Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hamas responds to Gaza cease-fire plan seeking some changes. US says it’s ‘evaluating’ the reply

(We are just lying about Israel accepting the deal. Israel made it clear they will not accept any deal which forces them out of Gaza. They want to steal the land so its the job of the Biden administration to make it look like it's Palestine that is an obstacle to peace. )

from the AP

Hamas said Tuesday that it gave mediators its reply to the U.S.-backed proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, seeking some “amendments” on the deal. It appeared the reply was short of an outright acceptance that the United States has been pushing for but kept negotiations alive over an elusive halt to the eight-month war.

The foreign ministries of Qatar and Egypt — who have been key mediators alongside the United States — confirmed that they had received Hamas’ response and said mediators were studying it.

“We’re in receipt of this reply that Hamas delivered to Qatar and to Egypt, and we are evaluating it right now,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters in Washington...

Even as the U.S. has said Israel accepted the proposal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given conflicting signals, saying Israel will not stop until its its goal of destroying Hamas is achieved...

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