Thursday, June 8, 2023

Forget Godzilla; Secretary Mothra is On The Case

(archived from April 18, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

file photo of Sec. Mothra at the White House, Jan. 20th 2009

Now that the impression of the situation in Japan has been sufficiently raised to the level of a nuclear holocaust complete with  three-headed, flipper-handed babies roaming the Japanese countryside feeding on the brains of the stunned and irradiated population, the globalists technocrats are free to rush in and remake Japan in their own profit-margin generating image.

So who do they send to start-up their transformation process? Who else but Queen Neo-liberaladati herself, President Hillary Clinton, AKA “Mothra”, who is currently in Japan along with some business insiders spreading her special kind of sticky love-goo all over the Japanese people.

It’s a good thing the dissident sites are all over this one. _ಠ 

“Clinton, on a brief, largely symbolic stop in Tokyo, voiced solidarity and vowed that the United States would “do everything we can to support you as you come through this time of trial”.

“And we know you will emerge even stronger than before,” she said after meeting Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto”  AFP

Clinton didn’t go out there alone  to show her support for Japan, instead she took with her the real rulers of the Obama administration; the policy makers, the check writers, the underwriters of the next “CHANGE” campaign and Obama’s core constituents… the US Chamber of Commerce.

“Clinton and Matsumoto said they were launching a business partnership to support Japan’s reconstruction on its northeastern coast, where 13,778 people have been confirmed dead and more than 14,000 are still missing.

While details were vague, the heads of the US Chamber of Commerce and Japan’s business lobby Nippon Keidanren said they would meet on ways that foreign companies can take part in the massive rebuilding.” AFP

You see, for the most part, Japan has enjoyed a very strong economy over the past decade or so, but they have strong protectionist trade barriers and laws that keep the globalists speculators from buying up Japanese businesses and flooding their economy with the same hot-money that crippled countless nations all across Europe and Africa.

Washington hopes that the large-scale response can help reshape attitudes in Japan, which has been a staunch US ally for decades, but where many citizens bristle at what they see as American domination.”  AFP

The people of Japan don’t want our neo-liberal, University of Chicago technocrats meddling in their fiscal future and even went so far as to try to get our military base the hell off their land in Okinawa a couple of years ago. It was a huge political issue that was deeply rooted in the national identity of the vast majority of the Japanese people.

So the crisis created by the tsunami and the nuclear accident at the Fukushima plant has been leapt upon by the globalist propaganda writers for the various free market think-tanks across the country.

The true power  of disaster capitalism lies in the ability to utilize times of national crisis in order to advance agenda’s that are strongly opposed by the majority of the targeted population. Just take the passage of the Patriot Act for example. It failed even in the crisis of the aftermath of 9/11, so along came “someone” to send anthrax from a US facility to members of congress and writers who openly opposed the passage of the undemocratic and unconstitutional bill.  In the wake of THAT crisis, the Patriot Act passed.

Another example would be the TARP bailout bill which was desperately needed by the leading financial institutions who colluded with ranking politicians to create the fiscal disaster of 2008 (which most of us are still suffering through today). Without that bill, they would have drowned in a sea of bad paper that they created to drown us. Too Big Too Fail became the call to action.

The TARP bill was the most opposed piece of legislation this country has ever seen and the first time it went before congress, it failed. Along comes the secretary of treasury to warn of martial law if they don’t pass the give-away bill and the computerized trading machines at Wall Street created a mini-crash of the stock market. So, in light of that ADDITIONAL crisis, the bill gets passed.

And that brings us back to Japan.

I have certainly lost a few readers who thought I went a bit far over the past few months with my assessment of the nuclear “crisis” in Japan as being exaggerated to say the least.  Several “dissident” sites have been harping on the situation as if it were the worst nuclear incident since Fat Man and Little Boy. Needless to say, I have strongly disagreed.

Dire predictions of floating clouds of radioactive death seem to produce increased page views and donations but up until now at least, the Fukushima plant has yet to produce any of the predicted horrors that our friends at sites like WRH and InfoWars breathlessly blogged about.

I wish our friends over on those other sites had taken a moment or two to remember how the disaster capitalism model works and to give a moment’s consideration to whom interests their dire predictions were actually serving…

Robert Pozen, Brookings Institute - “The tsunami in Japan and its impact on nuclear plants are truly tragic for the Japanese people. But are there any silver linings in this dark cloud for the depressed Japanese economy?”

“A logical response would be for Japan to allow the immigration of significant numbers of young families from other parts of Asia

“Before Japan decides to rebuild the whole area affected by the recent tsunami, perhaps it will look at alternative approaches, such as relocating families to cities and retraining agricultural workers for other jobs.”

Michael Green, Council on Foreign Relations - “The devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, humbled the world with its demonstration of human fragility in the face of nature’s fury…the disaster is sure to change the course of Japan’s future in several critical aspects.

The longer-term impact of the disaster is already a topic of major debate. The first question is whether the events of March 11 will prompt Japan to introduce a more dynamic economic growth strategy, as opposed to the overly protective approach of the past decades that often stifled innovation and competition.”

The worse the situation becomes over in Japan, the more opportunity Hillary and the Chamber of Commerce have to recreate the economic and political system in Japan. Open borders and the decimation of the agricultural base are key factors in the neo-liberalization process but the most important changes are to their economic laws and protectionist policies.

Japan’s  national barriers to the speculator’s corrupting influences will surely fall in the tsunami’s wake as the afterglow of their nuclear “crisis” continues to swell with misdirected public concern.

Forget Godzilla. The only mutants we will see rising up from the wreckage in Japan will be newly minted oligarchs on a Russian scale as the neo-liberals remake Tokyo in Moscow’s image.

Sec. of State Mothra is over in Japan spreading her diseased seed from the folds of her flapping wing-like arms while her inadvertent cheerleaders like Mike and AJ keep clapping for Tinker-bell just as hard as they can.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe it's over a decade now since ol' Cackles&Cankles led the charge and liberated Libya.
    Mymy, how Time flies.

    BUT how can this be? It says right in the 1952 (peace) Treaty of San Francisco that their occupiers would leave!
    (Germany of course never did get any peace treaty, of course, only the May/1945 armistice).

    But when referencing a bad Japanese horror movie, to play for sure not in the theaters there but in the streets among the peeps, shouldn't the rampaging monster have a name with the suffix 'zilla'?
    Bride of Godzilla?
    The Mothra of all Monsterzillas?
