Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Why I Can No Longer Defend Glenn Greenwald as Merely a Dupe in the Snowden Psyop (archive)

(archived from June 17, 2013)

by Scott Creighton

On a pleasant Sunday afternoon, sitting comfortably in his home in Rio de Janeiro with a nifty little green-screen at his back (what self respecting journalist doesn’t have one of those), Glenn Greenwald admitting he was well aware of his star witness’ potentially fatal character flaws prior to publishing his overly hyped article on NSA “secrets” that the world already knew about. Glenn then deliberately misrepresented the nature and scope of the NSA’s spying program and perhaps  inadvertently offered up a glimpse of the real motivation behind the Snowden Psyop for anyone who cared to listen.

Over the past week and a half that I have been covering this story, my position has been that Glenn was probably just fed a bit of information on some new “Deepthroat” type whistle-blower and the promise of a Big Story … something on the lines of his work back in 2006 on the first (and the real) spying scandal leak when he went from being an obscure blogger to the toast of the town in the alternative media. I figured he was probably a dupe who had been set-up by his own paper, the Guardian, in order to lend this Snowden psyop some more credibility and in the end, to destroy a journalist viewed as the “professional left”.  I concluded that Greenwald was not an active participant in the overall psyop strategy.

I cannot in good faith support that conclusion any longer.


Form 94-95, Greenwald was employed by Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, one of the most influential law-firms in New York, specializing in mergers and acquisitions. Their client list includes the likes of JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Larry Silverstein just to name a few. Bernard Nussbaum, former White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton, was a partner in the firm. To say he worked for a leading globalist law-firm would be fair I suppose.

He started his own firm and ran that till about 2005 when he reportedly got tired of it all, broke up with his boyfriend, and went down to Rio and met his current boyfriend walking along a beach. His sexuality isn’t an issue until he makes it one. He is a rabid supporter of Bradley Manning and entire Wikileaks psyop as well and he went on record with OUT magazine saying he didn’t think Manning would have blown the whistle and leaked all that stuff had he been straight (Manning is gay as well)

It should also be noted that Glenn Greenwald has supported various globalist landmark events like the bombing of Libya (in his round-about way) or more directly his support of the Citizen’s United ruling which basically upheld the notion that corporations are people entitled to the use of money as free speech. He claimed he didn’t like the application of the law but that it was constitutionally sound. He was silent for the most part on the recent S.C. ruling on the constitutionally of the individual mandate which is key to the effectiveness of the Obamacare insult (though he did note at one time the person who wrote it, with the help of various insurance company insiders, left government service to take a lucrative position in the insurance world)

With regard to Libya and Benghazi, he chastised some of the Obama administration’s reactions to the CNN leak of the 3 page “journal” they “found” lying on the floor, but for the most part, he did his part to prop-up that psyop as well…

“I’m not particularly impressed with the criticism that the Obama administration should have better secured the consulate. It is always easy retroactively to demand greater security when an attack occurs, and it is impossible to safeguard against all potential threats.” Glenn Greenwald

It should be noted that Amb. Stevens was also gay. For someone who is supposedly as bright as Greenwald is reported to be, he didn’t end up questioning anything about Stevens being sent there with no security detachment to speak of after various warnings nor did he wonder about the terrorist mercenaries Stevens himself worked with being the ones to supposedly off him after training for the little project months in advance. His lack of curiosity about certain aspects of this subject was also disturbing to me at the time I was writing about it. In that same article, Glenn props up the all important “blow back” meme, which serves the interests of those who wanted to put drones in the skies of Libyan villages to take out those who do not support our neoliberal efforts.

