not only vote for Trump, make it painfully obvious to everyone everywhere that you are GOING to vote Trump then see what happens.


  • Trump didn’t steal your nomination, did he?
  • Trump didn’t illegally attack and invade Libya for French and UK business interests, did he?
  • Trump didn’t set up an illegal email server so he could commit more illegal acts while acting as Sec. of State and get away with it, did he?
  • Trump isn’t (as much of a) dedicated servant to the Likudniks in Israel, is he?

Personally, I don’t see the comparison. Any halfwit can run around saying Donald Trump WILL BE EVIL if elected president (like Bernie Sanders for example) but the obvious fact here is… that is a prediction, like saying the New England Patriots will win the Super Bowl this year. It’s a guess.

However, we already KNOW Hillary Clinton is evil, so the “lesser of two evils” theory is tossed out the window. In the selection set, there is only ONE proven “evil”

That said… Donald Trump, as this article lays out, will NOT be the next president of the United States. He doesn’t want to be, first of all. He’s a Hillary fan. Always has been. Plus he’s a aging billionaire playboy who figures he can parlay this campaign into a cushy multi-million dollar TV payday or even his own network (run by Roger Ailes and Steve Bannon perhaps? Hmmm…)

So voting for The Donald isn’t about turning 1600 Pennsylvania Ave into Trump Towers East. It’s about forcing them to expose themselves stealing the election. It’s about legitimacy or the lack thereof. It’s about coming together in a common cause with other folks out there who are sick and tired of the business as usual of the Business Firsters.

It’s about firing the first shot of our real revolution and making them fire back, not just sitting around watching Bernie videos sipping lattes with our petty bourgeoisie neighbors wondering about which dog catcher nominees are “progressive” enough to get our support (while we vote for the neocon Hillary Clinton)

Think of it as PR for the “brand” of our country. Do we want the rest of the world to think we are ignorant and vicious enough to elect Hillary Clinton?

I don’t want Hillary to spend one single day in the Oval Office thinking she conned enough of us into voting for her and that she won the presidency legitimately. It worked for Obama but it can’t for Hillary. We already know way too much for that. We know what she’s done and we know what she stands for.

Truth is, this is a call to action in a true revolutionary sense. They will never allow someone opposed to those precious free trade agreements to take office and they will never allow someone who even feigns opposition to them to get control over them. We also know they need to send a message and that is that populism is NOT the prevailing ideological current in this country. They couldn’t POSSIBLY allow another Brexit vote to echo through the lesser halls of parliament across the world (especially now)

So they simply wont allow a Trump victory and that’s why we have to push for it. We have to make them steal the election.

One way or another, they are setting the stage for that very thing. Either Trump will resign his nomination due to his tax-returns or they will simply erase millions of Trump voters from key states so that Hillary Clinton is the next president and I suggest that when they do, all hell will break loose in this country.

If you recall, when George W. Bush took his first ride to the White House he was unable to get out and walk the last few blocks as is customary because angry voters who knew the election had been stolen, were pelting his motorcade with eggs. It was a horrible sight, one that was quickly dumped down the memory hole. An American president who stole an election starting off his first term in office in such a way. Set a tone didn’t it?

The left cover of a Clinton administration will falter and crumble were she to expose herself in such a way right off the bat. The missing anti-war movement that hid beneath the “3d chess’ bullshit of the Obama years will peek out from beneath their shame and retake the streets where they should have been lo these many years.

That is MY prediction. And the way to achieve it… is for Bernie supporters to vote Trump.

I know. I know. Sends a chill down my spine as well. But, in the end, you wont get Trump. You’ll get an exposed Killary and at this point, that’s about as good as it gets.

So yeah, I’m voting The Donald and predicting revolution. Not his, but ours.

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