Wednesday, August 7, 2024

scott's sideshow Returns Tomorrow at 5pm Eastern


 Yep. We're back tomorrow on Twitter Spaces talking about all these recent events. Tune in and have a listen or chat with us. Just go to the link below on Twitter and look for the notification. Hope to see you there.



  1. New terrah/sabotage/spy story running past week or so here, replacing it seems the worn out tripe running 2 YEARS here about "election foreign interference".
    Either way, Turdo is bragging we've just had the hugest pop. increase last year, 1.25MM with a pop now near 41MM, SINCE THE 1950'S!
    It'z like Back to the Future all over again!
    They were coming thru the immigration turnstiles so fast, the turnstiles were spinning supersonic, giving off sonic booms.
    Toronto terror plot: Feds respond to calls for probe into how alleged ISIS agents entered Canada
    Global News
    9K views 15 hours ago


  2. 14:31
    Now playing

    G7 Automakers Demand Collapse In China, Bank of Japan’s Big Flip, MidEast War Serious Risk
    Sean Foo
    41K views 5 hours ago

  3. WHY would they even consider hearing it?
    Becuz here in the land of LBT, that constitution foisted on the schlubs in 1982 by his namesake (NOT his old man) amazingly has THE TWO most important right completely MISSING---private property rights and freedom of speech!
    It might even be unique in that respect the world today, with about 190 countries.

    Supreme Court won't hear Jordan Peterson's social media training appeal
    CBC News
    4.2K views 2 hours ago
