Saturday, August 31, 2024

NDSU vs Colorado: The Moral Decay in America

This one simple athletic competition perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with our society today says an old man yelling at clouds. Trouble is, sometimes the clouds need a good scolding.

Israeli Terrorism in the West Bank and a Modest Proposal


West Bank attacks lay bare what Netanyahu's endgame is for Palestinian territories

from al Mayadeen English

Over the past few days, Israeli forces under the instruction of the Benjamin Netanyahu government have carried out violent raids in the occupied territories of the West Bank, internationally recognised as part of Palestine. During these raids, the occupation forces have claimed to be killing “terrorists” and “militants” as part of a “counter-terrorism operation”, but Palestine’s mission to the UN stated that the IOF have “invaded homes, deliberately targeted civilians, destroyed vital infrastructure and even besieged the four main hospitals in the area".

The sudden decision to wage war against the occupied West Bank comes simultaneously with the ongoing war on Gaza, as well as a total disregard of US backed “efforts” to try and secure a ceasefire. Of course, I accurately predicted in a previous article that such a ceasefire amounted to little more than US backed PR with no serious ability to leverage Tel Aviv, with Benjamin Netanyahu having no such interest in one. Rather, what these attacks demonstrate is the true “endgame” of his government, which is for all intents and purposes to destroy the Two-State Solution and sovereign Palestine...

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Friday, August 30, 2024

A Simple Message to Hamas and the People of Gaza

by Scott Creighton

I have stood by the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom since I can remember. Even in school all those years ago it never seemed right to tolerate and even praise illegal Israeli occupations and settler-ism in Palestine as we simultaneously condemned it in our own country centuries ago.

I am on the side of humanity. I am on the side of peace. I am on the side of a state of Palestine recognized beside a state of Israel living in harmony in the land of the Abrahamic Religions.

And it is to that end and with fading hope that I offer up my solemn wish to you in aspiration that you can feel the wisdom in this one simple message.

Give them back.

My Response to Bruce McGonigal's Excellent Video

Stuff for my upcoming video review of Bruce McGonigal's March video discussing the Rona psyop and other things. 

Bruce's video

Direct Support

Cash App $scotty6199
Zelle (Chase bank)







Resist til the Last

by Scott Creighton

Here is a father who has already lost two sons, one 3-years-old, crushed when Israeli planes dropped U.S. weapons on his home.

And what does he tell another grieving man? Do not cry. Do not weep. Will will all meet this same fate fighting back against our occupiers and the genocidal Zionists in Israel.

And before any of you chime in with your hateful propaganda about what kind of father or 'animal' says this kind of thing I want you to ask yourself what would you do were we to be invaded and occupied here in the States or in whatever 'free' country you live in?

I would ask you to remember the film Red Dawn (the old one, the good one, not the remake) and how you felt as the young kids hid in the woods while the sheriff was forced to address his sons and get them to come out and give up.

He, a father, a hero in our American version of a resistance flic, told his boys instead to fight to the death and kill all the invaders they could and that he loved them.

And he was shot in the head for it as our hearts soared.

So keep your propaganda moralizing to yourselves. Cash your hasbara paychecks and leave this post alone.

We are by nature a people committed to freedom and independence and would NEVER accept a blatant occupation like the one the Israelis commit on the Palestinians every day and have done so for decades before Oct 7 2023.

Israel's occupation of our political and media structures? Well, that's a little harder to expose. But we work on it.

Failed “Color Revolutions” Will Continue Across the Globe (archive)

(archived from June 27, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

The West – mainly France in Tunisia, the United States and Britain in Egypt – are following a very traditional pattern. There’s a playbook that you pursue that gives you a kind of a game plan when some favorite dictators lose the capacity to rule. What you do is support them until the last possible minute, when it’s impossible any longer – maybe the army turns against them – you get your intellectual class to issue ringing declarations about democracy, and then you try to restore the old system, as much as possible,” Noam Chomsky

Even though they failed to create a legitimate looking color-type “revolution” in Syria, the war-mongers of the NATO left are not giving up on the program model. They are still claiming victory in places like Libya even though most rational people who are paying attention understand that the once beautiful and independent sovereign state is descending into horrific chaos. Chaos is success for these people because in the chaos, there is opportunity and they’re taking full advantage of it.

In Syria they were reduced to having to pull off another Operation Northwoods type Gulf of Tonkin incident in order to continue with their aggressive assault on the current regime. Their efforts to fabricate a pretext to justify a “humanitarian intervention” failed. They were exposed relentlessly for financing and running the terror campaigns inside the country while Russia and China (and now others) simply refused to allow them the wiggle room they needed at the UN. Now they have convinced Turkey to sacrifice a fighter or two to their grander effort much like President Johnson tried to offer up the USS Liberty back in 1967. 

Remains to be seen how that latest trick turns out.

Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden: Correa Pulls Support for Snowden – It’s Been the London Consul of Ecuador Backing Assange and Snowden (archive)

(archived from June 29, 2013)

by Scott Creighton

People have often asked me why someone like Ecuador’s President Correa would help with the various psyops, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. I wondered about that myself til I read the following new report out of the Guardian this morning: it’s been their London office putting out all this support for the various psyops, not Ecuador… and now their president is pissed off and pulling his support.

The plan to spirit the surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden to sanctuary in Latin America appeared to be unravelling on Friday, amid tension between Ecuador‘s government and Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

President Rafael Correa halted an effort to help Snowden leave Russia amid concern Assange was usurping the role of the Ecuadoran government, according to leaked diplomatic correspondence published on Friday.

Leaked Chats Reveal a U.S.-Linked Prosecutor Is Behind the Assault on Ecuador’s Social Democratic Movement

(Imagine that. The Biden administration and the so-called left in this country attacking left-leaning elements in other countries in order to make sure they never rise to power again. 'But Scott they are socialists and commies!'... are they? Are they really?)

from Drop Site by Ryan Grim and Jose Olivares

The messages show how Ecuador’s attorney general is using her office to attack the left—in alliance with the U.S.

You may remember a few months ago when Ecuador briefly stumbled onto the global stage, first when narco gangs broke out of prison and took over a TV crew live on air and then when President Daniel Noboa’s government launched a genuinely shocking raid of the Mexican embassy, dragging out Jorge Glas, the leftist former vice president of Rafael Correa, who was being given asylum by Mexico. You may also remember it took the U.S. a disturbing amount of time to issue a statement even mildly skeptical of the extraordinary breach of diplomatic norms.

How did Ecuador go from one of the safest countries in the Americas, a rising and stable social democracy, to a rogue, flailing narco-state with a surging crime wave? U.S. hostility to any social democratic government that attempts to chart an independent path, it turns out, is a central part of the answer.

