Thursday, August 1, 2024

So Much for Hope

by Scott Creighton

Surgery is off. Had been set for tomorrow morning 7:15am but I told them I was on antibiotics getting over tooth infection and they contacted doctor and he said nope. This is after two other MDs told me on Monday and Tuesday that it would be fine just keep taking the meds.

Don't know what this does to my medical coverage on this procedure. Will definitely screw it up.

Gonna find out tomorrow what we do from here.

Had everything set. Jumped through all the hoops. Made all the appointments. Got all the tests. Had bag packed. Even cycled off Warfarin and now I gotta cycle back?

That's the problem with hope. 

It's an illusion for folks like us. A sick joke. Something will always fuck it up.

I was actually looking at racquets an Amazon. What a fucking idiot I am.

1 comment:

  1. They are just being careful, you want them to be careful don't you?
