Monday, May 20, 2024

Another Propaganda Campaign to Destabilize Iran: A New Dark Age is Upon Us (archive)

(archived from May 7, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

According to the “liberal” newspaper the Guardian, President Ahmadinejad is dabbling in black magic in an attempt to bring the anti-Christ to power.

God knows, I wish I was making this up.

A new propaganda campaign focused on regime change in Iran has been launched by the Guardian and al Jazeera. It looks as if the economic hit-men and the CIA’s destabilization teams are in the process of trying to create yet another narrative which could be used to explain another fake “popular uprising” like the one they staged a year ago or so ago after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the election.

Yet this story has a bit of an unmistakable “Glenn Beck like end-times scenario” aspect to it that is more than a little troubling. If the Dark Ages were about cultural, educational, and economic deterioration, this new campaign of propaganda may signify a dangerous turn in the evolution of our society.

According to the new propaganda, President Ahmadinejad is currently embroiled in a riff between himself and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. The reports suggest that the president is considering resigning his position after taking a week off from work, sulking in his home while various members of his staff are being arrested for “sorcery“.  This is being uncritically reported on Raw Story which means Raw Story is now OFF MY BLOG ROLL.

“This split between the men has now boiled over: as many as 25 people close to Ahmadinejad and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, have been arrested and accused of sorcery, according to The Guardian.” Raw Story


All of this stems from a real difference of opinion that did take place some time ago but it has been thoroughly worked out between the Iranian president and the supreme leader. All of the “news” agencies covering this story, including Raw story, fail to mention that fact.

This is rumor control central: here are the facts.

On or around April 17th of this year President Ahmadinejad accepted the resignation of the Intelligence Minister, Heydar Moslehi and then appointed him as one of his advisers but the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei refused to accept that resignation and overruled it, keeping Moslehi in place as Intelligence Minister.

“On April 17, Ahmadinejad accepted Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi’s resignation and appointed him as the presidential advisor for intelligence affairs.”  Tehran Times

President Ahmadinejad may or may not have felt slighted by this decision depending on which reports you believe. What is not in dispute is that Ahmadinejad missed the next two cabinet meetings and spent around 10 days at his home. Some say he was considering resigning, others say he was home sick.

What is not in dispute, but is often left out of the “news” reports from the likes of the Guardian and al Jazeera, is that Ahmadinejad returned to the cabinet sessions on Sunday and publicly reaffirmed his support for the rule of the Supreme Leader. Also absent from the previously mentioned “news” reports is the fact that Ahmadinejad made it very clear that certain factions are doing their best to create the impression of a crisis in the Iranian leadership when there was actually none.

“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the enemy’s divisive plots against Iran will not succeed.

He made the remarks during a cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Ahmadinejad also said that all Iranian citizens must adhere to the principle of velayat-e faqih (rule of the supreme jurisprudent).

According to MP Morteza Aqatehrani, who also attended the cabinet meeting, the president said, “All people should support and follow the velayat-e faqih forever.”

According to the Fars news agency, during the cabinet meeting, President Ahmadinejad thanked Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for his great support and said that he and the cabinet members have always adhered to the principle of velayat-e faqih.”  Tehran Times

If there had been a rift, it would seem that all is better now. But what is happening, this new wave of propaganda, follows along the globalist’s established pattern. It makes perfect sense that they would start hyping this rift now even after it is over because they’re afraid they let the “crisis” slip by without taking advantage of it.  So they hastily put together a story, get their “liberal” outlets like al Jazeera and the Guardian to run with it, and then prop-up their credibility factor by getting some of their mid-level dissident sites like Raw Story to repeat the same clap-trap without doing any critical investigation of their own.

The “why” they are doing this is perfectly clear: they need a narrative for their next destabilization campaign and the propagandists are already hard at work trying to manipulate this non-event into something that it is not.

“Khonsari said upheavals in some Middle Eastern countries could spread to Iran if the rift continued.

“You have to bear in mind that what we’re witnessing in the Middle East it all started with events in Iran some 20 months ago and Iran is not immune from the global cts from what we’re witnessing as a result of this Arab awakening,” he said.

“People in Iran are conscious there are grave economic issues; grave foreign policy issues confronting the Ahmadinejad government and the last thing he needs is to be in disarray with the supreme leader in a fight over a situation that’s totally impervious to the wishes and aspirations of the general majority.

