Friday, June 16, 2023

Rampant Criminality at the FBI… yes, the FBI (archive)

(archived from December 27, 2013)

by Scott Creighton

Here’s a little clip from a Huffington Post article about a recent report on how many crimes the FBI allowed their operatives to commit in 2012. The number is actually up from 2011 which was off the charts as well. Notice they redacted the actual breakdown of the crimes they allowed their operatives to get away with. Murder? Mass casualty events? Terrorism? What is the FBI letting their goons off the hook for and MORE IMPORTANTLY… does the FBI actually tell them what to do or just let them get away with murder while in their service? 

The FBI allowed its informants to break the law at least 5,939 times last year, a 5 percent jump from 2011, according to a newly disclosed document.

In a Jan. 14, 2013, letter to Justice Department officials, obtained by The Huffington Post through a Freedom of Information Act request, FBI officials disclosed that its 56 field offices authorized informants to break the law at least 5,939 times during the 2012 calendar year. USA Today reported earlier this year that the bureau allowed its informants to break the law 5,658 times in 2011.

The breakdown of how many crimes were authorized by each individual FBI field office were redacted from the 2012 report, which is known as the Otherwise Illegal Activity Report. The FBI’s fellow federal law enforcement agencies — the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — do not track how often their sources commit crimes.” Huffington Post

A little quick math. That’s 16.27 major crimes a day (we have to assume they don’t record minor offenses like speeding for instance). Is that a crime wave… or is it organized crime?

And how about that last sentence? The DEA and ATF don’t even bother keeping track of the crimes their assets commit in the U.S.? Holy shit.

This is the Trickle Down Theory of Criminality. Big Banks and corporate interests get away with murder in this country daily. So do government officials. When there was no accountability for the Bush administration with regards to the various war crimes they committed, many of us out here in the “extremist political websites” said it was going to be a bad omen for the country allowing for rampant criminality “trickling down” to other folks lower on the food chain but still protected by the “national security” umbrella.

Well… here it is. An escalating gangsta government of pure, unadulterated criminality. The inmates run the asylum folks. The thugs run the prisons.

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