Saturday, September 28, 2024

Moody's cuts 'Israel's' rating, warns of drop to 'junk'

from al Mayadeen English

Moody's cut "Israel's" credit rating two notches to "Baa1" from "A2" on Friday and maintained a negative outlook as its aggression in Lebanon and Palestine continues. 

"The key driver for the downgrade is our view that geopolitical risk has intensified significantly further, to very high levels, with material negative consequences for Israel's creditworthiness in both the near and longer term," the rating agency stated.

The downgrade kept Israel's rating three notches into investment grade. However, Moody's noted concerns about "Israel's" security and long-term economic development prospects that they "are much higher than is typical at the Baa rating level."

A dip below that level would result in "Israel" losing its investment-grade classification...

read more here


  1. This one so sick it deserves a repeat here, moved up from last night.
    To note, this was spouted likely 12 hours or less from that latest huge airstrike, against the beirut high rises.

    SEP27 late

    Mohammed bin Salman reportedly told Antony Blinken that while he was not concerned about 'the Palestinian issue', the young Saudi population were

  2. Possible timing of events here also would explain WHY NOW.
    Distraction for a HUUUUGE crash planned?

    Remember that those in the know always know, they get the front-run info from the uber-rch scum---Buffett crowed just 2 weeks ago he sold $100B+ of stocks, went to 94% CASH, almost $300B.

    125-Year log chart DOW trendline never been violated, and DOW is now right up to bumping under that trendline!: Dow in 125 years does only 1 thing after that.
    Gareth Soloway
    OCT 24 history has produced TWO BLACK THURSDAY DOW CRASHES!
    1ST 1924.
    2nd 1929, which made everyone forget about 1924.
    OCT24 this year is the 3rd day of that BRICS Kazan Tatarstan meeting.

  3. UK Admits Out of Arms Since Last Year as West Attempts to Prolong Ukraine War
    The New Atlas
    26 minutes
    1.6K views 22 minutes ago

  4. Just another reason ol' blighty is swirling fast down the porcelain tidy bowl.
    EXACT parallel story going on, for same reason, as their touted HSR High speed rail project.
    Years behind, grossly overbudget to the point they've had to scale it back to ONE leg (designed: London- Manchester-liverpool IIRC), but it was supposed to be TWO legs, joining 3 cities including london.
    S'posed to be all running back pre-covid.

    Chinee said and planned for a cost to build of XX billion pounds at start, but Brits said NFW we trust u to build it, nashnul skoority don'tcha know!.
    I put that up about 1 year ago.
    Kicking China Out, Will the UK's £46 Billion Nuclear Power Plant Be Abandoned?!
    Hot Topics Time
    22K views 4 months ago
