Saturday, May 11, 2024

‘No one can deny Zionist power and grip on American political system’

from al Jazeera

After the UN General Assembly on Friday overwhelmingly backed the Palestinians’ drive for full membership, which is blocked by the United States, Robert Wood, Washington’s ambassador to the UN, said it remains his country’s view “that unilateral measures at the UN and on the ground will not advance this goal”.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Sami al-Arian, director of the Center for Islam and Global Affairs at Istanbul Zaim University, said frustration is growing within the UN body due to the US’s continuous use of its veto power in favour of Israel.

“We have two states in this system – the United States and Israel – on one hand, and virtually the world on the other,” he said.

“People are extremely frustrated because they can’t get this war to end, they can’t get any kind of resolution and now even the humanitarian aid, which the United States has been threatening Israel, is being cut off for the past four-five days – nothing has been done about it,” al-Arian added.

“With all this destruction and havoc taking place and yet the United States does not see that it can intervene and make a difference.”

Al-Arian said “no one can deny” the “Zionist power and grip on the American political system”, adding that the US has also been using Israel in order to maintain its interests “even though its interests now are being severely harmed”.

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