“Yet again, western military intervention spawns vast instability and leads to the proliferation of weapons into the hands of extremists deeply hostile to the US.” Glenn Greenwald


He recently appeared with Bill Moyer talking about the Boston Bombing psyop and again, ignoring all the serious problems with the case itself and the behavior of the police state imposing martial law in search of an unarmed 19 year-old boy, Glenn again turned to the “blow back” meme to explain this case and many others since 9/11. “They (the “terrorists”) have not only the right, but the duty to attack America back

The fact that most of the supposed “terrorists” who have that duty were and are contractors for the United States via the CIA or other secretive organizations completely slips his mind apparently. The fact that the trials of these individuals are closed and the prosecutors are allowed an amazing latitude in presenting evidence in court that would never be admissible in real courts, eludes our liberal hero for some reason.

From his seat in what is portrayed as the “far left” section of the allowed dissent stadium, Glenn consistently cheer-leads the globalist agenda or conveniently ignores some of it’s most blatant and reprehensible crimes of state. For a man from a globalist mega-firm of mergers and acquisitions ghouls who just so happens to miss the bigger picture, that really isn’t all that surprising.

Glenn probably enjoyed one of the fastest rises to liberal stardom of any blogger turned journalism hero.

Rachel Maddow did it so did Arrianna Huffington. And we see what they are now; mouthpieces for the Washington Consensus selling neoliberalism as “centrist pragmatism”

Is that what Glenn has become?

Glenn started his own little blog after moving to Rio in Oct. of 2005. By Feb of 2007, not a year and a half later, Glenn was proudly hosted by Salon magazine and getting face-time on various MSM outlets on a range of subjects, not one of them terribly critical of what was really going on. He now works for the primo globalist propaganda rag, the Guardian.

During his recent interview, Glenn makes it perfectly clear that the Snowden psyop has been managed from the beginning, not just by institutions like the Guardian and the Washington Post, but by him as well. He stated during the interview that he and Snowden were fully aware of the pending personal attacks that were going to eventually discredit him and those who support his point of view by association:

“One of his big concerns with coming out,” Greenwald said, “really his only one, was that he knows political media loves to dramatize and personalize things, and he was concerned that the focus would distract away from the revelations of about what our government was doing on to him personally.”

“The other problem is that whenever there’s whistleblower, someone who dissents from our political institutions, the favorite tactic is to try to demonize him and highlight his alleged bad personality traits. That’s one of the reasons why we wanted to present him in his own words to the world, so that they could form their own impression before these smear campaigns began.” Mediaite

It was a conscience decision to get a leap on the narrative with the generally positive appearing Snowden before his brand was tarnished by inconvenient facts about his personal life. This is a marketing strategy, not the role of a journalist. As a journalist, his job would have been to accurately report the misgivings about his story and his life prior to trying to turn him into some kind of hero before a more accurate picture of the man was formed.

Glenn accurately describes the typical marginalization tactics used to discredit whistle-blowers and anyone else who steps outside the parameters of allowable debate (I wonder how many of us he has called “conspiracy theorists” in the past) but he completely ignores the fact that if the NSA had planned this psyop for whatever reason, they would certainly be aware of that fact and picked Snowden because he lends himself perfectly to it. Also surprising is the fact that he apparently knew all of this prior to publishing, and yet didn’t try to get control of that potentially damaging side of the guy before promoting him as a self-less expert giving up $200 k a year for the good of the people.

Glenn then goes on to misrepresent or at least allow the interviewer to misrepresent what the NSA spying program actually does:

In response to criticisms that Greenwald misrepresented the PRISM program, portraying the nine major internet companies as giving the NSA direct access to their servers when they in fact just allowed access to a remote dropbox, Greenwald said, “I think it is significant that the PRISM story in particular was published by Bart Gellman, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and vetted by all the Washington Post editors, as well as the editors in the Guardian and me as well.” Mediaite

Does he take the time in this televised interview to correct the pundit on that mis-characterization of the NSA program’s reach into our personal data? No. He simply points the finger to others who vetted the information as if to say “I’m not the only one”

As William Binney has been reporting for quite some time, a real whistle-blower who isn’t “on the run” in a country with strong ties to American and British financial systems and even the CIA, the NSA has DIRECT ACCESS to all of our information and can pull it up and search anyone at anytime, even going back in time to archived personal communications.

