Saturday, August 3, 2024

Thousands to rally in Istanbul heeding Haniyeh’s ‘last call’ for Gaza

from Daily Sabah

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestine protestors are preparing to rally in Istanbul on Aug. 3, the day the late Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for to be declared “International Gaza Day,” according to a report in the Turkish newspaper Sabah.

Three days before Israel assassinated him during a visit to the Iranian capital of Tehran, Haniyeh called on all Arab, Muslim and world nations to the streets in solidarity with the people of Gaza under Israeli bombardment and Palestinian captives in Israeli prisons.

Following Haniyeh’s shocking killing, pro-Palestinian activists are taking his call as his “final will” and organizing protests around the world, Sabah wrote.

The Türkiye Youth Foundation (TÜGVA) and National Willpower Platform have announced protests in front of the historic Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and in the capital, Ankara, against Israel...

read more here


  1. Again this meme, quite well along now for about 1 year, about Hungary sometime soon, very soon maybe this fall, announcing they're leaving the EUI (possibly along with FICO/Slovakia who note was in as PM for ONLY 1 YEAR B4 they tried offing him, so they really like him and his policies!).

    I've had since then a possible big out-of-left-field moment to come where after cleaning house and taking out the trash (strangely, something omnipotent dear leader hasn't done in russia in 20+ years), he announces likely on a weekend some arrest warrants for certain eu scum!

  2. moved up to here from posted earlier under a older topic few ever look down read older stuff.
    Best summary of one of the very key events past near-90 years there why things so off-the-rails.

    Once in a long while the motormouths do come up with a gem, almost buried true facts unknown to 99%+!:
    UNSCR 242
    How a missing ‘the’ enabled Israeli occupation
    The wording of UN Resolution 242 helped Israel justify its occupation of Palestinian land.
    When the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334 in December 2016, Israeli leaders seethed. Their fury was duly understood to stem from what they perceived as an unprecedented betrayal by the United States.

    But that was not it at all, since Resolution 2334 – which asserted that Israeli settlements have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of human rights – was partly predicated on, and clarified and added to, previous UNSC Resolution 242 of 1967.
    Instead, the Oslo Accords of 1993 and later agreements gave Israel the opportunity to use its leverage to bypass international law altogether: signing a peace agreement without ending its military occupation became the goal.

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