Wednesday, June 21, 2023

State of the Unconventional and Irregular Wars Report – Exposing the Deep State Machinations of our Irregular Wars (archive)

(archived from January 19, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

Leading into tomorrow’s State of the Union Address, in which President Peace Prize will lay out his agenda for the coming year (including his feigned attempt to push a new “rich tax” with a republican controlled House and Senate… heh heh), I thought it might be good to give the people a bit of an update on all of that “CHANGE” we got in 2008.

Specifically, I thought it would be good to give a bit of a rundown of the ongoing Endless Global War OF Terror in all it’s many facets with what I call the State of Unconventional and Irregular Wars Report.



Before we get into the State of Unconventional and Irregular Wars Report, we first should make sure everyone is on the same page as to what it is we are talking about. And where better to derive our definitions than from the military branch in charge of all of these wars we are engaged in:

1. Unconventional Warfare as described in the 2008 Army Special Operations Forces report:

Operations conducted by, with, or through irregular forces in support of a resistance movement, an insurgency, or conventional military operations.” FM 3-05.201, (S/NF) Special Forces Unconventional Warfare (U) 28 September 2007

Such (international) competition involved all instruments of state power: diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME) expanded in some recent policy documents to diplomatic, informational, military, economic, financial, intelligence, and law enforcement (DIMEFIL).

Using the other instruments of power—especially the informational—they [we] seek to employ what is variably referred to as “irregular,” “asymmetric,” or “unrestricted” warfare. Even when violence is joined, direct methods are generally avoided for the classic techniques of guerrilla warfare, terrorism, sabotage, subversion, and insurgency.

Such indirect methods are not unprecedented. Since ancient times, kingdoms and empires have employed psychological warfare to terrorize, demoralize, and subvert their opponents.

The United States is not unpracticed in using many of these methods. It is accustomed to wielding all instruments of national power. It has effectively done so in the past.

2. Irregular Warfare as described in the 2008 Army Special Operations Forces report:

JP 1-02 defines IW (Irregular Warfare) as “a violent struggle among state and nonstate actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations (nations). IW favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capacities in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will.” IW is inherently a protracted conflict that will test the resolve of the United States and its partners

Waging protracted IW depends on building global capability and capacity. IW will not be won by the United States alone but rather through combined efforts with multinational partners

Freedom”? “Bringing Democracy”? “They hate us for our freedom”? “Islamofascism”? “Radical Islam”?


This is a struggle to capture and or maintain control of indigenous populations for the expressed purpose of controlling the assets (natural, financial, political or otherwise) of said nation. Unconventional Warfare and Irregular Warfare are waged for “legitimacy and INFLUENCE” over the target. And in most cases as you will see, one of the main assets we employ are the very terrorists and “radical Islamists” our leaders purport to be opposing.

Irregular Warfare under the watchful eye of USSOCOM utilizes a number of tactics ranging from narcotics trafficking, psychological operations (PSYOP) and terrorism to achieve whatever economic goal they are tasked with at the time (see below).

Aside from the media which diligently fails to report the true nature of the activities of such operations as well as their core objectives, the main instruments of IW are “irregular forces” which are cultivated, trained and armed from stock within a nation targeted for regime change, or they are from outside said targeted nation, brought in to destabilize a government or create a justification for our military involvement defending favored tyrants such as the case in FID (Foreign Internal Defense) operations. According to this report, this is the definition of such “irregular forces” we employ:

Irregulars, or irregular forces, are individuals or groups of individuals who are not members of a regular armed force, police, or other internal security force. They are usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and boundaries. These forces may include, but are not limited to, specific paramilitary forces, contractors, individuals, businesses , foreign political organizations, resistance or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or political “undesirables.”

