Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pro-Israel lobbies unseat Democratic lawmaker over criticism of Israel

from PressTV

Pro-Israel lobbies have ousted an outspoken critic of the occupying Israeli regime in US Democratic primary in suburban New York in yet another indication of support for the illegal entity in its months-long devastating war on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

American media reports said on Tuesday that congressman Jamaal Bowman lost a primary challenge to his Democratic rival, George Latimer, who had entered the race at the urging of local Jewish leaders over Bowman’s vocal criticism of Israel and its genocidal war in Gaza.

With more than 70% of votes counted on Tuesday evening, Latimer had won nearly 56% of the vote, compared with 44% for Bowman.

“This movement has always been about justice. It has always been about humanity. It has always been about equality,” Bowman, who had been seeking a third term, said at his election party in Yonkers, conceding that he lost the race but remaining unapologetic about his opposition to the war in Gaza.

Various groups spent $24.8 million in the race, making it the most expensive House of Representatives primary in history...

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