Friday, June 9, 2023

How Do Barney Fife and Fidel Castro Factor Into the Biggest News Story of the Year? (archive)

(archived from February 6, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

I wish to see if I can connect a few dots here, so bear with me.

Putting aside “ISIS™” for a moment and the “Big Story” about some talking head on MSNBC lying to folks (yeah, there’s some news for you) what are the biggest geopolitical trends in the news today? Is it the fact that Syriza, the new “Radical Left™” brand of 3rd Way centrist ideology (think “CHANGE™” circa 2008) seems to have forgotten what the term “odious debt” means?

In international law, odious debt, also known as illegitimate debt, is a legal theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be enforceable. Such debts are, thus, considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion. Wiki

Is that the biggest story in the world today? Well, if you consider the fact that international debt has risen by 57 trillion dollars since the global economic terrorism of 2008, coupled with the fact that much if not ALL of that new additional debt may be declared odious were Greece to set the precedent, well, that could very well be the story of the year. The story of the decade or the millennium in fact.

But it isn’t, because they wont. And the usually antagonistic ones, the Webster Tarpley’s of the “interwebs”, aren’t really calling for Syriza to live up to their campaign pledge and do that.

How about “ISIS™”? Now that the MTV music video director and their team made that “burning man” video, seems like all the world wants a piece of “ISIS™” butt.


We have senators and congressman lining up to get in front of anyone with a camera so they can pledge their undying devotion to autocratic, despotic regimes like those in Jordan, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar for the sole purpose of providing them weapons and training, all paid for with your tax dollars while they say they can’t afford to pay teachers here in the states.

We have “progressive” TV personalities spending enormous amounts of their airtime proving what warmongering hawks they can be just like the neocons of yesteryear they pilloried for a decade.

We have the Obama administration, the President Peace Prize farce, presenting their own version, a hand-crafted document they expect to be passed without debate, authorizing war anywhere, anytime against anyone they say is supporting “ISIS™”. That new AUMF document, one usually crafted by congress, will be slapped on the desks of leading congressmen sometime today or tomorrow. It’s something this president has wanted since they created “ISIS™” now that the old one from 2001 is a bit sketchy considering the fact that it names al Qaeda as the enemy and we now call them “moderates” and are funding them in Syria.

And all of this is based on what? A ridiculous MTV-styled video custom made for the purpose of providing the pretext for what is happening right now and released on the very same day the King of Jordan was visiting Obama and congress looking for money to fight “ISIS™”. (I will write more about that video later this morning)

Are those the biggest stories in the world today?

No. Not in my opinion.

So what is? What is the one big story everyone knows about and no one is talking about and how does Barney Fife and Fidel Castro of all people fit into this? Have I gone crazy? Inquiring minds want to know.

Currently we are demonizing two main players in the world… Russia and Saudi Arabia. But why?

We all know why they are steadily demonizing Russia. They, like China, represent an unwelcome alternative to the developing nations of the world when it comes to financing and lending for various projects. It’s called the BRICS nations and they are steadily developing their own version of the IMF/World Bank which forces loans on nations, takes the money back and hands it over to their own banks, then forces regimes who took out the loans to impose brutal austerity measures on their populations which provide the global financial interests all sorts of opportunities to take advantage of those populations. Couple that with the fact that the hedge funds and vulture capitalists who just took the money of the people via the “loan” and turn around and use that money to buy up the resources of that nation and the property of the people (privatization) and you have a pretty profitable mafia-style gambit in place.

BRICS and the SCO are steadily offering nations who are debating whether or not to take these loans a different alternative. One that doesn’t come with the neoliberal austerity measures and privatization clauses attached to the IMF’s bankster plans. Obviously, one alternative is more attractive than the other which is why we are currently deployed in so many African nations trying to force nations to accept our deal, to use coercion (go back up to odious debt definition) in place of legitimate negotiations. Again, thug/mafia tactics.

And with Russia, there is one more threat that they pose. Oil.

Saudi Arabia is being demonized at this time because they refuse to turn down the taps and stop pumping as much oil as they are. As a result of this, they and Russia alike, are literally flooding the market with high grade crude oil and running the price per barrel down to it’s lowest price in a decade or more.

Why would they do that?

I have read where disinformation assets try to credit Obama with cheap oil prices in order to combat Putin and Russia on eastern Ukraine and nothing could be farther from the truth.

Putin went and met with leaders in Saudi Arabia a while ago and they both decided to leave their taps open. Russia could easily effect global prices themselves by simply turning back their production, but they didn’t and they aren’t.

A Saudi spokesman said a couple weeks ago that the days of $100+ per barrel of oil are over and we are NEVER going back to them.

Would you like to see a clue that shows the powers-that-be here in the states want Saudi Arabia to turn back production?

Saudi Arabia did 9/11.”