Drawing on more than a thousand text messages sent by Ecuador’s top prosecutor, Diana Salazar—a rising star recently fêted in Time magazine by USAID’s Samantha Power—my colleague José Olivares and I have produced a new investigation mapping out the way the social democratic movement of Correa has been systematically undermined—hollowing out Ecuadorian state capacity and making way for an alliance of right-wing oligarchs and narco-traffickers to seize power—all under the guise of battling corruption. The U.S., with some notable exceptions, does not exert power through the blunt force of military coups or armed-and-funded paramilitaries in the way that it used to. But in many ways, the result is the same...

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Meet the Real 'Deplorables'

Two NYT Writers Caught LYING About Mpox Cases to Promote Deregulation of Big Pharma

Two NYT Writers Caught LYING About Mpox Cases to Promote Deregulation of Big Pharma

by Scott Creighton


In an effort to promote the notion of deregulation of products to be shipped off to Africa, the New York Times published yet another scary Mpox Power Point Propaganda Piece this morning on the status of the outbreak on the continent of Africa in which they, once again, used horribly inflated numbers (SEE REAL NUMBERS OF CASES IN AFRICA FROM WHO TABLE AT END OF THIS ARTICLE) to justify asking for millions and millions of dollars to be pumped into the vaccine industry while allowing less and less oversight into the safety of those products.

It's not hard for them to research the subject. All they have to do is go to the WHO website for Mpox.

Here is what Elian Peltier wrote this morning:

'More than 17,000 people in Africa have been infected with mpox, a disease that is closely related to smallpox. Mpox has killed nearly 600 people on the continent, or about 4 percent of those infected. ' NYT

And here are the facts: total number of infections since 2022 in Africa is 6,062 with 55 deaths (1% not 4%) while this year, 2024, there have been a total of 3,659 infections with only 33 deaths (0.901%).

Venezuela: Supreme Court Delivers Electoral Review Verdict, Confirms Maduro Victory

from Venezuelan Analysis

The Venezuelan Supreme Court (TSJ) has concluded its review of the July 28 presidential elections in the Caribbean country.

On Thursday, Venezuela’s maximum judicial authority ratified President Nicolás Maduro’s victory to secure a third term that will run from January 10, 2025, to January 10, 2031.

In a press conference with state officials, diplomatic representatives and reporters, TSJ President Caryslia Rodríguez began by reaffirming the court’s jurisdiction and recalling recent electoral processes in Brazil, Mexico and the United States that were ultimately settled by judicial rulings. The magistrate then proceeded to read the verdict.

“We certify in an unobjectionable way that the examined electoral evidence confirms the results proclaimed by the National Electoral Council (CNE) which saw Nicolás Maduro reelected as president,” she said.

The CNE declared Maduro the winner with 52 percent of the vote, compared to 43 percent for US-backed opposition candidate Edmundo González...

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Richard Medhurst fears UK using his arrest to silence dissent

(I remind you of one of yesterday's video where I said the reason the FBI chose Uhuru Movement for investigation and arrest is because it is very unlikely the alt-right or left will take up their cause and stand with them allowing the Feds to set a precedent that is it normal to be arrested and tried for having opinions that differ from the establishment approved consensus. What is happening with Medhurst sets the same precedent in the UK.)

from al Mayadeen English

A British journalist recently arrested in the UK says he was targeted for his reporting on "Israel’s" war on Gaza, cautioning that this could be an attempt to pave the way for silencing all critical voices.

Richard Medhurst was detained at London’s Heathrow Airport on August 15, facing charges under Section 12 of the UK’s Terrorism Act of 2000. He was held at a police station for over 24 hours, where officers accused him of "allegedly expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a prescribed organization."

Describing his ordeal, Medhurst detailed that he was removed from the plane by six officers, with five of them in plain clothes and one in tactical gear. "They called me by name and told me to come to the front of the plane … Then they marched me off," he told Anadolu in a video interview.

"They took me to a room on the side, and then they told me that I was being arrested under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act of 2000 … I said I wanted to contact my family, but they told me I was not allowed to. They made it very clear I’m not allowed to speak to anyone."...

He warned that his arrest sets a troubling precedent that could be used to target others.

"They’re trying to make an example out of me. They’re trying to make this acceptable and then use this against other people," he asserted.

"I’m afraid that it won’t stop here. I feel that they will continue doing this and, as we see this genocide in Gaza continuing, we’re also losing our rights in the West at the same time."

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FBI reveals new details about Trump shooter

(No motive and no one other than the Secret Service helped him. Can you say 'patsy'? And the so-called 'pipe bombs' in his trunk for no reason turned out to be the fakest looking IEDs I've ever seen.)

from RT

The Pennsylvania man who tried to kill Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump most likely worked alone, the FBI has said, adding that his motive remains a mystery.

Thomas Crooks fired eight shots at Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last month, nicking the candidate’s ear, killing one member of the audience, and injuring two more before he was fatally shot by the Secret Service.

“I want to be clear, we have not seen any indication to suggest Crooks was directed by a foreign entity to conduct the attack,” Robert Wells, executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch, told reporters on Wednesday...

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US used Telegram to topple governments, former official tells Tucker Carlson

 (Yeah, who was saying this for the past decade about how our 'soft power' system works overseas?)

from RT

The US and its CIA-controlled “soft power” arm have used the encrypted social media app Telegram to foment riots and protest movements against foreign governments it deems undesirable, former Trump administration official and free speech activist Mike Benz has said.

The comments were made during an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson on Wednesday. Benz, a State Department official under the administration of former President Donald Trump, now runs the free speech watchdog Foundation for Freedom Online.

Carlson asked Benz about a potential US role in the arrest of Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov in France last week. A court in Paris charged Durov on Wednesday with complicity in several crimes perpetrated through his app, as well as failing to cooperate with the French authorities.

While the former diplomat did not speculate, he noted that Durov’s arrest aligns with the pattern of “soft power” tactics the US has pursued in the past.

The US has championed free speech globally for decades, “in large part” because it allows the country to build resistance and political or paramilitary movements “in countries where the US State Department seeks political control,” the former official said. Durov’s end-to-end encrypted social media app Telegram has been instrumental in this effort, Benz claimed.

The reason “26 US-government-funded NGOs” condemned Russia for attempting to ban Telegram in 2018 was that “the US State Department was using Telegram,” utilizing its encryption and local popularity “to foment protests and riots within Russia – just as they did in Belarus, Iran, Hong Kong, and attempted to do in China,” the former State Department official said.

The app’s encryption is a powerful means of evading state control over media and allowing “US-funded political groups or dissidents to garner tens of thousands of supporters with relative impunity,” he added...

