Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Hey Clinton Fake-left Dems: See What Happens When You Turn a Blind Eye to a Stolen Nomination? (archive Nov 9 2016)

(archived from )

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Some pundits are starting to figure it out. Here’s Captain Hindsight:

Why, oh why, did it have to be Hillary Clinton? Yes, she has an impressive resume; yes, she worked hard on the campaign trail. But she was exactly the wrong candidate for this angry, populist moment… She was the Democratic candidate because it was her turn…” Thomas Frank, Common Dreams

See that? It was “her turn” she didn’t win the nomination. It was just”her turn”. You also notice how dismissive this establishment hack is toward the populist movement in the country? You think he learned his lesson, this limousine liberal? I doubt it.

It should be noted on Aug. 15th Thomas Frank wrote: With Trump Certain to Lose, You Can Forget about a Progressive Clinton


Image result for hillary stole the nomination

The mood was clear and you had to be blind man or blindly sycophantic idol worshiper to miss it: the anti-establishment sentiment in the country was going to win the day. We saw that with Brexit, we saw that with Donald Trump winning the Republican Party nomination and we saw that with the tens of thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters showing up and working the streets every day and swarming to every rally like their lives and their futures depended on it. We saw it all and still when the establishment of the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders through a number of tricks and treats, the bulk of the dedicated Democrats CHOSE to say nothing. To remain silent.

And you can’t say we didn’t warn you. We did everything we could to show you how the nomination was stolen in state after state. We showed you exit polls that didn’t match results and what did you do? You stopped taking exit polls in the last couple of state contests. We showed you voter registration purges totaling millions of voters being separated from their right to cast a vote in the nomination process and you said “shut up”. Wikileaks showed you how the establishment serving DNC had their finger on the scale from the start on behalf of corporatist Clinton and DWS resigned (to take a paid roll on her campaign) and still you said nothing.

In poll after poll prior to Clinton claiming the nomination, Bernie Sanders beat Donald Trump handily while Hillary Clinton lost to him.

How much more obvious could that be?

Hillary was the ultimate establishment candidate and you guys were led to believe you had to run her for the office at a time when an anti-establishment wildfire is sweeping across the globe. And the people who sold you that lie, were the establishment.

And you think Trump supporters are dumb?

The complicit media wasn’t enough. The adjusted polls weren’t enough. The shameless pandering to the black vote with Jay-Z, Beyonce and LeBron James wasn’t enough. Even getting all the tainted Bush/Cheney Republicans to come out for Hillary wasn’t enough in the end.

You know what would have been enough?


Had you opened your mouths and demanded fairness in the nomination process, Bernie Sanders would be your President Elect right now and we probably wouldn’t be looking at a Republican controlled House and Senate.

Funny isn’t it how the will of the people will ultimately get it right? I know folks like James Corbett say democracy and voting is tragically flawed and will never work, but it did work last night didn’t it and it would have worked even better had corruption and graft not been ignored by the “party of the people” a couple months ago.

So you Clinton-dems, you “moderate” dems, you Scoop Jackson dems… how do you feel right now? Because you know what? You made Donald Trump president. You are ultimately more responsible for his victory yesterday than any other single demographic in the country. It’s not the blacks, Latinos or women’s fault for not showing up in sufficient numbers. It’s not the college educated white men who ended up voting Trump more often than Clinton. And it’s not the KKK, the Nazis or the average white guy’s fault either.

It’s your fault for allowing a deeply flawed, much maligned, almost universally hated criminal to steal the nomination from the one populist candidate who could have cleaned the floor with Trump yesterday… because the whole Goddamned world knew that it was the year of the populist voter. You couldn’t have missed it unless you wanted to. And you did.

I want you to keep that in mind for the next two years as the neo-liberal Republicans like Paul Ryan decimate the New Deal and install Supreme Court justices one after the other.

You brought this shit on yourselves.


  1. I prefer the one about the Supremes "awarding" the 2000 election.
    That level of OFFICIAL STATE SANCTIONED gerrymandering will never be topped in any age.

    BTW, howz about putting up with each article a CheckFart to show that it's been checked, by you? If those frauds can do it, i don't think it's a trademark infringement, then any blogger should be able to, if ony to mock them.

    Mario JUNE 13 has some original ideas & news.
    He called the late 2022 UK gilt/DBPP near-vaporization 2 months before it happened with this chart:
    Note it's breaking out again, from that already higher yield.
    The DBPP's are hyper-leveraged to the 2-year swaps on the UK Gilt (note) yield. So, derivatives there too, stacked to the stars.

    Says this may likely blow up well before end of this year, far worse and openly compared to the event just months ago, and the real reason Bojo resigned his mp seat is so he can run again as party leader for PM, because UK election is 2024, but if this here blows they could see it earlier.

    very very telling & bad news here puts the lie to the garbage gov stats claiming the economy is best ever, unempl. 3.5% etc.
    It's the US shipments/usage of CARDBOARD, that ridiculously ubiquitous item needed every business & industry.

    It's already collapsed to 2008 levels, and this is old data by a month at least so has nothing to do it's BEFORE with the current west coast port strikes (LA/Long beach) & shutdown (Seattle).

    But then also another bare fact proving the lie is how is the fedgov deficit running at -$2.0T, if there's so much economic activity. it should be at least balanced, or in surplus

  2. These control freak psychos started only 10 years ago, looks like a wef spinoff.
    Same parade of evil clown self-annointed 'expert' speakers.

    The State of the World - Highlights
    World Government Summit

  3. Not a boo anywhere else this one.
    Journalist Held in Polish Prison Without Trial: Pablo González' Lawyer Gonzalo Boye Speaks Out
    Richard Medhurst

  4. Where TF all these deaths coming from?**

    Montreal JUNE8
    Report into Montreal ER deaths disappointing for families
    423K subscribers

    **Answer just might have something to do with THIS, just yesterday!:
    vejon health
    Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths?

    when covid first started I asked my 22 year old son his perspective.
    "Now is the time you have to watch out for all the stupid people Dad. They're going to be scared."
    He was so right