Yes, that’s right. They are dusting off their old “9/11″ chestnut and now are starting to blame the Saudis for 9/11 just like they did Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran (for a while) and now Saudi Arabia.

You got the redacted 28 pages of the first 9/11 “investigation” that were never released which supposedly show funding for the patsies coming from Saudi Arabia.

That Zacarias Moussaoui guy, the man referred to as “The Barney Fife of Al Qaeda”, has supposedly been allowed to pen some letters to some attorneys suing Saudi Arabia for 9/11 a long list of all the things the “evil doers” of the country did back in 2000 and 2001 including 9/11 and planning to shoot down Air Force One with a stinger missile.

The LIHOPers of the Truth movement are creaming in their jeans while no one wonders how Saudi Arabia managed to keep jets from intercepting the hijacked planes or planted demolition material in the Twin Towers and Building 7.

No, they got Barney Fife. A guy who claimed in court that he new nothing about 9/11 and now says he was present in some Saudi palace while they planned it and was Osama’s main man.

Wanna know something funny about Zac up there? “He holds a master’s degree in International Business from South Bank University in London, having enrolled in 1993 and graduated in 1995″ and for a number of years his job was to run around to various Mosques pretending to be a jihadist looking to entrap retarded Muslims on behalf of various international intelligence agencies. Here’s a sample of one of his court filings during the procedure:

In the Name of Allah; Censured by the United Sodom of America
4/19/2003; Case No. 01455A; 17 S 1423
Slave of Allah, Zacharias Moussaoui vs.

Slave of Satan, John Ashcroft[40]

Yeah, he was a stooge like all the other patsies they used for 9/11. He just got busted on an immigration rap prior to the big show so they had to use him another way.

Wanna know something funny about his claims that the new Saudi king, who was a prince at the time, was planning to kill “W” with a stinger missile?

During his trial (where he kept claiming to be al Qaeda, defended himself, ranted all day long in a circus-act performance) he finally admitted knowing nothing about 9/11 but he said, they had him pegged for ‘another act’ to take place right afterward.

10. During the plea colloquy I made it clear to the Court that I did not have knowledge of and was not a member of the plot to hijack and crash planes into buildings in September 11, 2001 but that I was part of another Al-Qaeda plot which was to occur after September 11, 2001.

11. My court appointed attorneys kept telling me that I should not testify and I thought that they would prevent me from testifying, so I decided to ask the government to let me testify as their witness.

12. It is my recollection that when the judge addressed the jury before my trial began, she informed the jury that I was part of the September 11 plot which further confirmed my distrust of the American justice system and further convinced me to testify since I was going to be given death for the September 11 plot anyway.

13. I decided to testify that I had knowledge of and was a member of the plot to hijack planes and crash them into buildings on September 11, 2001, even though I knew that was a complete fabrication.

14. I have never met Mohammed Atta and, while I may have seen a few of the other hijackers at the guesthouse, I never knew them or anything about their operation.

15. As I stated during my plea colloquy, I was in the United States as a member of Al-Qaeda but was involved in a separate operation…

18. Because I now see that it is possible that I can receive a fair trial even with Americans as jurors and that I can have the opportunity to prove that I did not have any knowledge of and was not a member of the plot to hijack planes and crash them into buildings on September 11, 2001, I wish to withdraw my guilty plea and ask the Court for a new trial to prove my innocence of the September 11 plot

Writers these days are claiming that was the “attack Air Force One” plan hatched by the new Saudi King.

Trouble with that is… Zac finally described his deeper purpose in court. And guess what? It had nothing to do with shooting down “W”

On April 22, 2005, in one of the court sessions near the end of that phase of the proceedings, Moussaoui surprised the whole court[citation needed] by pleading guilty to all charges, while at the same time denying having any intention to produce a massacre like 9/11. He said that it was not his conspiracy, and that he intended to free Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. According to Moussaoui, his master plan was to hijack a Boeing 747-400, since the plane is one of a few that could reach Afghanistan from the U.S. without any intermediate stops. Wiki

Throughout the entire court proceeding, Zac never once mentioned the new king of Saudi Arabia who was a prince at the time and never once said anything about a plan to shoot down Air Force One with “W” on board.

So you take this liar, this clown, this one-time asset for international intelligence agencies, a man in the most secure prison in the world, who can’t write his name on a piece of toilet paper unless he’s ALLOWED to… and you present Barney Fife and his magical letters of Doom as “proof” that somehow this new king pulled off 9/11…

and the simpletons in this country swallow it hook, line and sinker.

But WHY?

That’s really the question, isn’t it?

What if I told you the main reason for Kiev’s attacks on eastern Ukraine had more to do with oil than anything else?

What if I told you that Royal Dutch Shell invested 10 billion dollars paying off the oligarchs of Ukraine for the right to extract oil from shale fields right there in eastern Ukraine and since the rebellion, their deal is on hold?

