Sunday, June 11, 2023

British “ISIS” Hacker Group, Lizard Squad or “Cyber Caliphate”, Hacks Malaysian Airlines on Behalf of British “Tony” Fernandes (archive)

(archived from January 26, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

There is little doubt that Junaid Hussain from Birmingham, a Brit, hacked US Central Command a month ago under the name of the “Cyber Caliphate”. It is said that he went to Syria and was radicalized so now he fights online for “ISIS”

That’s all bunk. He was given passwords. It was a “hearts and minds” campaign designed to help provide the needed pretext for British authorities to shut down the internet before they all get exposed as child molesters like their beloved prince.


Well, turns out, the “Cyber Caliphate” is back under the new name “Lizard Squad” with a new nifty mascot; a lizard dressed up like a British oligarch.


According to Sputnik, they hacked the website of Malaysian Airlines with that image right there. Originally on the image were the words “ISIS will prevail” (as in “England Prevails”) but that was later removed.

So what exactly is it you think “ISIS” or the “Cyber Caliphate” has against a state-owned airline company?

Think hard now.

Let me give you a little reminder:

Who is Tan Sri Anthony Francis “Tony” Fernandes and what exactly does he have to do with all these strange plane crashes involving Malaysian airline companies? And is it just a coincidence that this is all happening at such a crucial time when the globalist TPP is being debated behind closed doors?

Tony” as we shall call him, is British. That’s the first thing you need to know. Though he was born in Kuala Lumpor in ’64, he attended Epson boarding school in London and from there went on to study at the London School of Economics. He worked for another billionaire for a time at Virgin Records and had stints with various other global conglomerates including Warner Music, Time Warner and America Online…

…“Tony” still maintains some very close connections to Britain. He was given the honor of “Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) “for services to promote commercial and educational links” between Malaysia and the United Kingdom” … for basically being a globalist shill overseas for the “Make the World a Neoliberal Britain” campaign.

He is currently a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)…

Tony” wants Malaysian Airlines in the worst possible way. He wants to wreck it, buy it for another 26 cents and profit off the state-owned enterprise. That’s because he’s a neoliberal globalist oligarch and that is what they do. American Everyman, Jan. 4 2015

Brit “Tony” Fernandes, owner of AirAsia and a “Commander of the Order of the British Empire”, wants to bust-up state-owned Malaysian Airlines in the worst kind of way. He want’s to destroy it and devalue it so he can buy up the pieces for pennies on the dollar, like he did with AirAsia, and then hold a monopoly on air travel in the sector.

That’s what he wants.

And now, British Lizard Squad i.e. Cyber Caliphate just HAPPENS to attack Malaysian Airline’s website under the cover of “ISIS” (at first) threatening to release documents and hinting at more “missing” planes?

You know, back in the day, the Rothschilds had but to give selected minions a bunch of money in order to form illegal monopolies across the globe. That’s how E. H. Herriman’s railroad fortune was born. That’s how J.P. Morgan got his billions.

Now it seems Mr. Fernandes wants his slice of the pie and has turned to his British contacts to help make ready his acquisition.

It’s funny that it flies under the radar in the guise of “ISIS’ isn’t it? It’s funny it’s not all over the news that Britain has to resort to such bullshit lame-brained crap in order to expand their pathetic empire.

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