Sunday, June 23, 2024

Meryl Nass Promotes Disgusting Zionist RFK Jr. on Her Substack Page

by Scott Creighton

Well this is disgusting.

'Do you want to see Bobby Kennedy in the Presidential debates?'

Meryl Nass, someone who I suggested you guys follow, recently published a short article seemingly asking a rather innocuous question. Harmless even. Why not let him debate? More voices, right? Just like the slick video ad says. What harm can come of that?

Then she goes on to seemingly endorse the rabid, raving racist Zionist for president because, as she puts it, 'no one is perfect'

'Bobby Kennedy is another option. He is not perfect (who is?) but he is smart, and despite never holding office he knows the system and the swamp very well. He is the only candidate who can exit us from the era of pandemics and experimental shots that are almost certainly (?) planned.

He is the only candidate who cares about improving the quality of our food and water and saving us from the GMO--lab-grown meat—insect diet the elites are planning. Like these. Pick your future.' Meryl Nass

'Almost' certainly?

He's not perfect. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Hold your nose and vote.

Blah blah blah.

Let me put it this way:


  • I can TRY to look past his womanizing trying to stick younger and younger women to the point where he now runs around with his shirt off at the age of 70 around intern aged girls thanks to him taking shit tons of TRT and other shit (actually, no I can't)
  • I can SORT OF look past him saying the way to solve 'global warming' is to unleash the power of the free markets (look it up) which is of course what the WEF says to.
  • I can kinda look past him having his kids who run his campaign scrub CDN (CHD?) of all the troublesome info they published for years during the Covid-19 DEFINITELY PLANNED global terrorism attack.
  • I can kinda sorta look past his little red notebook that made his wife and mother of his kids demand a divorce then in the end 'kill herself' (actually no, that's bullshit to. I can't. Raised by a single mother. She taught me better than that)(How bout you Meryl?)
  • I can maybe look past him bragging about his son Connor going over to Ukraine for 2 months for some photo ops with Nazi soldiers to be used later when Connor runs for office (2028 mark my words)

But you know what I can't abide? What I can't look past? is RFK Jr. running around with Rabbi Schmuley saying sickening things about Palestinians and defending Glorious Israel's right to bomb children. To me that kind of makes his whole 'children's defense network' thing seem like a grift, an act, a ploy... 

... either that or he doesn't think Palestinian kids are... well... kids.

How bout you Meryl? Where you stand on that one? Hold your nose?

Would you like to know something else?

The American Values PAC that created the stupid video and petition Meryl Nass wants you to sign is mainly funded by a billionaire grandson of the Guilded Age Mellon fortune, Timothy Mellon, who dumped $25 million bucks into the RFK Jr. campaign as well as another $50 million dollars into Donald Trump's.

' Timothy Mellon, heir to the billionaire Mellon family banking fortune, has become one of the Republican Party’s biggest financial backers throughout former President Donald Trump’s rise in politics, donating at least $75 million to a pro-Trump group after previously supporting a southern border wall-building effort—and bankrolling Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy.' Forbes
So the biggest contributor to this operation to get RFK Jr. on the stage is a Trumpite who is clearly doing it to try to take votes from Biden.

Ok. So how about the second biggest contributor to this scam? That would be Gavin de Becker of the cleverly named Gavin de Becker Association. What have they done recently?

'In March 2019, de Becker, who has worked for Jeff Bezos, accused the Saudi Arabian government of hacking Bezos' phone after the National Enquirer published a story about Bezos's extramarital affair. According to the BBC, de Becker, as Bezos' top security staffer, "linked the hack to The Washington Post's coverage of the murder of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul."[22] The Daily Beast ran an op-ed, in which de Becker explained the matter of the Saudi hack in detail.[23] Journalist Brad Stone explored whether the Saudi hack was linked in any way to a National Enquirer article about Bezos having an affair.[24] United Nations Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard conducted an investigation of the Saudi hack. In a public statement, she referred to information that suggested a WhatsApp account belonging to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was used to deploy digital spyware on Bezos' phone "in an effort to influence, if not silence" The Washington Post's reporting on the kingdom. A United Nations report noted that "the iPhone infiltration occurred from May to June in 2018, when the phones of Jamal Khashoggi's associates, Yahya Assiri and Omar Abdulaziz, were also hacked, allegedly using malware called Pegasus." The UN experts stated: "During the same period, Mr. Bezos was widely targeted in Saudi social media as an alleged adversary of the Kingdom. This was part of a massive, clandestine online campaign against Mr. Bezos and Amazon, apparently targeting him principally as the owner of The Washington Post.' Wiki
Yeah so this guy serves the national interests so much so that back in the day when they ran the Who Killed Khashoggi psyop (that was him filmed walking out the back door of the embassy) he helped pile on demonizing MbS because he had changed his mind about privatizing the whole of Aramco.

These are great people RFK Jr. has on his side. Schmuley, Mellon and de Becker. Who could ask for a better democracy than the one they have planned for you.

Me? I got no problem letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Especially when 'the good'... isn't.

Stick to science Meryl. It's what you're good at. Real good. :(

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