The constituent activities of IW are:

  • Insurgency

  • COIN

  • Terrorism

  • CT

  • FID (Foreign Internal Defense)

  • Stability, security, transition, and reconstruction (SSTR) operations

  • Strategic communication (SC)


  • Civil-military operations (CMO)

  • Information operations (IO)

  • Intelligence and counterintelligence (CI) activities

  • Transnational criminal activities, including narc o-trafficking, illicit arms dealing, and illegal financial transactions that support or sustain IW

  • Law enforcement activities focused on countering irregular adversaries.

Now that we have a common technical language with which we can more accurately describe the conflicts we are engaged in, let’s take a moment to catch up on the status of the ongoing Endless Global War OF Terror.

The State of Unconventional and Irregular Wars Report

Yemen (a FID or Foreign Internal Defense campaign)

We start off with Yemen because of recent events. The Charlie Hebdo false flag event was designed in part to justify increased military action in that country.  There are certainly other factors we have discussed ad nauseum.

Years ago, when Obama was still a freshmen in the White House (Dec. 2009) he unleashed a cruise missile attack targeting rebel Shiite Houthis who were rising up to overthrow a particularly nasty pro-U.S. neoliberal dictator we installed decades ago named Saleh. Instead of hitting “the terrorists”, President Peace Prize killed 23 children and several women and men who had no weapons of any kind.  Adm. Mullen applauded the attack. 

For the record, that one strike murdered more children than Adam Lanza was accused of killing. And in this case, there is no question it really happened.

In order to retroactively cover his tracks, a poorly executed false flag event was staged 4 days later and Umar Fizzlepants was led onto a plane on Christmas Eve that year. Suddenly Obama’s disastrous misstep was swept from the front page and all was forgiven.

It should be noted for the record, the following quote is from Glen Greenwald back in Dec. of 2009 published on Salon’s website where he worked. The link that I used tracked back to that article. Salon has since removed that article or the original link address and replaced it with a link to an article Glen wrote in 2008, thus erasing Glen’s criticism of that strike. That’s what I mean when I say the media plays a critical role in supporting Unconventional and Irregular Warfare.

President Obama late last week ordered cruise missile attacks on two locations in Yemen, which “U.S. officials” say were “suspected Al Qaeda hideouts.”  The main target of the attacks, Al Qaeda member Qasim al Rim, was not among those killed, but: “a local Yemeni official said on Sunday that 49 civilians, among them 23 children and 17 women, were killed in air strikes against Al-Qaeda, which he said were carried out ‘indiscriminately’.”  Glenn Greenwald

The story changed after the Umar Fizzlepants psyop. The new target was supposedly Anwar Al-Aulaqi the man they claim ended up ordering the Diaper of Doom attack. Anwar had been considered a “moderate” Muslim and even attended a reception in Washington after 9/11. He became an outspoken critic of the Global War OF Terrorism and for that he was killed by Obama later with a drone strike. His 16-year-old son was also killed in the same fashion a mere 6 days later while cooking dinner with friends.

Take the case of Anwar Al-Aulaqi. While he was still breathing his father, Nasser al-Awlaki, found out he was on Obama’s so-called “kill list” (keep in mind that dictators all across the world which we have supported have always formulated “kill lists”, sometimes with the help of our own CIA, of people who resisted their brutal regimes) so he went to court in order to try to have him removed from the list. In fact, a governor in Yemen came forward and stated that there had been no evidence at all that Anwar was affiliated with al Qaeda but instead he was simply supportive of the people of Yemen who wished to overthrow their brutal dictator.” Scott Creighton, Feb. 2010

To kill a teenager is just unbelievable, really, and they claim that he is an al-Qaeda militant. It’s nonsense,” said Nasser al-Awlaki, a former Yemeni agriculture minister who was Anwar al-Awlaki’s father and the boy’s grandfather, speaking in a phone interview from Sanaa on Monday. “They want to justify his killing, that’s all.” Washington Post

After the false flag of the Diaper of Doom (PSYOP), Obama was free to unleash requisite force to help Saleh crush the uprising in a standard Foreign Internal Defense campaign.