Does Greenwald go into that fact during the interview? No.

He went on a rant about one criticism of his work which said that Glenn does this internet sweeping technique looking for articles about him and attacks those that are critical of his work. He claims that’s just fine without addressing the fact that it would seem that it may not necessarily be him doing the sweeping and perhaps someone else is protecting their Glenn Greenwald product. Laughably, he says that journalism is changing toward those (presumably he means himself) not working for “these well connected big old style institutions” that stifle real debate. I laugh at that considering the Guardian is about as “alternative” as Fox News is these days.

But then, admit much self-aggrandizing, Glenn finally got  around to explaining the purpose of the Snowden psyop and it’s important to note it is almost WORD FOR WORD the exact same thing Obama had to say about it when the story broke “We have to have the debate”

“I first started writing about politics in late 2005, and I focused almost exclusively on the NSA scandal back then,” Greenwald said. “The way that I developed a platform was almost every progressive, liberal, democratic blogger, media outlet, person with a platform would promote the work I was doing…they were all cheering for the condemnations I was issuing…Uniformly, I bet you cannot go back and find a single liberal or progressive or democratic pundit taking Alberto Gonzalez’s side or condemning the source who blew the whistle on that program.”

Greenwald also told Kurtz that there were documents Snowden had given him that he would not publish out of security concerns.

“There are things that we’ve already held back,” Greenwald said. “He didn’t want us just dumping documents that would, for example, enable other countries to copy the massive surveillance scheme that the NSA is building and impose that on their own citizens. We didn’t want to print blueprint guides for other countries and intelligence services as to how to replicate what the NSA is doing. We just want to inform the American people about what their government is doing so they can democratically decide if that’s what they want.Mediaite

For a constitutional expert and advocate, that’s a rather amazing statement isn’t it? We have to democratically decide if we want our constitutional protections and civil liberties? Curious as well that Obama is also billed as a constitutional expert.

As far as I know, I’m no constitutional expert like Mr. Greenwald is, but as far as I know the constitution isn’t up for debate though there are certain various factions who would like it to be so. I’m no constitutional expert, but then again, I also never worked for a major globalist mergers and acquisitions firm either and unlike Mr. Greenwald, I still live in this country where Glenn is suggesting this whole effort of his was to put up the constitution itself for debate.

I’ve also never gotten paychecks from Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other MSM source. They tend to shy away from asking journalists like me my opinion on the neoliberal news of the day.

I also never supported the “blow back” theory of stage terror apologists like Mr. Greenwald does.

Yes, Mr. Greenwald “developed a platform” as a constitutional lawyer and left wing champion of all things progressive. But oddly enough, when the crap hits the fan, he tends to lean to the centrist in favor of the very things he pretends to oppose and in so doing, his left cover drags many right along with him.

Did he develop that platform or was he aided in those efforts which made him such a rising liberal star? Is he really that liberal?

Wasn’t there another fake liberal constitutional expert who rose from relative obscurity around the same time, a guy who worked for Kissenger and Associates yet was billed as a champion of the little guy in late 2004?

I seem to remember something about that guy giving a speech at a convention…  who was that CHANGE guy I’m thinking of?

So, short story long, no… I can’t trick myself any longer into thinking somehow Glenn Greenwald isn’t on board with this constitution shredding psyop. He was a plant, manufactured like Obama from the start, at a time when the oligarchs of the financial masters of the universe knew damn well that the plan for the Obama regime would be the continual assault on our constitutional rights. And Glenn has propped up that assault from day one while all the time pretending to be our advocate. Like Obama, he isn’t.

That said, he’s just as complicit in this Snowden psyop as anyone else. When I’m wrong, I admit it. I gave him too much credit.

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