Wednesday, June 21, 2023

EU Leaders Look to Shut Down Free Speech in Order to Protect Free Speech thanks to Je Suis Charlie (archive)

(archived from January 12, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: To “defend free speech”, French are arresting people FOR SAYING THE WRONG THINGS!

“racism, anti-Semitism and the glorification of terrorism are crimes.” French Prime Minister Manuel Valls


It would seem Westernized NATO countries are ready to impose a gag order on the internet in response to the false flag attack in Paris. More specifically, they are ready to get their big corporate partners in crime to do it for them. That would be CISPA folks. A globalization of CISPA in NATO countries in response to the Paris false flag event.


Leaders from French Republic, Latvia, EU Council of Ministers, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain. Italy, Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, U.S. and Canada met on January 11, 2015, in Paris and adopted the following statement in the presence of European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs (excerpt):

2/ In the face of a multiform terrorist threat directly targeted against our values, we reaffirm our unfailing solidarity and our determination to fight together against terrorism, in accordance in particular with UNSCR 1377 and 2178 and the conclusions of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Councils of October 9 and December 5, 2014, endorsed by the European Council, within the scope of and in accordance with human rights and fundamental freedoms.

To that end, our action must continue to be part of a comprehensive approach, based on the fight against radicalization, notably on the Internet, and on the strengthening of resources to thwart the action of the different forms of terrorist networks and notably to hamper their movement of.

We underline in particular the importance of the commitment of all the actors, at every level, who work in the fight against radicalization and we are committed to supporting the activities of the future RAN Center of Excellence.

3/ We are concerned at the increasingly frequent use of the Internet to fuel hatred and violence and signal our determination to ensure that the Internet is not abused to this end, while safeguarding that it remains, in scrupulous observance of fundamental freedoms, a forum for free expression, in full respect of the law. With this in mind, the partnership of the major Internet providers is essential to create the conditions of a swift reporting of material that aims to incite hatred and terror and the condition of its removing, where appropriate/possible.

In addition to this effort, we have resolved – to combat terrorist propaganda and the misleading messages it conveys – to develop positive, targeted and easily accessible messages; able to counter this propaganda, aimed at a young audience that is particularly vulnerable to indoctrination. In this regard, we urge all Member States to make maximum use of the Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team (SSCAT) to be established by Belgium with European funding.

Over at Global Guerrillas they detail the 8 point plan this way:

Here’s more detail.  In their Joint Statement they concluded that:

  1. The attack on Charlie Hebdo was a bad thing (very bold of them).

  2. To protect free speech we must curtail it:  “With this in mind, the partnership of the major Internet providers is essential to create the conditions of a swift reporting of material that aims to incite hatred and terror and the condition of its removing, where appropriate or possible.”  Force ISPs to shut down, spy on, or block access to websites deemed objectionable by EU ministries.

  3. All members of the EU should increase their use of psychological operations and propaganda. In particular, the EU should use the “Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team” (built on UK Home Office psyops expertise ) set up in Belgium when possible….

What they are saying is they are going to use the Charlie Hebdo false flag event to justify shutting down dissident websites or access to them, across the Westernized nations. They needed just such and event to gin up support for their free speech crushing new law…

During the afternoon, Bernard Cazeneuve refused any change in his position, and all alerts coming from the civil society. The Bill was voted with all its dangerous provisions: ban from leaving the country, creation of individual terrorist entreprise offense, administrative blocking of websites, substantial changes to the criminal procedure beyond terrorist actions.

Even worse, the French Senate commited a serious violation of the equality principle before criminal law by reintegrating into the Bill the Article 4 concerning the glorification and provocation to terrorism into the press law of 1881 unless it is commited on the Internet. In the spirit of the Minister and few senators, the Internet is a danger in itself that needs derogatory measures: the vote of this amendment introduces a serious inequality between the Internet and other medias, a serious confusion between mean and content. This inequality has already been condemned by the Constitutional Court2. La Quadrature

I hate to say I told you so

It would seem this curious story about the BBC News version that may or may not have been from a BBC News outlet (more than likely it was) may simply be the first shot across our bow. Now they can say they went after a mainstream outlet first while they wipe out little sites like this one.

The masters of the universe are sick and tired of having their “truth” thrown back in their faces by the deviant “conspiracy theorists” out there and with the future plans they have in store for all sorts of false flags and color revolutions, they figured it was time to introduce a Global CISPA where they give control of such determinations directly to the likes of Verizon, Com Cast, Google and whomever else has a problem with someone digging a little deeper into what they are doing (Monsanto? Goldman Sachs?)

So there you have it. It’s taking shape quite rapidly.

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