by Scott Creighton
Yes, Shelly, there really are monsters in the world.
“It is ironic in a way that the government thinks it’s alright to have a record of every single call that an American makes, but not alright for an American citizen to know what sovereign powers the government is negotiating away.” Congressman Alan Grayson
No. It’s not ironic. It’s completely logical when you understand the “unified field theory” of it all, otherwise known as our history. Then it makes perfect sense.
Yesterday I had to defend my theory on the Snowden psyop when a long-time reader suggested I was making connections that simply weren’t there; seeing some kind of overall agenda that blinded me to the real value of the selfless efforts of Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald.
“Maybe you should ask yourself if you are losing it. You are so caught up in some unified field theory that sucks up everyone and everything. I really appreciate your focus on neoliberalism the Snowden stuff and and Greenwald seems a stretch “ DBShell
Unfortunately I guess I am losing it. If I ever had “it”.
Yes, there is a unified field theory at work here. And yes, there is a reason all of these things are coming to fruition at this moment in time. Like the tumblers of a lock, they all have to line up, to click into place at just the right time, in just the right alignment, for the masters of the universe to open the gates to their New Mammon Dawn (mammon: material wealth or possessions especially as having a debasing influence)
And they are… whether one wishes to see it or not.
Seeing these connections isn’t pleasant, nor profitable for that matter. But it’s what I do and have done for 6 years, warning people about the gradual neoliberal transition of this country into a purely fascist state.
Yes, the Affordable Healthcare Act was passed and the unconstitutional mandate was upheld by the Supreme Court because that is what the major insurance companies and financial institutions wanted. To come into full effect in just a few months.
The Global War of Terrorism continues unabated because that is what the MIC and the global financiers want.
The Supreme Court upheld Citizens United because the protections of person-hood for the oligarch’s constructs (corporations) provides them with rights and freedoms no longer granted to us.
The never ending 80 billion dollar a month bailouts continue to make a select few of the Wall Street financial monsters way Too Big Too Hold Accountable for anything.
The crippling austerity program, the IMF Chicago Boys type “economic brick” has just landed on us all, with more horrific results just down the road.
The American Gladio operation timed to strip certain “mentally unstable” Americans of their 2nd amendment rights after what promises to be an interesting July 4th.
The Benghazi psyop used to justify sending troops and drones into the whole of Africa on behalf of 45 major corporations and their plans to neoliberalize the continent.
The various and sundry laundry list of intrusive spying programs which spend not one single minute of their efforts seeking out terrorists, but rather compile vast quantities of data on everyone else, creating profiles…. and lists like those the CIA has ALWAYS created in a neoliberalised country.
The fact that congress’ new regulations on the financial industry being written by Citigroup
And yes, CISPA is on the table, waiting for just the right environment to be brought to the forefront of American discourse… just when we are “having the discussion” brought about by the Snowden psyop.
These things are all part and parcel of fascism, the occupation of the state by corporate interests to the point where it serves only those interests to the detriment of the people.
So while I am told here that I should be worried about “losing it” and told on the radio by the likes of Webster Tarpley that we should pay attention to Syria, all of these things are quietly sliding into place, like a Rubic’s Cube turning slowly one move at a time.
At the risk of seeming like I am losing it for pushing my unified field theory even farther, I offer you this:
The Obama, that some would have us think is actually trying to scale back this fascist slide, is about to drop the most horrifying piece of “trade legislation” on us that this country has ever seen. The TPP “trade” agreement is about everything but trade.
Is that my paranoia? Me overreaching for my unified field theory?
No. That’s the one congressman who has been allowed to read it, Congressman Alan Grayson (yes, this is being kept secret even from congress in the interests of “national security”). That’s what he says.
This from Washington’s Blog:
“Yesterday, Congressman Alan Grayson (who knows how to read legislation … he was a successful lawyer before he was elected to Congress, and has written and co-sponsored numerous bills himself including the bill to audit the Federal Reserve and – most recently – the “Mind Your Own Business Act” to stop NSA spying) announced that he had been allowed to read the text of TPP – and that it is an anti-American power grab by big corporations:
“Last month, 10,000 of us submitted comments to the United States Trade Representative (USTR), in which we objected to new so-called free trade agreements. We asked that the government not sell out our democracy to corporate interests.
