Thursday, August 8, 2024

UK Psyop Normalizing Open Borders, Extreme Censorship and Lockdowns

by Scott Creighton

People in the UK are being arrested for posts online determined to be 'hate speech'

They've brought back the Counter Disinformation Unit which had been used to silence the truth about Covid-19 and the vaccines and the mandates and now they turn it toward 'fascists' who don't support fascist open border policies.

They have people walking the streets in these extremely well planned and organized 'counter' protests carrying BLM signs for God's sake.

All because a couple groups of black-bloc assets ran around committing violent acts, making sure they were well covered by the news, in response supposedly to the killing of three kids in South Port.

Looks, sounds, smells and feels like a psyop to me and especially when you remember, come Sept. there is going to be some kind of movement on the WHO Plandemic Treaty deal. 

After the break there are several videos talking about just how fishy this whole thing looks.

Tonight, in less than an hour, scotty's sideshow is back and we will talk about these developments and more.



'Mask up!!' turned out be bullshit

It's not a 'hoax' its a psychological operation.

Islamaphobia and far-right ideology are certainly real and problematic. And sometimes when something like what happened in South Port takes place, you can get some outrage being vented.

However, I don't think that is what is taking place.

They mobilized tons of people, feel-gooders, who got out there providing all the proof the parliament needs that the folks in the UK are more than willing to accept unlimited open borders right up to the point where their standard of living and way of life are sacrificed as the billionaire owners of everything UK make out like bandits.

The general public also doesn't seem to have a problem with being arrested for having the wrong thoughts in their heads on on their social media accounts.

Any guesses as to how many posts are being deleted today?

Were it organic, the thugs who have been committing all the terror would have come out last night and confronted the do-gooders in the streets. They think they are their streets as well. Hell, that's the whole point of what they are doing anyway.


But they didn't.

The establishment got what they wanted. A mandate from the masses in full public view. Bring in the cheap labor til the working class bleeds out and don't worry, Big Brother is watching.

Fucking brilliant when you think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta pump up the volume and keep the wild-eyed hysteria level at Clockwork Orange for that big meeting september!.
    Be very very afeared.

    We'll know if this is true if in some rally in the next few months he sprinkles his speech liberally (!) with the movie lingo terms, like droogies, gavochniks, etc.

    Health Matters: Summer colds likely part of COVID-19 surge, doctors say
    Your summer cold could be Covid-19, as cases are surging right across the country. Doctors say the summer wave is also happening when individual immunity is likely lower, given many people are more than six months out from their last vaccination. Katherine Ward has this story and more in Health Matters for Aug 6, 2024.