What if I told you that Putin is smart enough to have cut a deal with the Saudis, the new king specifically, which makes that 10 billion dollar investment… effectively worthless?

That’s what he did.

Now that the price per barrel of oil is so low, fracking operations across the world are shutting down. They simply can’t pull it out of the ground for that price. So, all those fracking operations that are ruining ground water and causing earthquakes in their wake, are pulling up stakes and leaving.

And it’s all because of Royal Dutch Shell and eastern Ukraine.

Take a look at this:

Everything was coming to a head between Feb. and July in Ukraine with the Euromadian color revolution. Crimea had their referendum, the people wanted out of the new neo-Nazi government and Russia was being demonized.

I was writing about Royal Dutch Shell and their 10 billion dollar investment as Flight 17 just happened to be shot down right there where the fracking fields were waiting for the Dutch and British royalty to cash in their investment.

I knew that was what was at the heart of the Keiv government fighting so hard to keep eastern Ukraine from seceding from their union and apparently, so did someone else.

Do you think the timing of this massive drop-off in the price of crude just happens to coincide with the push to demonize Russia and retake eastern Ukraine? I don’t think it is.

I think this is kind of a “Castro Option” being pulled by Putin.

If you recall, during the Cuban missile crisis, it was made clear to Kennedy that Fidel already had missiles in Cuba and a general with him that had the launch codes. It was also made clear, I believe, by Khrushchev at the time (and later Castro told McNamara) that Fidel had every intention to launch.

It was Castro’s willingness to ‘pull the temple down on his own head’ that eventually ended the crisis with a stalemate and a victory for Cuba.

His position was that if one U.S. boot touched Cuban soil, he would launch knowing full well all of Cuba was be reduced to ash in the aftermath. Khrushchev told Kennedy that Castro would do it. That he had no question that he would.

Why would he do that?

It removed the motivation for the invasion. Because, in the end, if all the masters of the universe ‘won” was a charred and useless patch of radioactive land, they had no motivation for the fight. Nothing to pilfer. Nothing to steal. Nothing to privatize. And ultimately, no Cuban slaves to lock into perpetual debt and no Cuban government to see to it that it happened.

Fidel removed their motive by showing he had the means and the WILL to level it all, leaving them nothing.

It’s kinda the same thing that happened in ’91 when Saddam was burning the oil fields as he fled back into Iraq. That’s why ‘Poppy” decided not to follow him all the way to Baghdad. Saddam was saying “I’ll lite it all up and you will win nothing”

I think in many ways, we see a similar tactic being used today in eastern Ukraine. That’s why finally the Brits and the Germans and the U.S. are once again willing to come to the table and negotiate a settlement.

They have basically made the fracking project in eastern Ukraine useless and even if Petro Poroshenko continues his indiscriminate shelling of civilian infrastructure in the east to the point where the rebels give up, it won’t matter to Royal Dutch Shell because they wont toss good money after bad and continue the project at a loss. The current price of oil makes taking eastern Ukraine… pointless.

the days of $100 barrels of oil will never return”

So Putin wins without ever firing a shot kinda like Castro did.

You see, that’s the inherent weakness of savage capitalism. That’s the weakness of imperial wars of aggression. You take away their motive and they are left with nothing because their motive isn’t “democracy” or “freedom” or any other the other bullshit excuses they give for their humanitarian interventions. Their motives are transparent and always, always revolve around profit margins.

Now, that’s not too say this is over.

What is happening with ‘ISIS’ I think plays into this.

All of those OPEC nations that are in bed with Saudi Arabia are being bribed by the U.S. to pick a side.

you’re with us or the terrorists”

Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain… we are about to lavish enormous amounts of wealth on them as a result of the MTV “burning man” video at a time when we are also demanding the new king of Saudi Arabia get on board and turn those pumps down a notch or two.

That doesn’t serve Saudi’s interests. They could care less about fracking.

But they may see the writing on the wall when it comes to that 57 trillion dollar debt bubble on the horizon. They may see that the BRICS and SCO option is more favorable to developing countries and they may see Putin as being the smarter of the players on the Grand Chessboard. Smarter and more determined. Kinda like Castro was.

So along comes the Barney Fife story and the real thumbscrews are starting to turn. With no new 9/11 as of yet on the table, it seems the best worst option for the Peace Prize President may be to dust off that old chestnut and once again blame someone else for the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.

It’s interesting in that you see quite clearly the MOs of both the globalist’s Global War OF Terror and at the same time, the best counter move by the opposition… the Castro Option. We try to get what we want through intimidation, coercion and terror and they counter with “take it, but you get nothing”

On one side you have Barney Fife. On the other Fidel. Who do you think wins in that equation? It’s rather illuminating when you personify the sides with those two characters, isn’t it?

For me, that’s the biggest story going on right now in the world. The unseen Main-stage war behind the war.

But what do I know. I’m just a conspiracy theorist.

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