Because of this pressure, the USTR finally let a member of Congress – little ole me, Alan Grayson [anyone who's seen Grayson in action knows that he is formidable] – actually see the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is a large, secret trade agreement that is being negotiated with many countries in East Asia and South America.
The TPP is nicknamed “NAFTA on steroids.” Now that I’ve read it, I can see why. I can’t tell you what’s in the agreement, because the U.S. Trade Representative calls it classified. But I can tell you two things about it.
1) There is no national security purpose in keeping this text secret.
2) This agreement hands the sovereignty of our country over to corporate interests.
3) What they can’t afford to tell the American public is that [the rest of this sentence is classified].
I will be fighting this agreement with everything I’ve got. And I know you’ll be there every step of the way.
Having seen what I’ve seen, I would characterize this as a gross abrogation of American sovereignty. And I would further characterize it as a punch in the face to the middle class of America. I think that’s fair to say from what I’ve seen so far. But I’m not allowed to tell you why!
Congressman Alan Grayson”
“Remember that one of the best definitions of fascism – the one used by Mussolini – is the “merger of state and corporate power”. Our nation has been moving in that direction for a number of years, where government and giant corporations are becoming more and more intertwined in a malignant, symbiotic relationship. TPP would be the nail in the coffin for free market economics and democracy.” Washington’s Blog
Though thoroughly depressing, it is morbidly satisfying after having been labeled a “conspiracy theorist” all of these years, to hear something like this on the limited hangout program Democracy NOW!:
“Well, it’s been branded a free trade agreement, but really it is enforceable corporate global governance.” Lori Wallach
Yes folks, yes Shelly, that’s fascism by definition. The global new world order, stuff of tin-foil hats and black helicopter fearing conspiracy theorists. Once again, like with the recent revelations about TWA 800, the conspiracy theorists were right all along. And there it is for you to see.
Sans Shock and Awe, the transition that our leaders have been talking about for a decade, would have to be slow and deliberate, a thru-line to which they were meticulously dedicated. The war on terror was launched after pieces set in place in early 2001, the global economic collapse was produced after Glass-Steagall took restrictions and regulations off the derivatives markets, all of these things were and are (see list above) steps in an instructional outline, being followed diligently by those members of the Washington Consensus.
It’s a unified field theory, if you will, and yes Shelly, monsters do exist. They plot and plan and construct the world as they see fit in order to remake it in an image dreamed up by their owners.
These things aren’t happening by coincidence. This is not simply the natural evolution of social order. This is driven by a plan set in motion before you or I were born.
What we are watching, here in our lifetime, is the end of a solar day.
We went from darkness to light; there was:
the dawn of rationality when human and civil rights were fought for and died for in the wake of the excesses of the oligarchs of the Gilded Age-
the midday of equality when the civil rights movement, women’s suffrage movement, labor laws, collective bargaining rights, environmental protections and ultimately the creation and rise to power of a vibrant and healthy middle class
But night only lasts so long and in the end, their new Mammon Dawn with break and though it will shed a dimmed thin hopeless light on the world around us, it will seem like paradise compared to what is to come in the near future. And those of us left, there will be thanks.
And here we are, the apathetic generation, so propagandized we don’t know our own minds nor our will. We are charged with the unpleasant task of witnessing the last flickering light of day and doing nothing about it other than clinging to false heroes berating each other over unified field theories that don’t exist.
But they do exist. There are monsters and unlike the neocons, the New Dems and the rest of the republicrats, they don’t all tell you they’re monsters. Sometimes that’s how monsters work best.
You can hide under your bed, you can whistle past the graveyard, you can try to BELIEVE all you want that your HOPE icon will turn back the corporate tide… you can even condemn those still standing for the light, but you can’t stop it and you can’t embrace it, try as you might, it’s not for you and it never will be.
Important nooz.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bolton rates the Donald's ongoing travails in terms of his election campaign & chances therein.
As Tonto was so wont to say "Not good, ke-mo sah-bee!"
OR, to phrase another way, "Why oh why does every GDF deja-vu look exactly like the last one?"
Bolton makes prediction on Trump's political career after indictment
C Nattering Nastis