Thursday, June 22, 2023

U.S. Sec. of Defense Sends Missiles and Troops in Support of the 9/11 Terrorists (archive)

(archived from December 14, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

Syrian Rebels Tied to Al Qaeda Play Key Role in War NYT Dec 8 2012

Leon Panetta and the administration of “CHANGE” are working overtime to terrorize the legitimate leader of Syria and the general population of the country.

At least 24 civilians, including a large number of children, were killed in two separate car bombings southwest of Damascus on Thursday” HT Dec 13th 2012

Panetta announced that he is sending two Patriot Missile batteries and 400 U.S. troops to Turkey in support of the terrorists Hillary Clinton and the CIA have been running in their destabilization campaign in neighboring Syria.

Head of new U.S.-backed Syrian coalition endorses al Qaida-linked rebel faction McClatchy Dec 13 2012

That’s called terrorism folks. So it’s no surprise that the secretary of defense is now asking our troops to saddle up next to al Qaeda. Birds of a feather as they say..

Militants torch another Shia mosque in Syria Dec 14 2012 RT

“We are deploying two patriot batteries here to Turkey along with the troops that are necessary to man those batteries, so that we can help Turkey have the kind of missile defense it may very well need in dealing with threats that come out of Syria,” Panetta told the troops at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey. NBC “news”

The Patriot missile systems are not going there to deter Assad from attacking Turkey. Assad has no intention of doing that and giving the NATO conquistadors an excuse to attack.


Instead, the batteries will be used in the near future to control the airspace in northern Syria as the al Qaeda linked Free Syria Army brand of international mercenaries occupy that area.

Till then, the build-up of foreign weapons of war and troops on the Syrian border constitutes a violation international law. It amounts to terrorist threats, trying to force instability in the country in support of their on-going  destabilization campaign. To in a sense terrorize the people of Syria and their leadership into simply giving up and handing over their nation to the neoliberals who run NATO.

This certainly isn’t the first time we have sent U.S. soldiers in harms way in support of terrorists and unfortunately it wont be the last.

From Vietnam to Cuba, from Nicaragua to now… we have had as U.S. policy, written into the manual of unconventional warfare, the mandate to create, train, support and ultimately back-up with troops, the absolute worst kind of human beings on the planet after they commit, on our behalf, some of the worst atrocities committed on the planet since the German concentration camps, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Now Leon Panetta, the defense secretary of the Peace Prize President, with very little fanfare, is continuing the tradition.

The idea that the head of the department located in the Pentagon would be sending his troops and munitions to another country to support a “resistance” made up of al Qaeda fighters is almost too bizarre for words until you stop to think about what really happened on 9/11 and then of course, it makes perfect sense.

It’s sickening enough just being an American at a time like this. Must be horrible to be one of those troops deployed in the field though. I wonder how long it will be till they are forced to fight side by side with al Qaeda terrorists trying to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria so our corporate interests can enslave their country as well.

Sign up to fight the terrorists, and you end up fighting for them. Actually, when you think about it, they were doing that the day they signed on the dotted line. Just a different brand name is all.

Of course, our special ops guys are already working with and possibly fighting with the terrorists in Syria just like they did in Libya. So, what’s the difference? Right?

Support the troops baby!

Two Cheers for the Islamists!” Foreign Policy magazine

“Islamists – many of them hardened by years of fighting U.S. forces in Iraq — are simply more effective fighters than their secular counterparts. Assad has had extraordinary difficulty countering tactics perfected by his former jihadist allies, particularly suicide bombings and roadside bombs (IEDs). The Islamists’ ability to shatter the calm even in high-security neighborhoods of Damascus and Aleppo is slowly stripping away the regime’s outer layers of non-Alawite support.” Gary Gambill


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