Sunday, September 29, 2024

Freedom Decree: The UN resolution and the movement to liberate Palestine

from Mondoweiss

On Wednesday September 18, a world that has stumbled to find its voice through eleven months of genocide in Palestine, finally spoke. 

The General Assembly of the United Nations, a body unconstrained by the U.S. veto, and in which all countries have a seat, overwhelmingly endorsed the findings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and declared that the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza is unlawful and must end entirely, that every soldier and settler must be removed, that the apartheid wall must be dismantled, relevant laws repealed, that Palestinians must be compensated and allowed to return home, and that Israeli-imposed racial segregation and apartheid in Palestine must cease. 

And it declared that Israel must immediately comply with the provisional measures of the ICJ issued by the court in the genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. So what, and BFD!
    See especially their conclusion it was "ILLEGAL BUT LEGITIMATE"!!
    They can justify anything in hindsight for their masters (which is absolutely NOT the UNGA), but also beforehand.

    Let's look at another past disgrace of scores this this bunch of Useless Nobodies vented off about:
    1999.285= NATO’s third invasion was of Kosovo, when “On 13 April 1999, NATO approved plans for Operation Allied Harbour, a 10,000-troop NATO deployment to support humanitarian relief efforts for refugees resulting from the Serb expulsion of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo.” This — NATO’s first ‘humanitarian’ invasion — also violated both the Atlantic Charter and the U.N. Charter, but, this time, the U.N. had not requested the action; and, so, that is why the U.N.’s 23 October 2000.812 “Kosovo Report” made explicit this U.N.’s absurdity and irrelevance by asserting “The Commission concludes that the NATO military intervention was illegal but legitimate.”

    UN resolution 1244, where kosovo Is Part of Serbia and should be Step by Step return under Belgrade administration, so basically double standard, no sanctions for those who Broke UN resolution, to recognize Kosovo.
