Sunday, April 7, 2024

Tens of thousands demand Netanyahu’s ‘immediate’ replacement

from RT

Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Tel Aviv to demand the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the return of hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza. 

Nearly six months to the day since Israel declared war on Hamas, around 100,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv’s Democracy Square on Saturday evening, protest organizers claimed. Carrying Israeli flags and chanting anti-government slogans, the demonstrators called for early elections and implored Netanyahu to strike a deal with the Palestinian militants to release more than 100 Israelis thought to remain in captivity.

Speaking at a pre-protest press conference, Einav Zangauker, whose son was taken to Gaza as a hostage, claimed that Netanyahu is deliberately avoiding a deal with Hamas in order to please his far-right coalition partners.

“Netanyahu is failing the deal on purpose and he is standing between us and our loved ones in Gaza,” Zangauker said, according to the Times of Israel. “The hostages don’t have time for elections and to wait, the obstacle to the deal must be removed now and Netanyahu replaced immediately.”

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Such a shame Nutty von Yahoo won't see his life ambition to be duly elected as the Polish Prince of Palestine.

    Who is Israel's new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?
    Dec 29, 2022 Netanyahu's mother, Tzila Segal, was an Israeli-born Jew and his father Benzion Netanyahu was a secular Jew from Poland. His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, changed his name
    to Benzion ...

    verrrry disturbing data here---bottom line is all that bumper crop of ED's 2020/2021 that occurred did NOT deplete the pool of future ED's and thus drop the ED's going forward---instead, the ED count still INCREASED since!

    BTW, since Dicky started the NCI in 1971 on his 'war on cancer', the overall cancer rate in usa, defined as [ratio of (anyone who got cancer of anything during their life)/population] has been going up and up since, never down.
    Lifetime cancer risk 1 in 2 for men; 1 in 3 women.
    “We should have seen negative excess deaths, but we didn’t. We saw add-ons and add-ons, and the absolute numbers are kind of stunning. For underlying cause, in 2022, the excess cancer deaths were about 18,000. For multiple-cause, excess cancer deaths with another contributing factor were 29,000. So about [47,000] excess underlying and multiple-cause [cancer] deaths in 2022. That’s a lot of people in this age group [75-84].”
