Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Truth Behind Our Cowardly Massacre at Nuseirat Refugee Camp

We did this. We did it in order to give the Zionists in Israel a victory they could use to remain in power and keep the genocide going. It is despicable. Craven. Cowardly. Contemptuous. And it is and will always be a stain on both the US military as well as our nation as a whole.

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1 comment:

  1. Won't be long now till this 90 years on simmer festering wound breaks out into a fierce boil!
    1756.37 MAY 15: Start Seven Years War aka French-Indian War.
    1846.365 MAY 13: Start Mex-Amer War;
    1936.375 MAY16: ARAB REVOLT STARTS PALESTINE with general strike called!
    +90-YEARS= 2026.37 mid-May;

    Mid-May 2026 is it. Making this 90-year a fundamental literally CYCLE of the wave (which is a composite of many cycles, of different powers (amplitude), some phase-shifted, etc.)
    I haven't found even one other this precise anywhere any timespan of history.

    And whatever GIGANTIC war/crisis erupts there may or may not have directly to do with some retribution for all the great powers machinations in making the map of the world to their liking all these centuries/millennia, or it may be gangland style between one of those current members against at least one on the opposite side.

    Also to note no END date/time known of whatever this is.
    BUT to note this powerful AND accurate implies the scale/scope and impact being huge also, so just hope if war it's some limited theater crescendo finale, not a long destructive one stretching perhaps into the 2041 time area where there's a super-gigantic low (multi-millennial?), shown on Benner-Fibonacci charts since forever.

    Scroll down partway for Strauss & Howe Timechart of Fourth Turning events in time order. At bottom under #4 Crisis see across to WW III(?) 2008-2026 wide time window they gave---it's going to be right there at the end of this window, in 2026.37 (mid-May), +- 2 days! YES, THAT ACCURATE.:

    BTW, recent vids interviews up utube neil howe the surviving member of the duo has now hedged and, obviously not seeing this 90-year cycle, has extended this time window for Crisis into "early 2030's! Well, what he now may be seeing is the END of the crisis there (war, or world financial system).
