Saturday, June 17, 2023

Demonizing Turkey: What Disinfo Assets Like “Tony Cartalucci” Aren’t Telling You (archive)

(archived from November 30, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

Suddenly the “ISIS™  Crisis” psyop has turned on Turkey and more specifically, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The claim is that Turkey is supplying “ISIS” in Syria and allowing “ISIS” fighters to cross their border into the neighboring country.

The whole “ISIS™” in Syria story is so convoluted and stupid, it demands a bit of an explanation. The story goes like this:


  • We back destabilization forces in Syria and have for the past 3 years. They are terrorists who are trying to force a regime change on our behalf, so Washington can get a more friendly puppet regime in the country.

  • Supposedly, “ISIS™” is fighting against that same regime we wish to change.

  • So, we have to blow them up?

  • But we don’t target “ISIS™” in Syria, we target oil infrastructure and grain silos. oops.

  • Turkey has been allowing our NGOs to set up shop and assist our “moderate” terrorists in Syria with resupply lines and medical assistance for over a year now. Maybe longer. The NGOs (like those that several of the supposed “beheading victims” worked for”) are disguised as ambulance services or other “humanitarian” relief workers.

  • But now, Turkey supposedly turns a blind eye to supply trucks heading to “ISIS™” controlled areas and so…

  • now we got to blow up Turkey as well?

If you find that a little hard to believe, maybe I can shed a little light on the subject. At least, a little more light than places like the Huffington Post, Prison Planet and “Tony Cartalucci” are shedding on this matter. If you think it’s odd that those three are basically regurgitating the same propaganda, don’t. When big operations like this one are rolled out, the disinfo assets have to cash in some of their street cred by backing it.

Joe Biden’s Failed Talks in Turkey

First of all, what these three assets aren’t telling you right off the bat is that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently rejected a deal proposed to him by the now infamous Joe Biden. Joe is the left cover version of John McCain, running around cutting deals with various brutal puppet regimes on the down low.

Biden recently went to Ukraine to cut a deal with the puppet regime there on behalf of Big Business (his son’s company for instance). He was met with angry Ukrainian people telling him to get out of their country and take his neoliberal austerity theology with him.

Joe also took a little trip to Turkey last week (Nov. 21) in order to talk about how the two countries could strengthen their resolve to fight “ISIS™” together. Once again, he was met with mass protests from the indigenous population.

Well, apparently, the negotiations didn’t go so well.

Erdogan says there is no use counting on help from the Western world.

I speak openly, foreigners love oil, gold, diamonds, and the cheap labor force of the Islamic world,” he said. “They like the conflicts, fights and quarrels of the Middle East. Believe me, they don’t like us.”

They look like friends, but they want us dead, they like seeing our children die,” the president went on.

Erdogan has called the US attempt to get Turkey more involved in the conflict “impertinent.

Why is somebody coming to this region from 12,000 kilometers (7,000 miles) away?” Erdogan said on Wednesday, according to AFP. “I want you to know that we are against impertinence, recklessness and endless demands,” he added. RT

It would seem that Biden asked a bit too much from Erdogan and the president of Turkey told him to take a hike. Not only that, but Tayyip was so pissed off, he decided to take his anger and Joe’s impertinence public.

Later I will get into what I think Biden wants. But for now, let’s focus on the chain of events and what the disinfo assets aren’t telling you.

The Famous Deutsche Welle (DW) Video

In the wake of Biden not getting something he wanted in Turkey, suddenly Deutsche Welle (DW) comes out with video “proof” that Turkey is backing “ISIS™”. Clearly these two events are not a coincidence. Joe doesn’t get what he wants from a leader of a country and as you all know “if you aren’t with us you are with the turrurrurrurists”

(history break: This is EXACTLY What Biden Did LAST TIME Turkey Rejected his Advances)

Back in Oct. of this year, Biden was pressuring Erdogan once again and not getting what he wanted, so he told the press that Tayyip admitted they were allowing “ISIS™” fighters into Syria; essentially setting up this story. Erdogan did not take that very well at all.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed he would wash his hands of Joe Biden if reports that the US vice president blamed Turkey in part for the rise of the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) were true.

Biden recanted his statement and all was well again… for a time.

During the phone call with Erdogan, Biden “apologized for any implication that Turkey or other allies and partners in the region had intentionally supplied or facilitated the growth of ISIL (IS, ISIS) or other violent extremists in Syria,” the White House said.RT

Notice the similarities? Kinda hard to miss, isn’t it?

now, back to The Famous Deutsche Welle (DW) Video

So now we get back to the famous DW video.

