Monday, January 6, 2025

Just Plain Stupid: The Russia/Trump/Hookers/Golden Shower Blackmail Story (archive)

(archived from Jan 11 2017)

by Scott Creighton

And speaking of “fake news”… CNN has some breaking this morning.

Fake news outlet CNN is reporting on this story as if it is the gospel truth and they apparently refuse to link their readers/viewers to the actual 35-page document so folks can judge it for themselves. There’s good reason for that. It’s ridiculous. Here is a link to the entire 35-page “report” (PDF)

Here’s the story in a nutshell: an organization of Trump rivals in the primary contest last year hired some former British MI-6 liar to dig up some dirt on Donald Trump during the run-up to the election. The guy cobbled together some bullshit fabrications about Russia cultivating Trump for the past 5 years while simultaneously collecting sex videos of him and some hookers peeing on a bed the Obamas once slept in for blackmail purposes. The “report” was so stupid and devoid of actual facts, the group shelved the “report”. In their desperation toward the end, the Hillary team bought the rights to it, but again, because it was so stupid and sophomoric sounding, even they refused to use it.

CNN calls this “breaking news” but in fact, it came out on Oct. 31st, 2016 when David Corn of Mother Jones covered the stupid story in an attempt to help usher Killary into the White House. They also refused to publish the document because, as they said, it was “completely unsubstantiated” which translates to “if folks look at it they will immediately recognize it as either a hoax or the work of an out of work desperate man looking for a paycheck”


The report looks like it was written by someone in middle school in 1984. The formatting looks nothing like what intelligence agency professionals would produce in 2015 and 2016 which were the years the thing was dated.

Gateway Pundit made note of that when they called it a hoax way back when.

A 4chan member says he sent the thing to #NeverTrump butthole Rick Wilson as a joke, never expecting him to fall for it, but he did and so did CNN and Mother Jones in their desperation. Seems to me to be far too convoluted in terms of demonizing various other events (Ukraine, Syria, etc.) to have been simply a joke, but could be it started out that way with the Russian hookers story.

The last update of “intel” is dated mid-December so it seems someone was definitely adding to it all along.

The 4chan story does fit at least partially with the official version of events. The #NeverTrump group getting the report first.

We are being told that the top intel chiefs from the four major agencies (Brennan, Comey, Rodgers, Clapper) met with the leaders from both parties in the House and Senate as well as Trump and his people to discuss the specifics of this ridiculously stupid hoax document. If that is the case, our intel agencies are in even worse shape than I thought they were. If they were dumb enough to fall for this, it’s no wonder Trump puts the word ‘intelligence’ in quotation marks when he Tweets about them.

Golden showers with hookers in Russia in an Obama bed? Trump and Putin planned all the hacks to make Hillary “look bad”? Give me a fucking break.

Maybe they didn’t go with the story because they figured if they did come out with it, Trump’s supporters would develop even more respect for the man for getting a couple of Russian hookers to pee on a bed where Obama slept.

Hell, if I had known that back in October, I would have gone out and voted for the guy just on principle and originality. Russian hookers peeing on a bed? Shit, I would buy that video. Wait, I think I already have it…

For those of you who don’t know, the inside joke here is “golden shower” as it relates to Trump’s mythical “golden toilet seat”

Get it? ha? I guess CNN doesn’t. What do you expect from a company that still employs Don Lemon?

Hey CNN. I got a story about how North Korea is blackmailing The Donald over a video they got of him purchasing some extra-small rubbers when he was out with a geriatric crack-ho. Here’s some photographic evidence.

1 comment:

  1. Quite related, here this site whose founder passed away carries on with investigating the intrigue about St. Ronnie's inauguration, at exactly which date and time those us embassy hostages from teheran were released.
    Be far cheaper if u can just buy the Den of Spies book, becuz to get it frei u need to donate $150+.
    He had approached other news outlets to no avail, so he created Consortium News, 30 years ago this year. The first series of articles focused on whether the Reagan-Bush campaign had conspired with Iran to delay release of 52 Americans hostages to defeat incumbent President Jimmy Carter.