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Aid delivery in Gaza is nearly impossible. Why hasn’t the US intervened?

from al Jazeera

The United Nations is warning that the threats to aid delivery in Gaza are reaching crisis levels, as Israel continues to wage war in the Palestinian enclave.

But advocates say the United States — a critical ally of Israel and the largest donor to the UN — has been conspicuously silent.

On Monday, a UN official said the organisation was forced to pause almost all aid operations in Gaza after Israel issued another raft of wide-ranging evacuation orders.

And on Wednesday, the UN’s World Food Programme announced it would temporarily halt employee travel in Gaza after one of its vehicles came under attack as it neared an Israeli checkpoint...

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WFP suspends staff movements in Gaza after Israeli forces attack its team

(You can see from the map just how much of Gaza the greedy covetous Zionists want to steal from the people of Palestine. They want to bust it up and take all the good land for themselves like they did in the West Bank)

from al Jazeera


The World Food Programme (WFP) has announced a pause in the movement of its employees in the Gaza Strip “until further notice” after one of its vehicles was hit by gunfire just metres from an Israeli-controlled checkpoint.

The incident took place on Tuesday night as the vehicle was approaching the Wadi Gaza Bridge checkpoint.

“None of the employees onboard were physically harmed,” the WFP said in a statement...

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UN chief says ‘deeply concerned’ over Israel's West Bank raids, urges immediate end to violence

from PressTV

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says he is “deeply concerned” over Israel’s all-out military assault on the occupied West Bank, calling for a swift end to the aggression in the Palestinian territory.

In a statement on Wednesday, Guterres called for “an immediate cessation” of Israel’s aggression in the occupied West Bank, including its assault on Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas governorates.

In the early hours of Wednesday, the Israeli army conducted its biggest operation – dubbed “Camps of Summer” – in the West Bank in over 20 years, deploying hundreds of troops and airstrikes on Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas, which are major centers of Palestinian resistance against the occupying entity...

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Massive Israeli military ops across West Bank kill 10 Palestinians

from Daily Sabah

Israel killed at least 10 Palestinians on Wednesday when it launched large-scale military operations across the occupied West Bank.

Two Palestinians were killed in the city of Jenin, four others in a nearby village and four more in a refugee camp near the town of Tubas, said the Red Crescent's Ahmed Jibril. He added that 15 others had been wounded.

The Palestinian Health Ministry also confirmed that seven people were killed early Wednesday in Tubas and another two in Jenin. The ministry identified the two killed in Jenin as Qassam Jabarin, 25, and Asem Balout, 39.

Palestinian resistance groups, meanwhile, said they were exchanging fire with the Israeli military. The governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu al-Rub, said on Palestinian radio that Israeli forces had surrounded the city, blocking exit and entry points and access to hospitals, and ripping up infrastructure in the camp...

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Israeli commander urges reservists to commit genocide in Lebanon

from Daily Sabah

An Israeli commander called on his troops to commit genocide in Lebanon, a reservist mental health officer said.

Adi Angert, who serves as a social worker in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)’s Alexandroni Brigade, slammed Lt. Col. Moshe Passal, who assumed duty as the brigade’s new commander on Aug. 21., for calling on his fighters to commit genocide in a missive.

"May the villages of Lebanon become a wasteland, and all its roads become dead ends," Col. Passal said in the letter.

Angert responded to Passal’s letter in a message she posted on X:

"The brigade has a new commander. First thing he does is greet the fighters with a wish to commit genocide. Charming."

She also called the radical Zionist community a “cult of Death Eaters” after receiving criticism for her remarks...

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

WHO Drops Mpox Numbers by a Ton and Still Asks for More Money to Buy Vaccines

I searched '2022-24 Mpox (Monkeypox) Outbreak: Global Trends' which brought me to WHO main page for Mpox outbreak which mentions nothing of the numbers cited by so many news orgs 2 weeks ago. It leads to a link by same name which leads to the link I shared which has same numbers. In short... the number revision is accurate. And yeah, they claim they aren't responsible for their horribly inaccurate data.

After the 'Crisis' WHO Adjusts Numbers of Mpox Cases and Deaths Down by about 95% or So

by Scott Creighton


I searched '2022-24 Mpox (Monkeypox) Outbreak: Global Trends' which brought me to WHO main page for Mpox outbreak which mentions nothing of the numbers cited by so many news orgs 2 weeks ago. It leads to a link by same name which leads to the link I shared which has same numbers. In short... the number revision is accurate.

Mpox Vaccine Maker Bavarian Nordic Shares Soar Amid Concern Over Virus Outbreak  

Today, with new numbers fresh on WHO website...

Mpox Update: WHO Says $87 Million 'Critical' for Containing Outbreak 

That's right. After adjusting the numbers downward by a ton, the WHO is still pushing for more $$$ for Big Pharma.


Can't make this shit up.

Just when you thought you might want to give Dr. T and the wacky folks at the WHO another chance (after 'accidentally' screwing up Covid response so badly) they turn around and do this.

They told us just two weeks ago that there were over 15,000 cases of Mpox in this new outbreak with 535 deaths attributed to it at the time. 

So of course, Dr. T declared the Mpox an international emergency and vaccine shipments were bought and paid for with the quickness.

Turns out, uh... yeah... its really 3,659 cases in the whole of 2024 all across the globe with only 33 deaths.

That's uh... 33 is about 5% of 535. 

Yeah you can't make this shit up but apparently the WHO can. 

Why Even the Alt-right Should Give a Damn About the Uhuru 3 Trial

The Uhuru 3 go on trial in the kangaroo court down here in Tampa next week. The alt-right have pretty much ignored the FBI gestapo's arrest and prosecution of these 3 activists from the beginning. Why? Because they pretend to be socialists and are pretty much just race grifters. However, you have to ask yourself if Biden's Justice Department didn't take that into consideration before they even investigated them and framed them for this show trial. First they came for the socialists... remember? 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

'Netanyahu burying our children', Israeli settlers chant in Tel Aviv

from al Mayadeen English


Israeli protesters and the families of captives held in Gaza blocked Ayalon Street, the main passage axis in central Tel Aviv, during a demonstration to demand the completion of a prisoner exchange deal with the Hamas movement. 

Demonstrations held Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responsible for his failure to achieve an agreement, accusing him of dragging settlers into a regional war instead of bringing the captives back, all for the pursuit of political power.

During the protest, whose banner was "326 days of negligence", the settlers said, "Who could have imagined that Netanyahu, after 326 days of abandoning power [his responsibilities], would dare to ask 'What deal?', about the deal he made himself?"

They further said the prisoner exchange deal was not random, but rather the 326 days and nights were, demanding an end to the war and an immediate ceasefire and prisoner exchange...

