Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gaza ceasefire plan in balance as US says Hamas proposed 'changes'

(Israel will not accept the deal under any circumstances nor will they offer revisions as what they want is a war crime. They want to steal much of Gaza, return settlements to the strip and turn it into another West Bank. This is the only solution for the rabid Zionists and it is by definition a war crime)

from the BBC

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told Hamas that it is "time for the haggling to stop", after its leaders proposed "numerous changes" to a plan for a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal.

He told reporters in Doha that some of the changes were "workable" and others were not, but that the US and mediators Qatar and Egypt would "try to close this deal".

Hamas said on Tuesday that it was ready to "deal positively" with the process but stressed the need for Israel to agree to a permanent ceasefire and full withdrawal from Gaza.

The Israeli government did not comment, but an anonymous official said the Palestinian armed group’s response amounted to a rejection.

Israel’s prime minister has not yet publicly endorsed the proposal, which US President Joe Biden said had been offered by the country when he outlined it 12 days ago...

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