Monday, August 5, 2024

Stopping lab-made pandemics. NYT had an Op-Ed on this subject on 7/23, with 3 curious omissions

from Meryl Nass

The federal government that has spent billions on GOF research in the US and overseas, and continues to do so, issued a new policy on stopping pandemics resulting from GOF research in June. It is discussed in a NY Times Op-Ed below.

Senator Rand Paul spent months drafting a bill that would create a new Board to review potentially dangerous GOF research proposals, and introduced it on July 10, 2024 in a hearing that investigated gain of function research related to COVID.

I was among the group of scientists and doctors he asked to comment on it.

The fact that his bill was not mentioned once by these July 23 Op-Ed authors is telling: they are cutting Rand Paul (and Congress) out of the discussion re getting on top of GOF (aka biological warfare) research. In fact, during a June 18, 2024 Senate hearing Senator Roger Marshall, MD and witnesses Stephen Quay and Richard Ebright made clear that a furin cleavage site, and multiple other features of the virus are clearly engineered — and the GOF research used to produce it can have no peaceful application, no chance of leading to a vaccine or drug. I note that Professor Ebright said that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic cost 20 million lives and $25 Trillion dollars. This hearing was not mentioned either. It is quite a hearing and I recommend paying close attention to it.

There is a third notable omission in the article, and that is mention of the Biological Weapons Convention...

read more here

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