Saturday, June 17, 2023

InCIAdious: The Monsters Run the Asylum… still (archive)

(archived from December 10, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

President Obama’s 2009 Executive Order repudiating torture does not repudiate the CIA extraordinary rendition program.”

For all the horror that our collective controlled opposition are are currently convulsing over, as bad as that 560 page redacted and politically correct summery of the 5,600 page real report that will NEVER be released, it pales in comparison to the real history of Capitalism’s Invisible Army and the bloody swath they’ve cut through the legacy of mankind on behalf of our “national interests”


Fallout From Brutal Report Continues… CIA’s Claims Of Torture Legitimacy Destroyed… Led To Fabricated Info… Didn’t Help Find Bin Laden… The Most Egregious Lies… ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’… Staggering Incompetence: Lost Detainees… Ex-Chief: I Did No Wrong… Obama Won’t Take Sides…  FULL REPORT: Horrific Details Of CIA’s Torture… Dozens Wrongfully Held… Torture Used Before Seeking Cooperation… CIA Paid Experts $81 Million… Misled Media To Shape Coverage… Quarter Of The World Helped Run Program… GOP: Torture Helped America!… CIA Unlikely To Lose Power In Wake Of Horror… America’s Bloody Conscience…

Getting a glimpse of yourself in the mirror after a particularly bad decade is never a pleasant experience. But I guess it gives a certain faction a sense of self-satisfaction to look back at the horrors of yesteryear so they can pretend they have some moral superiority while their hero still drones, rapes, renditions and pillages for the sake of the same “national interests” and they, the complicit left, remain loyally silent and tone deaf to the current victims crying alone in the dark.

Libya, Ukraine, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Thailand, Iraq, Syria, Palestine… Detroit.

Torture? We bombed Libya. We pay and support terrorists in Syria. We cut deals with brutal generals in Egypt and install them to overthrow a government that rejects the IMF. We installed NAZIS in Ukraine. Nazis people. Real Nazis, not wannbe fake assholes with bad prison tats and jobs at Jiffy Lube. Real… fucking… NAZIS.

We are training death-squads in multiple countries and bringing back the Salvador Option in Iraq in order to keep our brutal, vicious, monstrous regime in place there for our “national interests”

Yeah, I guess it is more pleasant for the folks at Think Progress to look over all of that and daydream back to the days when they pretended to have a spine. The days when they could feel morally superior to the Bush trolls who lurked in the shadows and cheered while we tortured and killed with impunity.

Talk about blinders.

Yeah, there’s a report out that says we tortured a hundred or so folks “way back when”

As of January of this year, Obama had killed over 2,400 with drone strikes run by the CIA in more countries than I care to count. Most of them we aren’t even at war with.

Would you like to know a little secret?

All of this stuff everyone is all a flutter about, ALL OF IT, was made public in various ways over the last few years. ALL OF IT. Remind you of “Edward Snowden”? It should.

Here’s another FACT:

President Obama’s 2009 Executive Order repudiating torture does not repudiate the CIA extraordinary rendition program.  It was specifically crafted to preserve the CIA’s authority to detain terrorist suspects on a short-term, transitory basis prior to rendering them to another country for interrogation or trial.

President Obama’s 2009 Executive Order also established an interagency task force to review interrogation and transfer policies and issue recommendations on “the practices of transferring individuals to other nations.” The interagency task force report was issued in 2009, but continues to be withheld from the public.

While we all bask in the glory of yesterdays offenses, lying to ourselves that we are no longer our father’s children, that we are somehow miraculously healed of the sickness we became, remember… nothing has CHANGED.

Back then at least half of us knew and spoke about the insidious disease which infected us. Today, while we watch “Homeland” and turn a blind eye to the new War on “ISIS”, we pretend, like a junkie in the last stages, that we can’t see the rot eating away at our flesh.

So bask in your fucking Torture Report. Let it wash over you like the holy water of ObamaGod, cleansing you of your sins of omission. Take that last hit while the private prisons are stuffed to capacity and cops kill with impunity and your Gods do nothing to ease the suffering you work so hard to ignore.

The monsters still run the asylum and you’ll either wake up to that fact… or you’ll become one.

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