Sunday, June 25, 2023

Wagner Coup: Wannabe Czar Prigozhin Demanded New Contract Before FF Stunt

Prigozhin had wanted Russian MoD to give him new contract with unlimited and soldiers after his glorious victory over ragtag conscripts in Bakhmut. Wasn't going to happen. Instead Russia told them his mercs had to sign onto MoD contracts pledging alliance to Russia, not him. So Prigozhin staged his stupid false flag attack and marched his troops. It has failed. Russia won. And the billionaire has to lick his PR wounds.







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  1. Sure throws a monkey wrench into Dear Leader Rus for what kind of new "business plan" he's going to have to hurriedly come up with for 'securing' or 'wowing' those other countries using a kinder gentler model (for optics) rather than actual Rus army troops, like in africa and maybe syria where the same brand of mercs are being used to swing them away from eg the frenchies who recently got uninvited out of 3 african countries in short order.

    Somehow too a tie-in to 2004 Beslan what went on there, with vlad still suffering from ptsd flashbacks over that one.

    supposedly that 25,000 number thrown around is the w/w total, and there are likely thousands of Wagner mercs there. And of course this 25000 is the active force, meaning after losses in battle after which say Bahkmut were considerable in the 10000+ range killed at least (numbers all over the place that one).

    Fact is, shoigu is merely another appointed apparatchik, in the image of the one who appointed him,who was in turn appointed by the insidious yeltsin late 1999 b4 (s)elected in early 2000, and neither has any military experience in the field b4 office. Lotsa comments about that around a big reason why once u scratch beneath the surface, there's plenty of unhappy campers there, and a great % number of those would be surprise the active military who actually have something on the line unlike the hordes of pootin pom-pom waving benchsitters and sofa surfers.

    Anyone remember names like Motorola and Givi, 2 other genuine war heros and what happened to them? Prighozin could be joining that short list. Because there's only 1 shining star allowed to keep shining there, meaning no potential rivals are allowed a place at the table.

    Very similar to the plight of one Marshal Gyorgi Zhukov, whose rank and position placed him just under stalin, and who emerged a true national superhero whose immense popularity was what saved him from stalin---even he couldn't get rid of zhukov after WW II despite all the scheming and attempts!
    So today this russian folk-tale rhymes (tho stalin was in no way russian)---just substitute the names in the given major players' positions.

    So to note china looks to have it correct they must have seen something of the things i don't like because they're going full military troop presence like at Djibouti and just now announced Cuba.

    1. Speaking of, just out now.
      Site u can tell just from # subs is a pure mainstream "news" inet outlet, like wion, ChinaPrint, CRUX, etc.
      Shows maps with the ongoing machinations of france usa russia china there
      11 minutes
      Caspian Report
      Wagner secretly in war in Africa

  2. Another timely find.
    BATTER UP! Next project.
    Pootin's next plague to visit him. almost certainly far sooner than the west is claiming.
    Likely all the backwater retro-fitting, the flying, everything is already well along nearing final.

    Just like happened with those Storm shadows, used against targets in russia 2 days IIRC after they were announced being supplied.

    Even the ny slimes is in on it a few days ago clip of page was in a video where they openly taunted dear leader, proudly saying that the very fact he issued another serial "redline" empty threat on this specific threat, with never any follow-up on even 1 of the previous, is exactly why they're proceeding!

    rather long, but just to get the key numbers/stats from it like range for weight of whatever type/size/range of big missile to fit (roughly size of say a storm shadow or a rus khinzal).

    IOW, narrows down which nato country said missile will be launched from/over so to hit in russia.

    F-16s are Coming to Ukraine and this will happen.
    Millennium 7
    58 minutes

  3. Already forgotten in the rvm, but here's a final post-mortem on the outrageous purposely overlooked safety concerns of the titan.
    Gates here is some kind of pro documentary explorer.

    Missing Sub: Former Titan passenger 'couldn't get comfortable with design'
    10minutes june22

    This man has taken on many filmed adventures with MANY risky modes of transportation and if he deemed this unsafe for his crew than the sub must have been something quite horribly unsafe.

  4. There goes Shitcago, the Windy $ity!
    Last faint hope (new mayor) already faded away.

    Crime Surges an Incredible 38% Under Chicago's New Progressive Mayor
    The Windy City finds itself swept up in an unprecedented 38% spike in crime, under the watch of its latest helmsman, Mayor Brandon Johnson. As we enter a month since his election, Chicagoan's concerns continue to grow,