Over at Land Destroyer blog, the Sunstein psyop group known as “Tony Cartalucci” penned this backhanded attack against Turkey and Erdogan (for the record, he failed to mention Tayyip’s recent fallout with Biden or Biden’s history of trying to link Turkey to “ISIS™” in the past):

Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications – possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey’s borders via hundreds of trucks a day. “Tony Cartalucci

Wow, look at that. “Billions of dollars worth of supplies” to “ISIS™” care of Turkey from our “alternative news source” at Land Destroyer.

And he has the video right there to prove it. Right?

The video was published on Nov. 27th, a week after the falling out between Turkey and Joe Biden. DW is the international broadcaster of a Nato country, Germany.

If you bother to watch the video, what it shows is long lines of trucks waiting weeks in some cases, carrying things like fabric and steel and concrete to decimated areas in Syria.

Those are the same sorts of items Israel tries to keep out of Palestine after the IDF bombs the crap out of Gaza for a couple of weeks.

The reason they have to wait is because Syrian and Turkish officials have to INSPECT the vehicles to ensure they aren’t bringing in weapons or military supplies.

That’s the story of the “Billions of dollars worth of supplies” to “ISIS™” the Sunstein agency known as “Tony Cartalucci” is breathlessly ranting about.

That’s “his” (their?) “report of immense implications

I guess “Tony Cartalucci” doesn’t expect his viewers (or the disinfo assets at Prison Planet who reposted his stupid story) to actually take the time to watch the video he put up.

Does that sound like immense implications to you? Well, only if “Tony” doesn’t tell you exactly what was being transported or how long those trucks had to wait to be inspected. Sure, his implications are immense… but as you see, even from his own source, his “implications” are “immensely” exaggerated and … disinformation.

You’ll also notice in the video, the one thing they claim is real proof, a 20 second video of supposed “ISIS™” fighters crossing the Turkish border, was not only impossible to tell if it was actually “ISIS™” fighters, but also, impossible to tell if it was even Turkey.

And you know who made that video? The Kurds, who are pro-Western fighters, killing off resistance fighters in Iraq and helping to destabilize Syria on behalf of…. Joe Biden. More on the Kurds later.

You with me so far? Good. It gets better.

HuffPuff Quotes Israel’s SITE, “activists” and the CIA’s SOHR to Demonize Turkey

I hope I don’t have to explain again what SITE is or what the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is. SITE Intelligence Group is run by Rita Katz, a self-professed Zionist and former IDF soldier. They are notorious for coming up with phony anti-Arab videos and stories. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a CIA/MI6 creation out of London which has been creating false stories out of Syria since our color revolution began 3 years ago.

Video from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights purporting to show ISIS militants firing from inside Turkish territory“

Mustafa Bali, a Kobani-based “activist”, said by telephone that Islamic State group fighters have taken positions in the grain silos on the Turkish side of the border and from there are launching attacks toward the border crossing point. He added that the U.S.-led coalition launched an airstrike Saturday morning on the eastern side of the town.

It is now clear that Turkey is openly cooperating with Daesh,” Bali said…

The Islamic State group claimed three suicide attacks in Kobani’s border crossing point, the SITE Intelligence Group reportedHuffington Post

I certainly hope that pretty much speaks for itself as too the overall credibility of the Huffington Post’s story about Turkey helping “ISIS™”. It’s just plain bunk.

But it’s bunk that reflects a sudden shift in propaganda toward Turkey and a shift that seems almost universal in terms of those running this spin making sure they reach assets in the main stream media as well as the alternative variety.

So… Why?

The “why” is the easiest of all to examine. Look at the opening of the HuffPuff propaganda piece:

The assault began when a suicide bomber driving an armored vehicle detonated his explosives on the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s powerful Kurdish Democratic Union Party. Huffington Post

The Kurds in Iraq, Syria and Turkey have a dream. It’s called Kurdistan. Think of countries like Kosovo and South Sudan that various neoliberal presidents have created in the past in order to destroy various unfriendly nations (Yugoslavia and Sudan)

Wanna see the latest version developing right before our eyes? Here it is.

Notice that it runs through Iraq, northern Syria and southern Turkey.

Notice anything else?

Here is “ISIS™”



The “ISIS™ Crisis” is being used by the US in order to 1. quell a legitimate uprising in Iraq and 2. overthrow Assad and the rest of the elected government in Syria.

The Iraqi Kurds have signed up with Obama and the NATO allies apparently in exchange for the creation of Kurdistan. Iraqi Kurdistan is a neoliberal nightmare but it certainly does have it’s advantages for the wealthy and the various multinational corporations we call “our national interests”:

Despite all that positive propaganda and hype that is being spread about Iraqi Kurdistan by the Western mass media, the place feels chaotic, even depressing. As any country or region of the world, which is under the total control of Western business and geopolitical interests, Iraqi Kurdistan is mainly geared towards the exploitation of natural resources and the neglect of its own people. While the income disparities are growing, there is very little done to improve the living standards of the impoverished, uneducated and deeply frustrated majority.

