Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wikileaks Honeypot Continues to Shut Down Whistleblowers With Stella's Cryptic Warning

by Scott Creighton

'Stella Assange: "I hope journalists and editors and publishers everywhere realise the danger of the US case against Julian that criminalises, that has secured a conviction for, newsgathering and publishing information that was true...

That precedent now can and will be used in the future against the rest of the press.' Wikileaks

Uh, that's not really how it works. Just because #FatAssange copped a plea deal, the legal precedent isn't officially set in stone Stella. 

But so obvious of you and yours to say so since your husband's purpose since the very beginning of Why-KEY-Leaks has been to shut down whistleblowers like the ones who shared the Abu Ghraib images all those years ago.

Gee I wonder why no one from the Guardian, New York Times and Der Spiegel never had any issues after they ACTUALLY PUBLISHED all those Why-KEY-Leaks St. Julian just copped a plea to?

This does not set a precedent. Stella the bad actress doesn't know what she is talking about. If you have something that needs to be seen, get it to a REAL leak publishing website. Stella is just trying her best to appease the same masters her hubby worked for.

(Google has now changed their format FORCING me to upload my own images to their fucking cloud before putting them in my articles. I will NOT continue giving Google ownership of MY work, so if this doesn't change I will erase this website... soon. Fuck Google greedy pieces of shit)

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