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Biden gives arms shipment proponent top Israel policy role

from Mondoweiss

Last week the Biden administration tapped Mira Resnick, an official who has helped facilitate weapons shipments to Israel, as the State Department’s point person on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The HuffPost‘s Akbar Shahid Ahmed reported that Resnick will replace Andrew Miller as the department’s new deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs. Miller quit the position in June, citing family obligations. He was regarded as a critic of the Netanyahu government and Biden’s policy in the region.

Prior to joining the State Department, Resnick spent over a decade working for pro-Israel Democrats, including former Representatives Eliot Engel (D-NY), Henry Waxman (D-CA), Ron Klein (D-FL), and Steve Israel (D-NY)...

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Noam Chomsky - Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?

from Chomsky's Philosophy

326 days into genocidal war: Israeli strikes claim dozens of civilian lives in Gaza

from PressTV

Israel’s incessant strikes on the Gaza Strip claim dozens of civilian lives, including women and children, as 326 days have passed since the regime waged the genocidal war on the besieged territory in October.

In the Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, an Israel’s attack on a home killed three people, including a child, and injured several others on Monday night.

In Gaza City, an Israeli bombing that targeted a home on Yermouk Street left several casualties. According to the civil defense crews, three bodies and several wounded people were recovered from the site.

More casualties were also reported when an Israeli air raid targeted a residential building in Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City...

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Instagram permanently bans account of Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine

from PressTV

American photo and video sharing social networking service Instagram has banned the account of Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine, in yet another form of censorship by the US-based technology conglomerate Meta Platforms.

“As the school year is just about to begin, Columbia SJP has been permanently banned from Instagram,” the Columbia University’s student group said in a post on social media platform X on Monday.

“Our account was permanently deleted at 124k followers at the same time as our backup account, and when we made a new page it was deleted within 2 days,” it added.

The blocking of the group’s account was the latest in a battle on Columbia’s campus, and on campuses across the US, over free speech and Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

The Columbia University in New York City was the cradle of pro-Palestine demonstrations in US campuses...

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UN halts humanitarian operations in Gaza due to Israeli violence

from Daily Sabah

The United Nations was forced to stop its humanitarian operations in Gaza after Israel issued another evacuation order for the Deir al-Balah region, amid ongoing violence in the blockaded Palestinian enclave.

"We are not operating today. As of this morning, we're not operating in Gaza," the official said, adding that since the start of the war, the U.N. has sometimes had to "delay or take a pause."

"This is not a decision that we're saying we're stopping to operate, but practically we cannot operate," the official said.

According to the official, the U.N. "had relocated most of our personnel in our operations" to Deir al-Balah following a Rafah evacuation order several months ago.

The Israeli military claimed it was targeting "terror operatives" in Deir al-Balah and working to dismantle the "remaining terrorist infrastructure" of Hamas. The military has been widely criticized for targeting civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, refugee camps, bakeries and refugee camps...

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Washington behind Durov’s arrest – Russia’s top MP

from RT

The US government wants “total control” of social media, which is why it orchestrated the arrest of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, a messaging platform it so far has no influence over, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has claimed.

The senior lawmaker took to Telegram on Tuesday, three days after Durov’s detention in France, to argue that US President Joe Biden wants to take control of the messaging app before the election in November.

“Telegram is one of the few, yet among the largest, internet platforms over which the US has no influence. At the same time, it operates in many countries that are of interest” to Washington, Volodin said...

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RFK JR IS A FRAUD | The Kyle Kulinski Show

 from Secular Talk

Monday, August 26, 2024

Is It Safe to Wake Up Yet?

No. And never will be. Enter at your own peril and make no excuses for being here.

Press freedom groups urge EU to punish Israel for violating media rights

from al Jazeera

 Sixty global press freedom and human rights organisations have signed a letter calling on the European Union to take decisive action against Israel for its escalating violations of media freedom and the killing of journalists in Gaza, the occupied West Bank and Israel.

The letter on Monday urged the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement and the imposition of targeted sanctions on responsible Israeli officials. It was signed by organisations including the International Press Institute (IPI), Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Free Press Unlimited (FPU)...

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France wants to ‘shut down’ Telegram – Russian human rights chief

from RT

French authorities arrested Telegram founder Pavel Durov because they want to shut down the censorship-free platform, Russia’s top human rights official, Tatyana Moskalkova, has said.

The Russian tech mogul – who is also a citizen of France, the UAE, and Saint Kitts and Nevis – was arrested after his private jet landed at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on Saturday. The French authorities said an official statement would be made on Monday. Local media has reported that prosecutors believe Durov had failed to curb the use of his platform by criminals.

Writing on Telegram on Sunday, Moskalkova argued that “the real reason behind Pavel Durov’s arrest is an attempt to shut down Telegram, the platform where you can find the truth about world affairs.” The persecution of Durov angers “everyone who supports the freedom of speech and the creation of the multipolar world,” she added...

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At DNC, Kamala Harris vows support for Israel as death toll in Gaza crosses 40,000

from PressTV

For four days, delegates, lobbyists, influencers, and Democratic Party members convened in the US city of Chicago for the Democratic National Convention (DNC), which is held every election year. 

Hosted by the United Center and the McCormick Place, as well as “after-parties” in undisclosed locations throughout the city, this year’s DNC was overshadowed by the Democratic Party’s complicity in the Gaza genocide, which was clearly demonstrated by Kamala Harris’ statements.

So much so that for five nights, beginning Sunday, pro-Palestine demonstrations were held to reject the Convention and the Democratic Party for their long laundry list of war crimes as well as supplying the Israeli regime with bombs, ammunition, and other logistics and equipment...

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Don't Weep for Bobby Kennedy Jr. He's a Soulless Sellout and Always Has Been

by Scott Creighton

RFK Jr. talking with Fox News this weekend about his dropping out of the race and his endorsement of Donald Trump for president (a few days after he was reported to have said...)


According to RFK Jr. himself, Trump promised no quid-pro-quo cabinet position to Bobby but said he would 'work with' him to do things like end the Ukraine war and start to address children's health in the United States by looking at things like... the food supply.

This is what Trump recently Tweeted about Kennedy:


Did RFK Jr. tell Vax-Daddy Trump he was 'OK with the Vaccine' or did Trump just make that up? Good question, right?

Is It Safe? Is... It... Safe?

by Scott Creighton

Is the encryption software you bought and use safe? Is it secure? In a word... no.

'The Clinton administration noted in a 1995 background congressional briefing that "Americans have no constitutional right to choose their own method of encryption" and pushed for legislation that would require companies to build in a mechanism for law enforcement agencies to break in.

