Monday, May 20, 2024

Pro-Democracy Protesters Still Hold Tahrir Square While the Globalists Try to Hold The World (archive)

(archived from February 5, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

Al Jazeera has live coverage….  (while Anderson Cooper hides in a hotel room)

The corrupt Egyptian government seems to be adopting a war of attrition approach to this latest crisis. After the international beating they took in the aftermath of the violence caused when Mubarak’s thugs attacked peaceful protesters and journalists alike, it now seems that the globalists like Hillary Clinton have advised a hands-off approach to winning this war.  There is no telling what is happening away from the spot-light of Tahrir Square, but they are certainly using a different tactic in the light of day.

With people like Vice President Omar Suleiman and Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy in power, you have to expect there is probably a lot going on behind the scenes, ie. disappearances, detentions, and possibly torture, if their histories are any indication.

“Every day we get weaker and Mubarak’s government grows stronger” protester

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is in Germany meeting with other globalist leaders and think-tank types, trying to put together a plan of action for the Middle East and the rest of the world. Much like the neoliberal globalists who rushed together as Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans to come up with new laws and money-making schemes to profit from that crisis, so too is Hillary’s little get together.


She says that the world is facing a “perfect storm” of unrest and potential revolution. She’s right but that’s a bit like an arsonist coming into your burning house telling you its on fire, then offering you a plan to get your kids and your valuables out.

Hillary and her sleazy husband helped set this storm in motion and for her to be the one in charge of fixing it would be funny if it weren’t so damn depressing. One day people will look back on us and wonder how the hell we were so easily duped. Either that or they will marvel at our cowardice.

Noam Chomsky makes a good point in an article today. He rightly points out that Hillary and the rest of the globalist elites aren’t worried about the “Islamofascist” Muslims taking over Egypt and other countries in the Middle East, they are worried about developing independence… they are worried about the spread of democracy.

We fought for decades to kill democracy in Latin and South/Central America. Couldn’t stand it when Chile elected someone we didn’t like. Or Honduras or Argentina or Venezuela. We didn’t like it when the wrong people were elected in Gaza or Lebanon or even South Carolina for that matter (see the story of Alvin Greene). The people that we didn’t like were typically socialist, popular leaders who put the interests of their people ahead of those of international businesses and banks. How could those leaders not see how profitable it is for corrupt leaders to “play ball”?  Mubarak is estimated to be worth $70 billion.  Suharto was one of the richest men on the planet.  Just look at the net worth of people like Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Cheney, Pelosi, John Kerry… have they profited from their work in the public sector?  Yet these “socialist” leaders reject that kind of self-enriching opportunism, they put their people first rather than stuffing their pockets… therefore they must be evil.

You tell me which ideology is extremist and which is not?

It’s democracy that the U.S. can’t stand because it threatens “stability“. The stability of their control, the stability of their profits, the stability of their global network of privately owned central banks working with select international corporations to pillage every nation, every person, and force their economic agenda (and control) on every square inch of this planet.

So while I salute the people of Egypt as the bravely hold on to their struggle, the globalist’s world turns round and round anyway, always looking to make something out of every crisis they come across, especially the ones they create themselves.

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