As a top manager (he is from an Arab country, and is afraid to reveal his identity on the record) of one of Erbil’s luxury hotels explained:

We were young and ready for any adventure; we wanted to experience the world. And we were told: ‘grab the opportunity and come to Erbil! It is soon going to be another Dubai! But look at it now, after all these years: the people are very poor, and there is no infrastructure. Basically, there is no drainage and the electricity is constantly collapsing: we have blackouts for long hours every day, and all the hotels have to use their own generators. Can you imagine, a country with so much oil, but with constant blackouts? They want to be independent from Iraq, but they have ended up in the deadly embrace of the foreigners: Westerners, Turks and Israelis are running their country. It is perfect for the rich, for the elites. Only the rich and corrupt are benefiting from the way this country is structured. There is not a single solid factory here… I am just wondering what they going to eat after they run out of oil.”

I drive to the Erbil Refinery, belonging to KAR (a local oil conglomerate), located in Khabat district, at Kawrkosek town (also known as Kawergosk), just 40 km west of Erbil city. The army, police and paramilitary are everywhere, protecting the installations. There are Turkish tanker trucks parked all along the road. But as I drive just a few minutes further, up to a hill, the misery screams out loudly in my face.

I speak to Mr. Harki, whose house faces the refinery. He is indignant, like most of the common citizens:

All this is for the rich… All this is for the corporations and nothing for the people. This oil company has taken our land. It said that we would get compensation: money, fuel, jobs… But until now, we have got nothing! I am very angry. Now my family is sick: we have respiratory problems, the air is just terrible.” Counterpunch


The “ISIS” controlled areas those building materials are going to are actually coming under fire, not from “ISIS” but from Kurdish terrorists we hired to destabilize Syria. They, like the regime in Kiev, are simply bombing the local citizenry into compliance and those supplies, like those blocked by the IDF going into Gaza, are making that effort more difficult.

So we call it “ISIS” in Syria.

The Israelis call them “terrorists” in Gaza.

Same thing. Land acquisition through through scorched earth operations.

The Kurds have a very powerful lobby in Turkey and up until now, Erdogan has been walking a thin line between support for their independence in Iraq and Syria and worrying about a time when they would demand a chunk of Turkey be handed over for their Greater Kurdistan dream.

It’s possible that was the very demand Joe Biden came calling with.

It’s also possible that the Western powers decided long ago when they cut a deal with the Kurds to repress the Iraqi uprising in the north, that Turkey and Erdogan would eventually have to be rolled into the “ISIS™ Crisis” along with Assad if the new Kosovo or South Sudan was going to succeed. Perhaps Joe Biden simply jumped the starting gun on it back in Oct.

Either way, there you have it. A little more information on the new anti-Turkey hearts and minds operation out of the Joint Special Propaganda Operations like HuffPuff and Mr. “Cartalucci

Thailand has set an example by which other nation’s armed forces should follow. The imaginary line drawn between unhinged corruption and inevitable national tragedy, and the military being able to intervene is just that, imaginary.” Tony Cartalucci

Thaksin’s regime is going. It is a cancer, you can choose to pray and wave the banner of democracy like children, we’ll choose to cut it out.” Tony Cartalucci


  1. Still ongoing!
    All because he's not chock full of clotshots like these smug degenerate ***holes he has to 'interface' with.
    Good news for him is there'll be fewer and fewer of them around in these next years of his zenith .

    This Reporter DISRESPECTED Novak Djokovic... look at his response!

    1. june 13
      Dr. Suneel Dhand
      Unjabbed Novak Djokovic is the G.O.A.T.


    VERY telling this change FAA made last year!
    I saw this Dr. Levy in that video docu series 6 months ago and he mentioned it there, to note it was very new then.

    Course, since pilots are a small sliver of those shot up, this will apply along with the troponin enzyme test results, etc. to any/all other occupations like, say, sports reporters?

    In an article written after the interview, Kirsch highlighted another
    topic discussed which was heart damage in vaccinated pilots as revealed in a change to Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) guidelines.

    In October 2022, the FAA quietly changed the electrocardiogram (“ECG”) parameters for pilots to accommodate people who have a cardiac injury – suggesting that the vaccine had been causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening.

  3. South Korea JUN17
    BTW, up only 2 hours and 1500 comments under it!!!

    Myocarditis data from Korea

    i remember him announcing this right after like the day after, about 6-9 months ago:
    The UK signed a 10 year contract with Moderna which will produce 250 million mRNA vaccines every year. Almost 5 vaccines per person per year.
