Monday, May 20, 2024

Globalist Puppet Luis Moreno-Ocampo Issues ICC Arrest Warrant for Gadhafi based on “Activists Say” Evidence (archive)

(archived from June 27, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

In March of this year, a globalist puppet was tasked with finding some reason to force Moammar Gadhafi out of power in Libya so their pro-western, monarchist “rebels” could take power. Luis Moreno-Ocampo took his charge seriously and declare before any investigation that he was “100% certain” that he would find “crimes against humanity” charges for the Libyan leader. Ocampo found his “evidence” by listening to whatever so-called “activists” made up with no supporting physical evidence of any kind.

Today those charges were turned into official arrest warrants.

“The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi on charges of committing crimes against humanity.

… The warrants are a response to ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo’s call on the court to issue arrest warrants for the three influential Libyan figures.” Press TV

Remember, in May of 2002, in order to keep U.S. officials from being tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the I.C.C., the Bush administration officially withdrew America’s intent of ratification of the I.C.C. Treaty.


In that letter of withdrawal, Donald Rumsfeld, at the time the Secretary of Defense and quite possibly a potential target of criminal investigation, stated…

There is a lack of adequate checks and balances on the powers of ICC prosecutors and judges. The treaty dilutes the U.N. Security Council’s authority over international criminal prosecutionsArmed forces Press Service

The irony and the audacity of this latest maneuver by NATO supporting globalist politicians is breathtaking to say the least.

The Obama administration is said to have a “working relationship” with the I.C.C. but still has not ratified the treaty.

Effectively, the Obama administration is using a treaty we ourselves will not ratify, to force an illegal regime change on a nation, with no evidence mind you, because as Rumsfeld pointed out back in 2002, “There is a lack of adequate checks and balances on the powers of ICC prosecutors and judges”

Guess Rumsfeld had that one right. Talk about the “audacity of hype”.

There is NO evidence that Libya leader Moammar Gadhafi has harmed any civilians in his own country and evidence shows that more Libyans have been killed by NATO forces and the so-called “rebel fighters” than have been injured by pro-Gadhafi forces.

Remember the two fighter jet attacks on Libyan civilians way-back-when? Never happened. Gates and Mullen said it never happened and suddenly the Obama cheerleaders dropped that bullshit from their justification menu.

Q:  Do you see any evidence that he actually has fired on his own people from the air?  There were reports of it, but do you have independent confirmation?  If so, to what extent?

SEC. GATES:  We’ve seen the press reports, but we have no confirmation of that.

ADM. MULLEN:  That’s correct.  We’ve seen no confirmation whatsoever

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, a globalist servant to international finance, has ramrodded “activists say” evidence past the ICC and now they are issuing arrest warrants for Gadhafi.

“Back in March, Moreno Ocampo was charged with coming up with some war-crimes evidence to use against Moammar Gadhafi were the need to arise. Seems like after killing 3 of Gadhafi’s grand kids in an attempted illegal assassination bombing this past weekend, the Obama administration is calling their World Bank linked trump card into play.” Scott Creighton, May 5th 2011

Moreno-Ocampo was tasked with finding some reason to justify Hillary Clinton’s desired regime change in Libya. Now, true to his disreputable reputation, he had produced a litany of charges against Gadhafi based entirely on what “activists said”.

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