Sunday, May 19, 2024

Civil War In Israel? 'Netanyahu Go Back' In Israeli Cities; Police Clash With Anti-Govt Protesters

 from Times of India

Overnight protests against the Israeli government, led by PM Benjamin Netanyahu, erupt across Israel. Thousands flood the streets, including Tel Aviv, demanding Netanyahu's resignation amidst deepening frustration over the hostage crisis. Protesters call for early elections and a hostage deal, leading to clashes with police in Tel Aviv. Israeli cops struggle to contain the angry crowds, resorting to force, including water cannons, resulting in injuries to many, including family members of hostages. Staunch anti-Netanyahu voices, including opposition leader Yair Lapid, address the demonstrators.


1 comment:

  1. The snivel unrest & pro-pali demos, maybe even riots there in Odds on dead heat tie now with jordan, i'd say.

    jordan so well blacklisted from the news but ucan find some reports of these, leaders on the ver4ge of running skeered must be getting so bad now so widespread (both the protests and the suppression) that after 7.5 months we finally get this mealy mouth righteous issuance ('spewage of sewage', or maybe 'effluent from the affluent' u could say) today from there:

    Note we've also seen a faraway place unknown to 99% on any map, French Caledonia, about 500 NM due east off the east coast of oz,
    Hmmm...maybe Macaroni will rename it to 'Compton'?