"We're in favor of strong encryption, robust encryption," then FBI Director
Louis J. Freeh said at a May 11, 1995, Senate hearing. "We just want to make sure we have a trap door and a key under some judge's authority where we can get there if somebody is planning a crime." Reason Jim Epstein 2020

The U.S. government used encryption services to overthrow or monitor countries for decades. In some cases they set up whole companies with encryption services to peddle to nation states with built-in back-doors for them to be able to read state secrets of allies and foes alike. The 5 Eyes program at it's very best.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

scotty's sideshow Ep 6

 Sorry it took so long to upload. Been working on phone for last couple days. Enjoy.

Israeli forces dig deeper into Gaza as truce talks hit brick wall

from Daily Sabah

Israeli forces advanced further into the central and southern Gaza Strip as they continue their relentless pounding of Palestinians in the enclave.

Palestinian health officials reported Thursday that Israeli airstrikes had claimed the lives of at least 22 people across the region.

This latest escalation follows U.S. President Joe Biden’s urgent call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a swift resolution to secure a truce in Gaza and facilitate the release of hostages, according to the White House.

Despite months of intermittent negotiations on a ceasefire, both Israel and Hamas remain steadfast in their demands, leading to repeated deadlock.

In the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya, a strike on a house killed 11 people, while another strike killed six, including a local journalist, in a house in al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, medics said.

Five others were killed in separate strikes in the south...

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Iran's new president calls on Muslims to unite to counter Israel, West

from PressTV

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has condemned Israel’s months-long onslaught on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, stressing that the occupying regime and the United States would not dare perpetrate any crimes in the region if Muslims were united.

Pezeshkian made the remarks at a ceremony on Saturday to renew his cabinet’s allegiance to the ideals of Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, in his shrine in southern Tehran at the outset of the Administration Week.

Pointing to the crimes committed by the Israeli regime in Gaza, the Iranian chief executive said, “Would Israel have dared to do a damn thing in this region if Muslims had been united? Not only them, but the US, Europe and any other power, could they do any of these things?”...

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Friday, August 23, 2024

My Response to Meryl Nass Calling Me a Liar and an Agent


Unfortunately I have to address this article by Dr. Nass who decided to call me a liar and an agent because I dared to suggest she stop promoting people like Frank Gaffney (neocon member of PNAC) and his China bashing Sovereignty Coalition and RFK Jr. who ALSO blames China for Covid-19 while also supporting the genocide in Gaza. It's called constructive criticism Meryl. Grow a thicker hide.

Oh wait a minute. Now I get it.


Dr. Nass has been promoting Frank Gaffney's neocon bullshit for over a year now. I guess she thinks I'm a Marxist Stooge. lol

My Irredeemable Win at the Manhattan Chess Club in 1993

Sadly, this is a true story of which I am not altogether that ashamed of. Shit happens. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Please Do NOT Support AE49/11 Truth Anymore... They Simply Don't Deserve It (video)

You want to help a real Truth advocate? Help Richard Gage.

Richard Gage 

scotty's sideshow is Back This Afternoon at 5pm Eastern

 I look forward to chatting with you guys this afternoon. Lots to talk about. Please stop by my Twitter feed for the Twitter Spaces talk and join the conversation.


Please Do NOT Support AE49/11 Truth Anymore... They Simply Don't Deserve It

 by Scott Creighton

However, our detractors could be counted on to do their best to use a negative result against us for P.R. purposes. They would say that we have a non-scientific belief, since a negative outcome from an experiment fails to shake it.    Thus, the potential costs of doing what you’re proposing and coming up empty-handed, or worse, must be considered.”  Gregg Roberts of AE9/11 truth

AE49/11 Truth is hosting some kind of 9/11 anniversary thing with the likes of Jimmy Dore, Jill Stein, Whitney Webb, Meryl Nass and Alex Stein of all people.

They wont have Richard Gage as a presenter because in 2021 they kicked him out of the organization he founded in 2007 due to Covid-19-related statements he made during an interview with Spike Lee for an HBO documentary he was making at the time.

SLATE magazine did a hit piece on Lee for having the audacity to even include 9/11 Truth advocates in such a main stream production. According to the author of the hit-piece, such debates are not allowed on settled subjects like 9/11 and the glorious mRNA 'vaccines'

'presents about a dozen conspiracy theorists and members of Gage’s group, including Gage himself, in a back-and-forth with three credible scientists who investigated the 9/11 attacks in a teach the controversy–style format that presents the truth behind 9/11 as an open debate between two equally valid sides' Slate

Spike Lee, thinking of the millions and millions he will make in the future with HBO, cut the segment out which featured such offensive thought-crimes.

Spike Lee also still claims Tawana Brawley was telling the truth. Yes, Spike Lee is a coward, an idiot AND a race-baiting liar.

The SLATE piece attacked anyone and everyone who ever DARED raise questions about steel and concrete buildings collapsing at free-fall acceleration into their own footprints due to office fires for the FIRST and LAST time in recorded history. Of course the writer didn't offer any evidence to back up their claims other than to claim everything has been debunked so shut up and don't ask questions.

Used to be the 9/11 Truth movement didn't turn tail and run from such right-think propaganda efforts. We used to take the time to expose them, line for line, for what they were: NWO propaganda.

But no. Not the new incarnation of AE49/11 Truth. They fired Richard Gage and tried to make the Truth movement think he retired of his own accord. 

AE49/11 Truth... LIED.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Nord Stream II - New WSJ/CIA BS Aside... It Was Biden in the Baltic with Baltops 2022

Like a good game of Clue, we put together the puzzle pieces and expose Genocidal Joe's involvement in our demolition of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline. They are trying to clear up some potentially damaging history before Kamala's presidential run and this particular Wall Street Journal story is as blatant and idiotic as it gets.

research links for today's video

by Scott Creighton

the bullshit new story of the demolition of Nord Stream II as told by the CIA's Washington Post

then the truth 

Did Trump advise Netanyahu to reject ceasefire to block Harris win?

(Remember when Bush Sr. met with Iranians and got them to agree to not release the hostages so Jimmy Carter would lose the upcoming election?)

from al Mayadeen English

Although no longer in office, former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has been discussing "Israel’s"war on Gaza with key figures. However, he is not intending to end the war.

Instead, Trump is reportedly engaging with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prevent a ceasefire agreement, believing that such a deal could boost Vice President Kamala Harris' chances of winning the November election, The New Republic quoted the PBS reporting.

“The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign,” said PBS’ Judy Woodruff Monday night.

“So, I don’t know where—who knows whether that will come about or not, but I have to think that the Harris campaign would like for President Biden to do what presidents do, and that’s to work on that one,” Woodruff added.

Both Netanyahu's office and Trump denied the claims.