Now I don’t rehash all of this history for no apparent reason.

The resurgence of the dreaded ghost of Anwar al-Aulaqi seems quite surprising to some while it shouldn’t. His name has been brought up in reference to several false flag attacks and various propaganda in the past week including of course, the Charlie Hebdo attack.

It’s important to note this happened once before since Dec. 2009.

During the Arab Spring, there were massive protests in Yemen against Saleh the dictator and he ordered the murder of many peaceful protesters. In the end, the United States forced him to leave so they could simply quiet the crowd and replace Saleh with a newer version (in a one candidate “election” I believe). He could no longer adequately represent our brand of democracy and freedom with so much public blood on his hands.

While that was going on, the U.S. had another Diaper of Doom style attack. This one we thwarted because we created it, but the intention was to break out that old Anwar chestnut and dust it off so we could justify using military force in a Foreign Internal Defense campaign. However, after Saleh slaughtered so many protesters publicly, State Department figured it was best he ruled from the shadows and ever since, that is exactly what he has done.


The rebel Shiite Houthis uprising has escalated as of late. They are sick of being ruled by a Western puppet who acts like a dictator and sacrifices their livelihoods and futures to the great neoliberal “free market” ideology demanded by the masters of the universe (IMF World Bank)

There is a new, even more restrictive constitution crafted by the globalist technocrats which is in at stake currently and the Houthis are determined to stop it from being ratified.

However, political chaos has accelerated since the Houthis, who demand more rights for the country’s Zaydi Shi’ite Muslim sect, seized Sanaa in September and advanced into central and western areas where Sunni Muslims predominate.

The group said its gunmen “arrested” Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, office director for President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and a former nominee for prime minister, early on Saturday to stop him attending a meeting on the constitution. Reuters


The rebels oppose (among other things) the constitution’s provisions to break up Yemen into 6 federal regions thus undermining the power of the Houthis majority political voting block. They back a plan held by the separatists in the south who wish to break Yemen into two separate countries.

However, its proposal to divide Yemen into six federal regions is opposed by the Houthis, now the strongest group in the country, who instead support a plan by southern separatists for just two regions. Reuters

This is not acceptable to Western interests like Bush family linked Hunt Oil. If Yemen falls to the majority Houthis from the north and the separatists from the south, there is 100% chance the oil industry infrastructure of the country will be nationalized immediately. There is also the Saudi question to be addressed as well seeing as how a couple major pipelines run through the north and south of the country.

Thus, this is a prime example of a Foreign Internal Defense project.

Though events are unfolding quickly with the Houthis actually taking control of the capitol, the situation has been brewing for some time and Obama’s brutal drone strikes have not proven to be enough of a deterrent to stop the onslaught of real democracy.

In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo false flag event, aside from now joining in on the bombing of Iraq and Syria (which we will discuss in a minute) France is said to be considering an all out invasion of Yemen with the possible assistance of members of a new Coalition of the Willing. They claim that the latest admission from “al Qaeda in Yemen” provides them with the necessary justification for such an act. Keep in mind, “al Qaeda in Yemen” is merely a CIA construct designed to provide Obama with the necessary justification for previous bombings of rebels in defense of our dictator and subsequently our “national interests”

At the risk of repeating myself, from the handbook on Unconventional Warfare:

Waging protracted IW depends on building global capability and capacity. IW will not be won by the United States alone but rather through combined efforts with multinational partners

The people of Yemen are tired of suffering the indignities of neoliberal “free market” capitalism and Hillary Clinton has no more one candidate elections to sell them.

What they need now in order to maintain “legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations” is to bring in outside forces, regular forces or irregular ones, on a large scale, to crush the revolution taking place. The attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices provided the exact justification at the exact time for that to occur.

