Thursday, August 1, 2024

Rape as Self Defense? Israeli Soldiers Accused of Gang Raping Palestinian Defended as ‘Heroes’

from Mint Press News

On Monday, thousands of Israelis stormed military facilities and government buildings to protest the detention of ten soldiers accused of gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner. Adding to the shock, Israeli media and Ministers in the Knesset defended the soldiers’ actions, while the lawyers for the accused rapists claimed “self-defense.”

The events of July 29 garnered significant attention on social media, finally highlighting an issue detailed in a recent United Nations report. The report described how Israel has “systematically targeted and subjected Palestinians to SGBV [Sexual and Gender-Based Violence] online and in person since October 7, including through forced public nudity, forced public stripping, sexualized torture and abuse, and sexual humiliation and harassment.” For Palestinians and those who have been following the issue, the real shock was not that Israeli soldiers were raping detainees—who are being held without charges—but the brazenness with which members of the Israeli political class and society publicly defended such actions.

Israel’s Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, called the accused gang rapists “heroes,” while other elected officials joined thousands of violent protesters outside a military court and the Sde Teiman detention center, known locally as a torture center, located inside a military base in the Naqab (Negev) area...

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