It wasn’t clear right away whether Woodruff was talking about a new report or referring to an Axios story from last week. That story mentioned two US sources who said that Trump and Netanyahu had discussed a ceasefire and Gaza captive negotiations over the phone...

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Netanyahu deliberately trying to sabotage captive deal, Lapid says

from al Mayadeen English

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid on Sunday went after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his performance regarding the Gaza ceasefire talks. 

A former prime minister himself, Lapid said a premier in pursuit of a ceasefire agreement and the return of captives "does not issue a statement to the media every three hours that makes it difficult for the negotiating  team."

"What Netanyahu has been doing this past day is a deliberate and dangerous act of sabotage of the possibility of reaching a hostage deal. He needs to stop with these unnecessary messages," Lapid added on social media platform X.

According to a statement made by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas Sunday evening, the movement has "acted with full responsibility" towards mediators in Qatar and Egypt and considered the proposals aimed at reaching an agreement to stop the aggression in Gaza and to conclude a captive agreement...

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Palestinians are being dehumanised to justify occupation and genocide

from al Jazeera

It has been more than a month since a former president of the United States, Donald Trump, used my identity as an insult in a televised debate. He called his opponent, current US President Joe Biden, a “very bad Palestinian” for his alleged failure to help Israel “finish the job” of killing everyone in Gaza and stealing the land. He received zero pushback. Biden, the person who is directly funding and supplying the weapons for the ongoing genocide of my people, clearly had no issue with our identity being turned into a slur.  But the nation’s liberal commentariat, always ready to call out Trump’s racism, did not really care either. There were a few articles on how Trump’s “racist insult” has upset human rights advocates, but in a matter of days if not hours, the incident was completely forgotten.

This came after months of Palestinians in Gaza being indiscriminately bombed, shot at, imprisoned and starved. After the complete decimation of the strip’s hospitals and universities. After the despicable murder of six-year-old Hind Rajab with 355 bullets shot directly at the car she was in...

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Türkiye sets stage for Mahmoud Abbas' call for unity

(So that explains why the cowards in the IDF killed a Fatah member in Lebanon. Because Abbas is calling for unification with Hamas and Muslims all around the world to stand up to Netanyahu's genocidal land-grab in Gaza. That makes sense. Murder is the only negotiation tactic Israel knows.)

from Daily Sabah

On Aug. 15, 2024, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a historic speech at the Turkish Parliament. Abbas accepted the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and delivered his speech with the full participation of lawmakers.

The session began with an introduction by Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş. In his opening remarks, Kurtulmuş highlighted the historical roots of Türkiye-Palestine relations and reiterated Türkiye’s long-standing view of Palestine as a brotherly nation. In particular, he expressed support for the definitive demarcation of the Palestinian national borders as determined in 1967 and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. He also gave the message that Türkiye’s role in the process should be seen as a leader since the beginning of the war and that it would assume all responsibilities with its pioneering role.

Following Kurtulmuş's address, Abbas began his speech, noting that he came from Jerusalem and represented all Palestinian people. After a moment of silence, he recited al-Fatihah, the first Surah of the Quran, dedicating his prayer to martyrs and marking the significance of the day. He indicated that Palestine and Gaza are an inseparable whole and emphasized the urgent need to stop the actions of the Netanyahu government and the Israeli aggressors. He proclaimed that Muslims should collectively put an end to this violence as commanded by God, with Türkiye’s leadership playing a pivotal role...

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Netanyahu tries to sabotage Gaza deal with Hamas: Israeli sources

from Daily Sabah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is accused of attempting to disrupt the ongoing Gaza cease-fire negotiations once again, the country's public broadcaster Kan cited sources from the negotiating team as saying on Tuesday.

This coincided with media leaks about a recent meeting Netanyahu had with representatives of the families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, during which he admitted that he was unsure about the possibility of reaching an agreement with the Palestinians.

"Netanyahu's statements aim to sabotage the negotiations,” the authority reported, citing sources in the Israeli negotiating team.

KAN added that "the prime minister is aware that we are in a critical period, as we are working on finding solutions for the Philadelphia Corridor and the Netzarim Passage and we will present this matter before the next meeting” with the mediators in Cairo, the date of which has not yet been set.

"Netanyahu is making statements that contradict what has been agreed upon with the mediators,” further said the broadcaster...

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UN satellite images reveal colossal damage to structures in Gaza amid Israeli genocide

from PressTV


The most recent images released by the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) show the damage to structures in the Gaza Strip has seen a sharp increase amid the genocidal war.

Among the most affected areas are northern Gaza and the city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

UNOSAT’s latest damage assessment, based on satellite imagery released in July and updated building footprints from May 2023 revealed that 156,409 structures have been affected in the Gaza Strip, where more than 40,000 people have been killed in the past 318 days.

The genocidal war was launched by the Zionist regime on the besieged territory following Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7 by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas...

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Israel assassinates Fatah official in airstrike in southern Lebanon

(But wait. I thought they said it was all about Hamas?!? )

from PressTV

An official with the Palestinian Fatah movement has been killed after the Israeli military carried out an airstrike in southern Lebanon, as tensions continue to escalate.

Fathi Abu al-Aradat, a senior member of the Palestinian movement, identified the victim as Khalil al-Maqdah, saying the Fatah official was killed after an Israeli strike hit his vehicle near the southern Lebanese city of Sidon.

The latest incident marks the first such attack on Palestinian movement Fatah in over 10 months of clashes between fighters of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah and the Israeli military...

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Blinken says 'Israel Accepts Deal' while Netanyahu tells Hostage Families 'There is NOT Going to be a Deal'

by Scott Creighton

Prepare yourself for a slew of MSM and fake alt media accounts of how Hamas is standing in the way of a deal in Gaza.

Sec. of State Blinken is telling the world that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has agreed to our 'bridge deal'

'Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted the latest U.S. proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday' Daily Sabah

While Bibi Netanyahu himself told the families of the hostages still being held in Gaza that there will never be a deal so they should just shut up and get over it I guess.

Why I Hate Organized Politics in America and Especially the Fake as Fuck Fascist Democrat Party

 by Scott Creighton

Ryan Grim (yeah yeah I know) has on his Drop Site website a video from the DNC Convention the other night when Sneaky Uncle SloJoe was speaking. There were a couple of anti-genocide radicals in the mix who were apparently also delegates from some state. 

They tried to hold up a banner with perhaps the least offensive short message I could have possibly come up with myself and were swarmed with non-violent, right-thinkers who did everything they could to hide the simple 'stop arming Israel' wrong-think.