Iraq (a FID or Foreign Internal Defense campaign)

Within Iraq there is an uprising similar to that in Yemen. The “ISIS” mythology was crafted and used in much the same way as “al Qaeda in Yemen” in that it was the justification for our re-engaging in the country after Obama famously “pulled out” a while ago.

We have another pro-Western dictator in the form of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki who has brutally neoliberalised his nation that we destroyed based on numbers of lies and the people of the country were sick of living in squalor so that American and British companies could squeeze every last drop of profits from their land.

From the north a revolution grew made up of dissident Iraqis and former Baath Party members, even some of Saddam’s old commanders. It was called The Jaish Naqshbandi (JTRN) which were part of a larger organization of dissidents called The General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries. It is these organizations which we are fighting. It is these organizations that we are bombing under the political cover of ISIS™ in yet another standard Foreign Internal Defense campaign.

ISIS™ is a trademark, it’s a catch-phrase, it’s a marketing slogan for an unpopular and unwanted war… at least, an unpopular and unwanted war if anyone really knew why we were there and who we were bombing.

That’s why ISIS™ always seems to be their own worst enemy; making fake beheading videos in which no one gets beheaded, producing said videos at just the right time to provide cover for U.S. or British legal actions against ISIS™, meeting with American politicians in order to get huge amounts of unconventional warfare cash, committing the Yasidi Genocide that turned out to be nothing at all, beheading babies that turned out to not have happened at all, recruiting toddlers and giving them guns bigger than they are and generally parading around in U.S. surplus military gear waving flags and looking about as menacing as your average Junior ROTC Float on Independence Day.” Scott Creighton

Let’s take a look at what one high ranking GMCIR had to say in a recent interview about “ISIS” and their revolution:

Maj. General Mizher Al Qaissi, Official Spokesman for The General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries:

on why

Today, the Tribal Revolutionaries have lit a flame for a Revolution that will never be put out; this Revolution began since our people asked for legitimate rights and they asked for them through their constitutional sit-ins but they were met with fire and brimstone...

The person who started it is Maliki – Maliki forced us to behave in this manner.   For when (army) divisions are sent to our areas and checkpoints and inspection points are set-up in our areas the intention is to degrade and subjugate people and this is what we will not accept and this is what we mentioned in our first statements when we stated and defined the enemy as whoever hurts the Iraqi people and insults their dignity as well as attacks them and their possessions…


There are no connections nor is there coordination.   As I have previously said – the organization exists and it has some fighters and it has some areas in which it moves, but this revolution is that of Tribes and this is what we want to get to the whole worldthat this Revolution is a new Iraqi Spring and that it is an armed Revolution to end repression and injustice.   It has no connection with any other agendas.   And it has no relationship to any terrorism or any other parties…

The differences between the Iraq campaign of Unconventional Warfare and that of Yemen are nominal. One has simply progressed to the point of us allowing for “boots on the ground” in support of a brutal dictator, while the other is steadily headed in that direction. As you can see, they both grew from the need to maintain “legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations” in the face of what can only be described as authentic revolutionary movements.

ISIS™ and “al Qaeda in Yemen” are nothing more than political covers, psyops if you will, in both circumstances as it is generally thought of as in poor taste for the land of the free and home of the brave to systematically crush the oppressed who are rising up against the oppressors.


In Iraq, the opposition to our dictator has been growing. Several cities are now under their control while Maliki uses the most brutal suppression methods possible to maintain a grip on the Green Zones.

As a result of perfectly timed fake beheading videos and other ridiculous propaganda (like the faked shooting of two “Russians” recently) U.S. politicians, even the ones who supposedly oppose interventionism, are calling for a “doubling down” on U.S. and coalition strikes against “ISIS” targets.

The French, as I mentioned before, are joining in on the fun having just sent an aircraft carrier to the area so they too can bomb the Iraqi population back into “stability” for the international oil cartel.

Need I say it?