There’s no question in the minds of Iranians that this is going to be a very hot summer coming up.”" al Jazeera

The recent spate of uprisings in the Middle East and Africa caught the globalists a little off guard. Notice that they claim in two sentences that the uprisings could spread to Iran and that the uprisings in the Middle East “started in Iran” some 20 months ago.

That’s just pure propaganda.

Everyone in the Middle East knows full well that the Iranian “Green Revolution” was a destabilization campaign, that it was staged and funded by globalist NGOs and CIA/Mossad backers; what happened in Tunisia and Egypt did NOT “start in Iran”.

What happened in Tunisia and Egypt was a legitimate organic uprising which caught the globalists off guard. They supported the dictator rulers until in the end, they couldn’t possibly justify it any longer, then they worked to try to influence the new leaders and even dictate who those new leaders were.

In Bahrain and Yemen they have taken a rather different approach by getting the media to practically ignore what is happening and quietly supporting the brutal dictators as they crush and kill the opposition far away from the international spotlight.

Syria and Libya are vastly different things. These are examples of typical destabilization campaigns; funded by free market “pro-democracy” NGOs and designed to finally remove regimes that have been unfriendly to Western business and financial interests over the past few decades.

After the initial surprise of Tunisia and Egypt, the globalists have gotten their feet back under them and devised a way to take advantage of the crisis as best they can. They cut their losses with those two countries figuring they could corrupt whomever rises to power especially once the rest of the region falls in line.  Iran of course is the big prize.

This particular destabilization campaign has taken a decidedly sinister turn though.

The Guardian is reporting, and I am sure it isn’t long till others follow suit, that the Iranian president has had 25 of his closest advisers arrested for “sorcery” which of course implies that President Ahmadinejad is also involved in it.

Why is that so sinister? Why doesn’t that just sound silly?

“But the feud has taken a metaphysical turn following the release of an Iranian documentary alleging the imminent return of the Hidden Imam Mahdi – the revered saviour of Shia Islam, whose reappearance is anticipated by believers in a manner comparable to that with which Christian fundamentalists anticipate the second coming of Jesus.

Conservative clerics, who say that the Mahdi’s return cannot be predicted, have accused a “deviant current” within the president’s inner circle, including Mashaei, of being responsible for the film.” The Guardian

What they’ve done is to create a link where there really is none to some documentary that supposedly predicts the return of the Hidden Imam.  This is relevant in that Glenn Beck’s new documentary specifically claims that the rise of the Hidden Imam is the exact same thing as the rise of the anti-Christ in end-times followers mythology.

The opening shot of Beck’s new end-times “documentary”, Rumors of War II, quotes Matthew:24 6-8

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.”  Rumors of War II

You see, according to Beck’s new project, war is the will of God, not the greedy globalists whom he works for so don’t be alarmed.

“There is a dramatic clash between Islamic end-times theology and biblical end-times theology. I think of it as a photographic negative”

According to the bible, the anti-Christ revives an empire, according to Islamic end-times view, the Mahdi (Hidden Imam) revives an Islamic empire.Rumors of War II

Hence, “according to the “liberal” newspaper the Guardian, President Ahmadinejad is dabbling in black magic in an attempt to bring the anti-Christ to power.”

This kind of purely unsupported half-witted “journalism” would never have been allowed to fly a decade ago. It’s ridiculous beyond comprehension and would have been laughed out of the editor’s office.

But, in the post 9/11 world we live in, in a world where any critical thought is immediately countered with slanderous name calling or a derogatory label being assigned to the blasphemer of the Holy Scripture of conventional wisdom, this kind of thing is not only predictable but it is necessary to keep logic and reason from hindering the grand scheme of globalization.

Truth, it is said, is always the first casualty of war. But in the Global War on Terror (Global Free Market Wars), it’s not Truth that is the first victim, it’s reason. For it is only from reason that truth can be known.

The Age of Reason is dying and a new Dark Age waits just around the corner. We are allowing a small group of powerful people to set back the hands of time to an age when knowledge was the sole propriety of the elites and mythology and terror were used as a weapon to keep the multitudes of peasants in line. Ironically it was the printing press, the cheap mass production of knowledge, that allowed the people to better themselves and rise up out of the Dark Ages and now, quite the opposite is taking place. Our media, our new version of the printing “press”, is so blatantly corrupted, they are helping to usher in these new dark times by spreading lies and fear to everyone.

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