Here are the thought-criminals doing their dirty deed trying to stop the killing of children with weapons paid for with their tax money. The horror:

Can you see the evil in their hopeful little eyes? How they are trying to use Kamala's glorious moment to bring attention to a genocide? The fiends. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

MPox Americana: The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Exposed

This is long one. Bear with me. Fruit of the poisonous tree falls in many forms, many flavors. We have acquiesced to the fascist slide started some 40 odd years ago and if we fail to take a stand against it in due time (and time is running out) our kids and theirs will be caught in a prison of our creation.

Just in Time for PHEIC Emergency, Suddenly MPox Found in Philippines

by Scott Creighton

(please see UPDATE at end of article)

Check this out.

'The Philippines has reported a new case of the mpox virus, the first in the country since December.'

'The latest case was detected by heightened government surveillance...' (they were LOOKING for it)

“The mpox virus is among us. This is a warning to everybody,” Health Secretary Teddy Herbosa...'

He did not travel [abroad]. That means the virus is already here in the Philippines,”  al Jazeera Aug 19 2024

This is only the second case outside of Africa, the first being an aid worker in Sweden I believe. Interestingly, the Philippines agreed to the Plandemic Treaty a year ago...

' On behalf of the Group for Equity, the Philippines called on all World Health Organization (WHO) member-states to demonstrate political will and commitment to achieve equity through the Pandemic Treaty at the resumed 5th Meeting and Drafting Group of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)...' PhilStar June 2023
The announcement of this sudden case of MKay virus was made by Health Secretary Teddy Herbosa who serves under one Bongbong Marcos... yeah, child of that other Marcos from the Philippines. 

Here is some background on Teddy:

EU warns humanitarian crisis deepening in Gaza, West Bank

from PressTV

The European Union has warned of deepening humanitarian crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, amid Israel’s ongoing genocide against Palestinians.

In a joint statement issued on the eve of World Humanitarian Day, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, referred to the Protect Aid Workers initiative the bloc established to help local aid workers who have fallen victim while carrying out their missions.

“The majority of the applications received through the platform are from the Occupied Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, where a humanitarian catastrophe has been unfolding before our eyes over the past 10 months.”

Sunday’s statement said, “2023 was the deadliest year on record for aid workers, and 2024 is likely to follow the same harrowing trend.”...

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Hamas, Islamic Jihad claim responsibility for Tel Aviv attack

from PressTV

The Gaza-based Palestinian resistance groups of Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a deadly bomb blast in Tel Aviv.

In a statement on Monday, the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing,  said that it had carried out the operation, in cooperation with the Saraya al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, on Sunday evening.

It also warned of "more retaliatory attacks" in the occupied territories, as long as Israel continues its policy of massacre, assassination and displacement of Palestinians.

Earlier, Israeli police said they were “99%” sure that the deadly bomb blast in Tel Aviv was an attempted attack.

Ayalon District Police Commander Haim Bublil made the claim on Monday regarding the explosion that killed a man, in his 50s, and moderately injured a passerby on an electric scooter...

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Last chance for peace Gaza truce talks reach 'decisive moment'

from Daily Sabah

Ongoing Gaza cease-fire negotiations, which "may be the last chance for peace," have reached a decisive point, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday.

Blinken called the latest diplomatic push by Washington probably the best opportunity and urged all parties to get the agreement over the finish line.

The marathon talks toward a cease-fire that has been going on for months are set to continue this week in Cairo, following a two-day meeting in Doha last week.

Blinken will intensify U.S. diplomatic pressure to ensure negotiators secure a breakthrough later this week after the U.S. put forward last week bridging proposals that the mediating countries believe would close gaps between the warring parties.

"This is a decisive moment, probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home, to get a cease-fire and to put everyone on a better path to enduring peace and security," Blinken told reporters, ahead of his meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog...

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Cease-fire talks with Israel stalled despite US optimism, Hamas tells Türkiye

from Daily Sabah

Israel remains insistent on conditions Hamas rejects and refuses to respond to mediators’ proposals in negotiations to end Israel’s deadly offensive in the Gaza Strip, Hamas tells Turkish officials

Negotiations with Israel for a cease-fire in Gaza and a hostage deal are stalled despite mediator United States “painting a rosy picture,” Palestinian resistance group Hamas told Türkiye on Sunday.

According to Turkish diplomatic sources, Hamas officials contacted Türkiye over the weekend and provided information about the negotiation process with Israel.

The officials pointed out that although the Americans portrayed the progress of the negotiations in an optimistic manner, this was not actually the case.

According to Hamas, the conditions put forward by Israel have even fallen short of the scenario supported by the U.N. Security Council on June 10 and the conditions approved by Hamas on July 2.

It stressed that Israel wants Hamas to accept Israel's presence in the Philadelphi Corridor, to control the checkpoints in the Netzarim Corridor and to monitor Gazans passing from south to north and to veto 100 names from a list of about 300 prisoners that Hamas wants to be released.

Another demand involves the number of Palestinians that Israel wants to be exiled from Gaza and Ramallah. In this context, Israel wants 200 people to leave Palestine.

The statement added that Israel did not even respond to the mediators' proposals in last week's talks.

According to Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ultimate goal is to buy time to continue military operations...

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Clarification from Dr. Meryl Nass on 'Novel' MPOX Vaccines

by Scott Creighton

This morning I wrote an article then made a brief video (3rd try) in which I mentioned Dr. Meryl Nass' use of the term 'novel' in an article she wrote the other day regarding the WHO MPOX vaccine roll-out  in Africa.

Nass clears up the issue by explaining that the WHO had not, as of the time of her writing the article, announced just which of the MPOX vaccines the WHO had approved for distribution. 

MPox Americana - mkay?

Some Bullshit about WHO Vaxxes in Africa

Some Bullshit about WHO Vaxxes in Africa

By Scott Creighton 

Dr. Meryl Nass is reporting the effort to get 'novel' vaccines into Africa has begun yet in her article she fails to specifically name the two vaccines approved by the WHO or how they would be qualified as 'novel' when BOTH have been around and approved for use for YEARS.

Friday, August 16, 2024

MPox Americana - WHO Declares Global Emergency Right Before Another Plandemic Treaty Meeting

by Scott Creighton

The latest public version (PDF) of the negotiating text was published on 22 April 2024.

The first thing they will tell you about the World Health Organizations' (WHO) Pandemic Treaty is that is is definitely NOT a power-grab by the WHO designed to dictate to the various nations of the world what they do to protect their own people.

But then again little quips like this are published... recently.

"With this agreement, we take steps to hold countries accountable and strengthen measures to stop outbreaks before they threaten Americans and our security,” said U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on Saturday.' Reuters June 2024
So it seems at least as recently as a couple months ago even our own public health authorities were tacitly admitting there is a PUNITIVE aspect to this agreement that will FORCE countries to do what they are told. That's what 'hold countries accountable' means.

But hold countries accountable for what?