Waging protracted IW depends on building global capability and capacity. IW will not be won by the United States alone but rather through combined efforts with multinational partners

Syria (Unconventional Warfare – Regime Change)

Being a slightly different type of Unconventional Warfare operation, our efforts in Syria present different challenges and therefore require different techniques namely the “classic techniques of guerrilla warfare, terrorism, sabotage, subversion, and insurgency” conducted by our irregular forces consisting of “paramilitary forces, contractors, individuals, businesses , foreign political organizations, resistance or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or political “undesirables.

We have been fomenting a regime change in Syria since President Peace Prize decided to send them an ambassador for the first time in quite a while and the guy he sent was a monster from the old Salvador Option days who set to work meeting with those same “social or political undesirables” from day one.

I wont rehash the three years of research I have done on this particularly gruesome regime change operation. Suffice to say, it too has not gone particularly well.


With a brand spanking new 500 million dollar slush fund dedicated to forcing a neoliberal government in Syria, USSOCOM is already meeting with “moderate” rebels in the country, arming, training and equipping them.

These moderates are anything but “moderate”

They hail mainly from Takfari elements in Saudi Arabia and are, without a doubt, some of the most ruthless, cold-blooded monsters the CIA and State Department have ever worked with. The chemical weapons false flag from 2013 (timed to coincide with Obama’s “redline” speech) stands as a brutal reminder of the kinds of men we now do business with, or more specifically, our political class does business with (John McCain meeting with ISIS ring any bells?)

These are examples of the “disillusioned transnational terrorism members” mentioned in the 2008 report and in 2015, Obama seems poised to unleash them in a country run by an elected government to an extent he has not yet achieved. The thousands of dead civilians seems like only a per-cursor to events to come.


There are many other nations I could bring up (Pakistan, Somalia, Ukraine, Afghanistan and scores of African nations they see as ripe for the picking) but time constraints limit this effort to these.

The Endless Global War OF Terrorism is poised to escalate over the course of the next year. With little opposition left in congress and a fake lefty president who is willing and able to back any monstrous regime as long as his corporate owners tell him to do so, even psyop failures in the past like the chemical weapons attacks or the sinking of the Cheonan may not divert their imperial objectives.

Yes, it is true that the U.S. has engaged in these types of black ops engagements over the decades and as Gen. Butler once put it “War is a Racket”

Yet today, one day away from our ridiculous State of the Union Address, it certainly seems the kid gloves are off and the masters of the universe care not what we think or know of their ambitions.

It is important to mention one more thing about all of this. The NDAA 2012, signed by President Peace Prize in the dead of the night on Dec. 31st, designates all of the globe as a battlefield, including right here in the United States. That single document allows for Unconventional Warfare types to ply their trades practically anywhere they can gin up enough justification for it. Including right here.

Now notice two things in that definition of Unconventional Warfare and Irregular Warfare:

  1. Such (international) competition involved all instruments of state power: diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME) expanded in some recent policy documents to diplomatic, informational, military, economic, financial, intelligence, and law enforcement (DIMEFIL).

  2. Law enforcement activities focused on countering irregular adversaries.

What was the other recent “crisis” here in the States? Ah yes, the need to revamp law enforcement as per the Soros funded fiasco of the Ferguson hype.

So tomorrow, when Obama starts talking about operations in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, I want you all to know what it really means. Like his “new” (been around since 2009) proposal to tax the wealthiest Americans (28% on capital gains, the same level as it was under Reagan) which will ultimately be used to garner another of his neoliberal “compromises”, Obama’s description of the Endless Global War OF Terrorism with be nothing but a smoke screen covering the deep state machinations of our irregular wars.

The State of the Union address promises to be a great piece of theater. But it will not express the state of this union or where they intend to take it.

That’s what you’ve got us for.


  1. Time for a little 'light-tertainment' and levity courtesy SpongeBobSquareHair:

  2. The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund told an audience at a public conference that not only is a large-scale Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) platform being developed, but the system will effectively merge the national currencies of member nations.