"The historic decisions taken today demonstrate a common desire by member states to protect their own people, and the world's, from the shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement.' Reuters June 2024

Ah yes, of course, the old shared risk doctrine. You remember that, don't you? It went something like this:

  • if one person isn't vaccinated with the experimental mRNA jabs, then NO ONE is
  • it's SELFISH to do your own research and make up your mind

You remember those right? Turns out it was propaganda designed to shame individuals, shame and harass individuals into doing something that was clearly not in their best interest.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

No scotty's sideshow Spaces Chat Today

by Scott Creighton

Sorry folks. My bronchitis has come back again or I never really got rid of it. Rains every afternoon down here in Tampa this time of year. Makes it hard to keep clear. Going to take TheraFlu and antibiotic and get some rest.

Sorry again. See you next week.

Five prominent Israeli rabbis condemn provocative settler incursion into al-Aqsa Mosque

(The other day the Israeli representative to the UN resigned and gave a little going away speech in which he spewed abject hatred and claimed Israel to be not only the most moral nation in the world but also the model for the future of governance. Here we see rabbis pleading to the people of Israel to not let these extremists be seen as representing them.)

from PressTV

Five senior Israeli rabbis have deplored a recent settler incursion into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of al-Quds, highlighting a longstanding ban on Jewish prayers at the holy site.

In a joint video statement released on Wednesday, the rabbis based in al-Quds slammed “radical fringes,” a day after thousands of Israeli settlers, joined by far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, stormed the complex.

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef emphasized that extremist ministers like Ben-Gvir do not represent Israelis.

“I call on the nations of the world, do not see those ... ministers as representing the people of Israel,” he said.  “Please calm things down… We mustn’t let radical fringes lead us.”...

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Germany defends Israeli massacre at Gaza school

(Imagine that. The birthplace of the Nazis side with the genocidal Zionists in Israel. Go figure.)

from RT

The IDF airstrike on the Tabeen school in Gaza that reportedly killed 100 Palestinians was legitimate self-defense because Hamas uses civilians as human shields, the German government has said.

Saturday’s attack on the facility, which served as a shelter for displaced persons, has been described as the deadliest since the start of the current conflict.

“Israel has the right to defend itself. The reality is that Hamas uses schools, hospitals and kindergartens as command centers and that the people in the Gaza Strip are also abused against their will as protective shields,” Wolfgang Buechner, deputy spokesman for the German government, told reporters in Berlin on Monday.

Buechner also urged journalists to “be very careful about sitting on one-sided reports that are distributed by Hamas and believing everything that is spread by this side.”...

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

‘Less flexible?’ Just say it NYT, Israel is sabotaging a ceasefire deal

from al Jazeera

Once in a while, The New York Times has to tell inconvenient truths regarding Israel, the preferred partner in crime of the United States and the recipient of billions upon billions of dollars in American aid and weaponry.

However, just because the US newspaper of record has to tell the truth doesn’t mean it has to do so in a straightforward way.

There was that time in 2014, for example, that The Times reported on the Israeli missile strike that killed four young boys playing football on the beach in the Gaza Strip. While the text of the article did unflinchingly convey the fact that Israel had slaughtered four children, the headline was rendered preposterously vague: “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife”.

Now that the Gaza Strip has become not only the “centre of Mideast Strife” but the site of a straight-up genocide, The Times has once again found itself creatively diluting the news, as in Tuesday’s headline: “Israel Was Less Flexible in Recent Gaza Cease-Fire Talks, Documents Show”.

Translation: Israel is sabotaging ceasefire efforts in a war that way back in January had already killed one percent of the population of Gaza...

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Israel has killed 2,100 Gaza babies under 2 years of age: Euro-Med

from PressTV

The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says out of nearly 17,000 Palestinian children Israel has killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, virtually 2,100 were babies under the age of two.

“The number of Palestinian children – whether infants or children in general – killed by the Israeli army is horrifying, and the rate of their killing is unprecedented in the history of modern wars,” it said.

“It also represents a dangerous trend based on the dehumanization of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s military targets Palestinians and their children daily, methodically, and widely in the most heinous and brutal ways possible, and virtually without pause for 10 consecutive months.”...

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US, EU, UN condemn Israeli settlers', Ben-Gvir's provocation on Al-Aqsa

from Daily Sabah

The European Union, the U.S. and the U.N. condemned the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem by radical Israeli settlers and the far-right security minister under police protection.

"The EU strongly condemns the provocations by Israeli Min. Ben Gvir who, during his visit to the Holy Sites, advocated for the violation of the status quo," EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell wrote on X.

On Tuesday morning, Ben Gvir and some 2,250 other Israelis walked through the compound in groups, singing Jewish hymns, under the protection of Israeli police, an official from the Waqf, the Jordanian body that is the custodian of the site, told AFP.

Ben Gvir, who has often defied the Israeli government's longstanding ban on Jewish prayer at the mosque compound, vowed to "defeat Hamas" in Gaza in a video he filmed during his visit...

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UK lashes out at Israel in UN Security Council for attack on Gaza school


Trump's Neoliberal Pledge Interview with Elon Musk

Trump had a chat with Musk the other day. Folks focus on the wrong stuff. Donald promises to do to us what Milei is doing to Argentina, what Pinochet did to Chile and what drunkO Yeltsin did to Russia. It's not going to make things better. It never does. Just ask the Asian Tigers.

My evaluation of the TEXT of Trump's talk with Elon Musk

by Scott Creighton

My evaluation of the TEXT of Trump's talk with Elon Musk.

Team Jorge - Israeli Disinformation and Election Rigging Campaign


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunstein Agents STILL Walk Among Us


 Truth and Consequences: A Watershed Moment for Rebuilding a Movement

UK police commissioner wants to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts


UK police commissioner Creedy threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘England Prevails!’

UK police commissioner Creedy threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘England Prevails!’

by Scott Creighton

(And this whole thing started over a guy who 'has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and had reportedly been "unwilling to leave the house and communicate with family for a period of time" while 'Merseyside Police have not identified a motive' going into a small business for no reason and attacking a bunch of kids with a knife? Dude who didn't want to leave his house? yeah right) 

(I guess we now see what the whole CIAssange 'extradition' psyop was all about!)

In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

(Turning into V for Vendetta in the UK over this psyop. And you know damn well the US administrations (Biden, Harris OR Trump) will go along with it.)

Peter Creedy (2006) | Villains Wiki ... 

(Is that Mark Rowley or Peter Creedy? So hard to tell one from the other)

UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’ 

from the New York Post (H/T 'T')

London’s Metropolitan Police chief warned that officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in the UK, but on American citizens as well.

(The 5 Eyes of Fascism looking at YOU kid!)